Second Officer
Flight distance : 8043855 ft
United States
DJI Gamora Posted at 4-28 18:54
Hi, Rich. Thank you for reaching out. D-Log M allows the camera sensor to record enough dynamic range. As the photo has been processed, it leaves less room for grading in post-production compared with D-Log, but you can more easily color grade during post-processing.
While D-Log allows the camera sensor to pull as much dynamic information from the scene, get the maximum dynamic range compared with other color modes, and give you more flexibility in your post-production as the photo is not processed. But it will devote more time to post-processing as LUTs should be used to color grade D-Log footage before post-processing. For more details, refer to D-Log D-Gamut Whitepaper. (https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/zenmuse+x7/20171010/D-Log_D-Gamut_Whitepaper.pdf). Hope this helps.
What he said |