Looking for creative solutions--drone stuck on bridge
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3682 65 2023-5-10
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Ok you're going to love this one, I know I do!

So my drone crashed onto an old abandoned bridge.  I don't even know how it crashed, I was moving slow when it contacted a beam and it had prop guards on it that clearly did not work.  In any case, it crashed and wedged itself onto one of the iron supports (see pic) which is approximately 40 to 50 feet above ground (note that my 30 foot pole could not reach it).  I am trying real hard to come up with a solution here but I don't have one.  I can't climb up from where the pic is taken, and crawling the length of the bridge to get to that point would be very dangerous.  The angle you see in the pics is about the only angle I can see the drone from.  I was hoping the wind would blow it out but I don't think that's going to happen.  I was thinking about throwing rocks but the odds of me making that shot are pretty slim I think.  If I had a 20 foot ladder that would help, but getting it to that spot would be damn hard.  This is actually a small island in the river, to get to it I take my kayak, which would not support a 20 foot ladder (which I don't own anyway).  Even if I could get an 8' ladder out there it wouldn't be tall enough I don't think (I could be wrong).  I don't have access to a motorboat.  Any other creative ideas?  Thanks!
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Maybe another drone with some kind of a hook tied to it, lower it hook up the propeller guards & bring it down.

Better than guards is to fly in bypass mode which does great job in avoiding obstacles at least in 3 sides.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Cut one of the trees that we see behind, choose a trunk that is not too wide to limit the weight, and above all of the right length to reach the drone.
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Flight distance : 1021358 ft
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I'd like to help in person as I do rope climbing, but I am too far away. Try to reach out to the local geocaching community via geocaching.com and ask if there is someone who would accept that challenge.
I did a lot of similar locations for finding geocaches on lost places.
On geocaching.com, sign up for a free account. Open the map and look up geocaches that are next to you, especially those with high terrain rating (at least 4.5 or even the ones that require climbing). See who logged one of those and contact the one via the messaging function. Or just contact any finder in your area and ask for finding someone who would like to assist.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Be wary of attempting to use another drone, if you do I would suggest that you use a bigger Mavic ( check they can lift the weight of your drone) or a Phantom and a tether that the rescue drone can snap just in case the tether or the hooked drone gets stuck. It's a tricky thing to do, are you a skilled enough pilot to do it?
I would also suggest the tether be quite long, that's a lost of steel to be flying a rescue drone near.
Rather than felling a tree on someone else's' land I would tape two poles together.
Borrow ladders, tie appropriate buoyancy to them and tow them to wherever?

I would suggest that trying to poke it out is, if successful, going to result in a fall and damage.  If trying the pole method could you effectively turn it into a VERY long fishing rod, hook the drone with a hook that is close to the end of the rod and lower the drone to the ground?
Could you not tow a strong plank to the site, one that was long enough to bridge any gaps in the bridge then shimmy up the arch retrieve the drone and shimmy back down?
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

Not sure of why it would be "very dangerous" to step on the bridge and use your pole from there... Make sure you walk above the beam and not in the middle of the timber and you will be fine...
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Burt37 Posted at 5-10 23:47
Not sure of why it would be "very dangerous" to step on the bridge and use your pole from there... Make sure you walk above the beam and not in the middle of the timber and you will be fine...

Trust me it's very dangerous, also illegal.  The beams aren't the problem, the problem is the railroad ties that are so incredibly old and rotted you can't risk walking on them there's a good chance I'd trip and fall.  The only way to do it kind of safely is to crawl across them which is by itself quite difficult and uncomfortable.  Plus I'd have to bring the pole with me which adds another layer of difficulty.  
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

_SoP_ Posted at 5-10 21:42
I'd like to help in person as I do rope climbing, but I am too far away. Try to reach out to the local geocaching community via geocaching.com and ask if there is someone who would accept that challenge.
I did a lot of similar locations for finding geocaches on lost places.
On geocaching.com, sign up for a free account. Open the map and look up geocaches that are next to you, especially those with high terrain rating (at least 4.5 or even the ones that require climbing). See who logged one of those and contact the one via the messaging function. Or just contact any finder in your area and ask for finding someone who would like to assist.

Interesting idea! I'm reluctant to rope anyone else into this because it's illegal to climb on the bridge, I don't want to get anyone else in trouble and if they get hurt that's on me too.  
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 5-10 23:12
Be wary of attempting to use another drone, if you do I would suggest that you use a bigger Mavic ( check they can lift the weight of your drone) or a Phantom and a tether that the rescue drone can snap just in case the tether or the hooked drone gets stuck. It's a tricky thing to do, are you a skilled enough pilot to do it?
I would also suggest the tether be quite long, that's a lost of steel to be flying a rescue drone near.
Rather than felling a tree on someone else's' land I would tape two poles together.

Well I do have a hook on the end of my pole, but again I'm guessing I'm still about 10 feet or so under the drone so I can't reach it without a tall ladder which again I'm struggling to figure out how I would get across the fast current of the river to the island.  I don't have another drone and I agree that would still be quite tricky given the wedged in location of the drone, not a lot of room to maneuver.  
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Maybe a slightly heavy object (but not too heavy, so as not to damage your drone) attached to a cord that you throw to try to dislodge it and you catch it underneath when it falls.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

PsyDious Posted at 5-11 05:00
Well I do have a hook on the end of my pole, but again I'm guessing I'm still about 10 feet or so under the drone so I can't reach it without a tall ladder which again I'm struggling to figure out how I would get across the fast current of the river to the island.  I don't have another drone and I agree that would still be quite tricky given the wedged in location of the drone, not a lot of room to maneuver.

ahh I didn't think about the current when mentioning towing a ladder.
Two bamboo taped to the end of the existing pole with the hook at their far end?
From where did you take off ? I.e. was it where you were stood to take the photos? Is so what was the height of the drone when it got stuck? Look in the log replay in the app.

At a guess you are currently thinking of hooking the drone and then, with the drone near the end of the pole, lowering the end of the pole.
If correct I think that is somewhat risky, especially in confined spaces, and with the jerky movements that will result from manoeuvring the pole in those confined spaces.

I was thinking more along the line of, once you have hooked the drone and got it free of the steel work, 'paying out the fishing  line' and lowering the drone whilst the pole's end was till 'way up there' and 'stationary.' I think that would offer far greater control than lowering the end of the pole. The problem might be getting frictionless enough means of attaching the 'fishing line ' to the pole such that a 250g load will cause the 'fishing line' to pay out.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Just cut small trees and assembled them to make a pole as described by someone above.  
I don't know what the law is on the felling of trees in your country, but here the trunks less than 6cm will not be missed by anyone.  Of course, do not cut conifers or birtch.  But dirt like aspen grows everywhere.  An axe, rope and it's all good.
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 5-11 05:50
ahh I didn't think about the current when mentioning towing a ladder.
Two bamboo taped to the end of the existing pole with the hook at their far end?
From where did you take off ? I.e. was it where you were stood to take the photos? Is so what was the height of the drone when it got stuck? Look in the log replay in the app.

actually I like the bamboo poles taped together to extend the length idea--bamboo is light and strong enough and I can assemble all that on the island once I get there.  I was trying to think of something to extend the length further but I forgot about bamboo.  I might even be able to tape a hook to the end of the bamboo to try and catch on the prop guard.  My main fear is that as I get it off it falls not onto the ground but onto the rail ties, which would almost certainly require me to traverse the bridge to get it, but at least I wouldn't have to bring a pole with me LOL.  I'll let you know how it goes!
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

PsyDious Posted at 5-11 06:47
actually I like the bamboo poles taped together to extend the length idea--bamboo is light and strong enough and I can assemble all that on the island once I get there.  I was trying to think of something to extend the length further but I forgot about bamboo.  I might even be able to tape a hook to the end of the bamboo to try and catch on the prop guard.  My main fear is that as I get it off it falls not onto the ground but onto the rail ties, which would almost certainly require me to traverse the bridge to get it, but at least I wouldn't have to bring a pole with me LOL.  I'll let you know how it goes!

" I might even be able to tape a hook to the end of the bamboo to try and catch on the prop guard. "
IMO that is a BAD IDEA, I fear the jerkiness of the motion of the bamboo's may throw the drone off the hook.
That is why I suggest the hook being on the end of a 'fishing line' and, once you have hooked the drone and got it clear of the steel work, paying out your 'fishing line' to lower the drone.
Once the drone is on the ground bring the pole down.

Unless the pole telescopes I strongly suspect you would have great difficulty in smoothly moving the end of a 50ft pole whilst trying to keep the low end from catching on something and simultaneously keeping the high end form hitting the bridge structure.
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Flight distance : ****
United States

As a backup plan to the pole extension, I would bring a roll of poly twine and a tennis ball. You could punch the twine through the ball and tie it then throw it up there until you get it through the hole. Should be able to drag the ball through and knock the drone loose. Good luck!

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Flight distance : ****
United States

Just had another thought. I have done concrete work in the past and most concrete guys have very light 10 foot aluminum poles that snap together for finishing large slabs. It would be very east to get four of these lengths on a kayak and take them to the island. They are a bit expensive so you would want to borrow them from someone who has them.
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 5-11 07:00
" I might even be able to tape a hook to the end of the bamboo to try and catch on the prop guard. "
IMO that is a BAD IDEA, I fear the jerkiness of the motion of the bamboo's may throw the drone off the hook.
That is why I suggest the hook being on the end of a 'fishing line' and, once you have hooked the drone and got it clear of the steel work, paying out your 'fishing line' to lower the drone.

Yeah I hear you.  There's not really a good option here.  You can see from the pics that I have to needle the pole through a small opening which poses challenges in retrieval, trying to create a fishing pole sounds pretty tricky to me but I see what you're getting at and I might try that.  My pole IS telescoping, but I think that if I can just get on the pole in any way I will be able to retrieve it even if it just slides down the pole, I think that would be a controlled-enough fall it would work, it might catch on the pole latches as it slides down.  You're right, the weight of the drone on the long bamboo extension might bend it down enough that it falls off the tip, but the mini is pretty darn light...  My plan might be to slide the bamboo tip through the prop guard and then press the tip firmly against the iron beam, thus preventing it from bending or bouncing, then jiggling the pole to try and get it to come off and slide down.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

PsyDious Posted at 5-11 03:57
Trust me it's very dangerous, also illegal.  The beams aren't the problem, the problem is the railroad ties that are so incredibly old and rotted you can't risk walking on them there's a good chance I'd trip and fall.  The only way to do it kind of safely is to crawl across them which is by itself quite difficult and uncomfortable.  Plus I'd have to bring the pole with me which adds another layer of difficulty.

Perhaps you are bored, and this is your way of making little things a bit more interesting...

But you are right. The beams aren't the problem here.. Sissi....
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Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

If it was me, at 69 years old, I'd climb up there and get it. The steel is good, just stay on it. You can probably reach it with your pole from the track.
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 5-11 12:17
If it was me, at 69 years old, I'd climb up there and get it. The steel is good, just stay on it. You can probably reach it with your pole from the track.

Again, the steel isn't the problem, it's the extremely deteriorated rail ties.  Imagine most of them as all rotted out in the middle leaving a crumbly U-shape that's very tough to walk on and can easily break apart in unpredictable ways.  Very uneven and unreliable surface to walk on.  I might risk it if I wasn't 30 feet up and with no way to break my fall.  I already tried it and did get quite far but it was terrifying and I could only do it by crawling across them which sucked.  Not willing to risk killing myself for a drone even though technically it's the most direct solution.  That's just me.
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

Mobilehomer Posted at 5-11 12:17
If it was me, at 69 years old, I'd climb up there and get it. The steel is good, just stay on it. You can probably reach it with your pole from the track.

My exact point... He keeps concentrating on the sleeper, while the beam is perfectly fine...
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

PsyDious Posted at 5-11 13:13
Again, the steel isn't the problem, it's the extremely deteriorated rail ties.  Imagine most of them as all rotted out in the middle leaving a crumbly U-shape that's very tough to walk on and can easily break apart in unpredictable ways.  Very uneven and unreliable surface to walk on.  I might risk it if I wasn't 30 feet up and with no way to break my fall.  I already tried it and did get quite far but it was terrifying and I could only do it by crawling across them which sucked.  Not willing to risk killing myself for a drone even though technically it's the most direct solution.  That's just me.

Nobody cares about the sleepers. You are supposed to walk just above the beam, that IT IS THE STRONGEST POINT... But if you are so afraid, of being 3 metres high, then carry on as usual...

Perhaps you should give a call to your parents...
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Flight distance : 616030 ft
United States

Lost a phantom 2 in a 60 ft tall ash tree, was able to recover https://youtu.be/YvL0IR5T1D8 however it was my property....suggest try telescoping pvc pipe with a hook taped at the end.  Good luck!

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Flight distance : 616030 ft
United States

To add to the pvc idea, they come in 20 ft lengths, could use coupler and connect as many lengths as needed with pvc cement. Lightweight and cheap. Try 2 Inch id
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Burt37 Posted at 5-11 15:41
Nobody cares about the sleepers. You are supposed to walk just above the beam, that IT IS THE STRONGEST POINT... But if you are so afraid, of being 3 metres high, then carry on as usual...

Perhaps you should give a call to your parents...

Yes, I am aware of the idea of walking on the strongest point.  Why don't you come up here and show me how incredibly easy it is for YOU to walk it?  I'm sure I would be very impressed.  

I said it's 30 FEET, not 3 meters which would be about 9 feet.  Maybe you should call your math teacher.  
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Someone with an Air 2s at the minimum should be able to help you, give a shout-out on the local FB drone groups, don't give the location though, do it in a PM if someone comes forth.

Had it been me in your shoes, i would have gotten up higher despite the illegalities of it or even gone up the steel (or iron) itself as i used to rock climb.

Or bought a cheap aluminium extending clothes prop and attached it to your existing pole, Ive done similar but not for a drone, i have used fibreglass awning poles and the extending clothes prop with a brush on the end to reach my anemometer thats at about 10m high, this is to clean the cobwebs during the warmer months, you have to be aware of the flex though,
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. We're deeply sorry to know about this unpleasant incident that happened in your unit. Hoping that someone could provide or help you to recover this drone. Once recovered, you may contact our team to set up a repair case at https://repair.dji.com/repair/index . Also, the warranty can be applied depending on the outcome of the damage assessment including the warranty period of your unit. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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Second Officer

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There are more ideas here

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United States

If you know an arborist or a steel walker. Anther drone with a drop attachment. That way if the line hangs up they can release it and fly back.
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

PsyDious Posted at 5-11 16:47
Yes, I am aware of the idea of walking on the strongest point.  Why don't you come up here and show me how incredibly easy it is for YOU to walk it?  I'm sure I would be very impressed.  

I said it's 30 FEET, not 3 meters which would be about 9 feet.  Maybe you should call your math teacher.

If I lived nearby, I would have already got your drone.

Does that looks like 30 feet to you? Can I fit 3 buses on the top of each other under there???

Take a picture from the sleeper side to see how bad they are...

You said you already have been up there, and you did get quite far. You were probably nearly there in the right spot to lift your pole and get the job done....

You can do it....

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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Burt37 Posted at 5-12 00:18
If I lived nearby, I would have already got your drone.


Perceptive as ever, you are correct that is not 30 feet depicted in the picture.  That is the shortest distance across the expanse and why I was optimistic a 30 foot pole would be long enough to reach.

Indeed I was almost to where I needed to be but at the time I hadn't spotted the drone so I didn't know I was that close, but I didn't have a pole with me at the time so it wouldn't have mattered.  And while I could crawl out there again, unpleasant as it is, I'm not sure I can crawl out with a pole.  

As inspiring as your encouragement is, I'm going to try again today to reach from underneath with an extension, and if that doesn't work I will reconsider my options.  
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

Redrob1 Posted at 5-11 23:00
If you know an arborist or a steel walker. Anther drone with a drop attachment. That way if the line hangs up they can release it and fly back.

Unfortunately I don't know anyone else around here with a drone.  Never even seen one flying around.  
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Flight distance : ****
United States

Wait a second. I just looked at this bridge again and if you are spry enough to manage a kayak, you should be able to get this drone with no poles or other crazy ideas. The steel arch that the drone is on is easily climbable. I used to climb these as a teenager all the way up an over some bridges that were taller than these (yes, grew up in the middle of nowhere and was bored). The safest and most comfortable way is to just lay down on the arch and shimmy up the surface. Wear old clothes and long sleeve shirt. The edges of the steel on each side are easy to grip to pull your self up. One you grab the drone (have a plan to fasten it to yourself or a bag) just shimmy back down. Ten minutes and this is all over and you have your drone back.
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

acepaul Posted at 5-12 09:36
Wait a second. I just looked at this bridge again and if you are spry enough to manage a kayak, you should be able to get this drone with no poles or other crazy ideas. The steel arch that the drone is on is easily climbable. I used to climb these as a teenager all the way up an over some bridges that were taller than these (yes, grew up in the middle of nowhere and was bored). The safest and most comfortable way is to just lay down on the arch and shimmy up the surface. Wear old clothes and long sleeve shirt. The edges of the steel on each side are easy to grip to pull your self up. One you grab the drone (have a plan to fasten it to yourself or a bag) just shimmy back down. Ten minutes and this is all over and you have your drone back. [view_image]

Thanks, I had thought about trying to climb up the pylon there but I can't figure out how to do it without a big ladder or other equipment.  Also I should note... all that green stuff climbing up the pylon?  Poison ivy.  Yes I might be willing to shimmy up the beam like you describe if I could get up there safely.  
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Flight distance : ****
United States

PsyDious Posted at 5-12 09:43
Thanks, I had thought about trying to climb up the pylon there but I can't figure out how to do it without a big ladder or other equipment.  Also I should note... all that green stuff climbing up the pylon?  Poison ivy.  Yes I might be willing to shimmy up the beam like you describe if I could get up there safely.

You should be able to climb up the side of the pylon with a large rope. If you can only get a smaller rope, put knots in it. You can toss it over the steel structure and run it through a loop you tie in the end. Then you can pul your self up, using your feet on the pylon surface to assist. It won't be pretty but it is very doable.
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Flight distance : 34573 ft

hi, we are all rooting for you and hope you can get your drone back.  don't give up and above all do it safely.  I would like to be there with you to evaluate the different possibilities for recovery.  good luck and let us know if everything went well.  thanks, bye, papaseven
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Flight distance : 110902 ft
United States

acepaul Posted at 5-12 10:32
You should be able to climb up the side of the pylon with a large rope. If you can only get a smaller rope, put knots in it. You can toss it over the steel structure and run it through a loop you tie in the end. Then you can pul your self up, using your feet on the pylon surface to assist. It won't be pretty but it is very doable.

Yeah that might work I'll consider the rope idea as well.  Thanks!
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Flight distance : 34573 ft

hello, i thought you could use a rope with hooks on its end to pass over the beam and try to hook the drone. it needs to be long enough, maybe double the height the drone crashed at and with a weight to slide it.. what do you think? come on, we are with you. hello Papaseven
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 126191 ft
United Kingdom

LV_Forestry Posted at 5-10 20:27
Cut one of the trees that we see behind, choose a trunk that is not too wide to limit the weight, and above all of the right length to reach the drone.

Are you honestly serious ?

As if that's practicle...not to mention dangerous.

What happens when you judge it wrong and it takes the whole bridge out, drone too as it comes crashing down ?

Someone owns that land and bridge, and when the police turn up they will rightly ask you what the f*** do you think you're doing, before locking you up.


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