 Second Officer
Johnnokomis Posted at 6-14 18:27
I honestly don't know if this is a camera lens specific value, or a generic value that DJI gives to all M3E's. I'd be a shame if DJI claims the accuracy that they do while calibrating every camera the same. I've checked 3 different M3E's and though I don't remember the values on them I know they all shared the same June 8, 2022 calibration date. When you look at yours please share what values you find.
Hello John,
here the dewarp parameters from my camera:
DewarpData : 2022-06-08;3713.290000000000,3713.290000000000,7.020000000000,-8.720000000000,-0.112575240000,0.014874430000,-0.000085720000,0.000000100000,-0.027064110000
They seem to be the same...I would not trust these as different cameras should have different parameters....