Second Officer
United Kingdom
Iancraig10 Posted at 9-2 23:22
Hi Dave.
I agree, DJI could steam ahead; especially with a pricing tweak, but they have the Action 3 only a year behind and they’re still selling them cheaper. So by lowering the 4, they might kill off sales of the 3 and be left with old stock!
Alright, my YouTube bezzie
Yes, DJI could really f..k up GoPro if they did this. I’m fully aware that DJI can also be a bunch of clowns as well. However, on balance I think GoPro are worse for delivering garbage updates and how they treat the end user.
And talking about delivering garbage, or to be fair, a good camera on paper. I don’t know why DJI are still manufacturing the Action 3, which was a great camera on paper but defo wasn’t received well. Yes, they may have corrected issues that had people losing their minds but once confidence is lost in a product, you may as well be pushing water up a hill.
By all accounts and from what I’ve seen of your excellent videos, the Action 4 is clearly what the Action 3 should have been in the first place and is on balance an overall better camera than the Hero 11, at least for vlogging and tradition video usage.
Like GoPro, DJI can be their own worse enemy. If they had simply stopped manufacturing the Action 3 after the release of the 4. Then they would have had a simple product stack, with just the one camera in the Action series. Which would have been given them more flexibility for pricing.
As it happens, they’ve kept a camera, the 3, in the range that had already lost confidence with the general public, regardless of if it has been fixed or not. Which makes it more difficult to be flexible with the pricing of the 4. Sounds a bit like the mess GoPro get themselves into at times.
Anyway and bottom line. The Hero 12 is going to be a terrible release and one where DJI could have spanked GoPro with a price cut on their Action 4. And if I don’t move to a phone for vlogging when the iPhone 15 is released, I’ll be selling at least my Hero 8 and Hero 9, possibly my Hero 11 as well and I’ll buy the Action 4 for my vlogging.
Now I’m off to watch some guy going shopping in Swanage with an Action
Hope you’re well, Ian.
Take care buddy,