Flight distance : 111138 ft
United States
According to DJI M30 - M30T Owners Group (Facebook page), hundreds of other M30-M30T owners are suffering the same errors after installing the latest update. My vendor told me DJI Support Engineering recommends reverting back to Aircraft Firmware: v07.00.01.46, and then trying to reinstall the latest version. The only problem is DJI Assistant 2 doesn’t give me the Firmware option—it only lists the present version v07.01.00.26. Unfortunately, DJI’s SE Team are not familiar with their own release notes: (from 9/18/2023 Release Notes) "…The firmware cannot be downgraded to v07.00.01.46 or lower after updating to this version." Now, my vendor informs me the aircraft will need to be sent in for DJI warranty service. Why can they not issue a "patch" for their apparent mistake? And why is DJI mum on the issue? Unacceptable. |