Meng-Chyi Lin
Flight distance : 47247 ft
I just get Osmo Action GPS Bluetooth Remote Controller yesteday and it works good with my Action 4 to take pictures and videos today and GPS signal strengh looks good.
However, all pictures/videos have no geotag/location infromation after I upload to iPhone Photo by DJI Mimo. This is really unexpected.
I know DJI Mimo can add/overlay information to video but it doesn't work for picture and what I need is simply geotag/location meta/exif data to picture files so iPhone Photo can show it's location, no need to overlay. iPhone Photo also supports location of a video file, maybe location of start point of a video. It will be great if "Action 4 + GPS BT" can support iPhone Photo both picture and video location.
Or, is there any suggesting working flow to geotag picture/video files on "DJI action 4+GPS BT remote controller" for IOS/MacOS Photo app?
Thanks a lot.