Flight distance : 14016667 ft
United States
I was flying my M30T as a First Responder for overwatch on a structure fire three days ago, providing thermal imaging for the on scene commander and aerial lighting via a PSDK connected JZ T60 Spotlight. There was no active flames, smoke, or steam in the area at this time. About 7 minutes into my flight it began giving me error codes, at which point I began trying to safely land the aircraft. I lost all video feed from all cameras and the red and green lights on the arms turned off. I attempted to land the aircraft using the flashing navigational beacon. About 30 feet above the ground the drone emitted two popping noises and flipped out of control, smashing into the ground near a fire engine and several other firefighters.
The aircraft is still under warranty and has an active Care/Refresh subscription and I have already shipped it back. Before packaging it all up I reviewed the flight log and wrote down every error code that popped up during the flight in chronological order.
1. Flight Control System Error. Land Promptly
2. Lost Control of Payload 1. Multi Gimbal Connection System Disabled.
3. Approaching evening. Setting RTH altitude reccomended.
4. Sensor System Error. Land promptly or fly with caution.
5. Sensor system error. Land promptly
6. Unknown Error. Unable to takeoff. (0X161000C5)
7. Speaker resonates with the aircraft. Power supply disconnected. Wait for power supply to recover
The first and second error code happened in rapid succession. As soon as the first error code popped up I began to bring the aircraft back, then as the 2nd popped up I lost all video feed and the green and red lights went out. I had to carefully fly to my landing zone using the bottom nav beacon.
The third error code, more of a message really, happened on the flight back. This message generally pops up when beginning a night flight, but I have never seen it pop up after 5+ minutes of flight.
The 4th and 5th also happened in rapid succession during my descent. At some point between error 4 and 7 is when the popping sound was heard but I couldn't tell you when exactly because I was frantically trying to keep the aircraft from crashing into emergency equipment and personnel. Needless to say the aircraft was destroyed.
My best educated guess is something shorted out in the aircraft which caused multi system failure and the popping sounds were one or more motors burning out. The aircraft still had power while falling as it was spiraling erratically trying to right itself.
I had updated the controller firmware that afternoon and had been flying it recreationally that evening witg no issue. I actually had to quickly land and pack up the aircraft to respond to the fire incident.
I have found nothing online about the last two error codes so hopefully some light can be shed on what happened. I am looking to procure an M30T for my County Search and Rescue organization where I am the Drone Team Leader, as well as for my Fire Department. My SAR partners in the next county over are also looking into getting an M30T. All of these procurements have been put on hold until we can find out what happened with this aircraft incident because we can't have large drones falling out of the sky especially in urban settings.
I'm happy to answer any questions and look forward to a response. Thank you. |