M3P Battery cycle count query
4129 11 2023-11-25
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Flight distance : 2172041 ft

Hey everyone. Just wanted to ask any long term Mini 3 pro owners how high of a cycle count have you seen in your batteries with them still working at or close to the usual flight time duration. I've seen DJI state that around 200 cycles are to be expected before funcionality begins to deteriorate but other sites say LiPo batteries that are handled properly can go 300-500 cycles.
I've had my Mini 3 pro for a little over a year but only have around 40 cycles each on the three regular batteries. My plus battery was replaced under warranty a couple months ago for a broken latch tab. The new plus battery only has 6 cyles and I cant remember how many the old one had, maybe around 20.

What has been your experience with the Mini 3 pro batteries ?

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Flight distance : 527740 ft

If I'm not mistaken you can see counter in settings when you are connected to the drone. But I have it now for bit more than 6 months so can not givou you relevant data, but would be intereseting to hear other.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you can get the best suggestions from our fellow DJI members here about the performance of their DJI Mini 3 Pro batteries. To maintain the best performance of your battery, you may check the battery safety notice on this link https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/ ... ines_5_lan_v1.0.pdf . Thank you for your valued support.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

At 180 cycles you'll start getting a large orange nag to replace the battery.  Ive got one plus battery at 330+ cycles and it's still flying well for me.   I was lucky and the rest of mine got replaced by DJI near the 180 count due to the tabs breaking.  
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Flight distance : 2172041 ft

Yes those tabs are a design flaw.
I wonder if they have changed anything in the case construction of the mini 4 batteries or are they going to suffer the same issue.
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South Africa

DJI Paladin Posted at 2023-11-25 18:22
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. Hope that you can get the best suggestions from our fellow DJI members here about the performance of their DJI Mini 3 Pro batteries. To maintain the best performance of your battery, you may check the battery safety notice on this link https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/DJI_Mini_3_Pro/SG/20230316/DJI_Mini_3_Pro_Safety_Guidelines_5_lan_v1.0.pdf . Thank you for your valued support.

Good day

Batteries has evolved quite a lot over the last few years from Nicad, Lead acid to Li-Ion. The big confusion is often the definition of a "cycle". Its not just that a discharge and a charge is seen as a cycle. A cycle means when you have discharged the battery below a certain percentage, and then fully charged it again.

My question is, what is the definition from DJI regarding a cycle on their Li-ion 4S which for example  is used in the Air 3
7-17 04:55
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DJI Natalia

Riterb97 Posted at 7-17 04:55
Good day

Batteries has evolved quite a lot over the last few years from Nicad, Lead acid to Li-Ion. The big confusion is often the definition of a "cycle". Its not just that a discharge and a charge is seen as a cycle. A cycle means when you have discharged the battery below a certain percentage, and then fully charged it again.

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. The battery cycle is typically considered a full discharge and recharge of a battery. However for the Li-ion $s in Air 3, it will be counted once when the battery level is 75% consumed of the capacity mentioned in the official manual, including consumption by the battery’s self-discharge. To check the capacity, you may refer to the " specifications" in User Manual.

Hope this clarifies your questions. Thank you!
7-17 20:41
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South Africa

YEs thank you. So once you go below 25% capacity,  you might end up generating one cycler
7-18 02:45
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South Africa

DJI Natalia Posted at 7-17 20:41
Hi there, thank you for reaching out. The battery cycle is typically considered a full discharge and recharge of a battery. However for the Li-ion $s in Air 3, it will be counted once when the battery level is 75% consumed of the capacity mentioned in the official manual, including consumption by the battery’s self-discharge. To check the capacity, you may refer to the " specifications" in User Manual.

Hope this clarifies your questions. Thank you!

Hi Natalia

I have made some tests and tend to disagree with you. You are welcome to indicate where I am wrong:

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. The battery cycle is typically considered a full discharge and recharge of a battery. However for the Li-ion 4s in Air 3, it will be counted once when the battery level is 75% consumed of the capacity mentioned in the official manual, including consumption by the battery’s self-discharge. To check the capacity, you may refer to the " specifications" in User Manual.

The tests that I have done on the Air 3 batteries prove otherwise. My Cycles go hand in hand with with the AMOUNT OF RECHARGE, irrespective of the % discharge. I received my % discharge from Airdata UAV (Unless they are at fault, which I doubt) and according to the LED stripes on the battery. A 2 will mean 2 LED's on, A 2+ means 2 on + 1 flashing

Batt No1 Discharge values
67% ; LED 2+; Recharged 3x; Cycle count 3
34%; LED 1+; Recharged 4x; Cycle Count 4
43%; LED 2; Recharged 5x; Cycle Count 5

Batt No2 Discharge values
23% ; LED 1; Recharged 3x; Cycle count 3
55%; LED 2+; Recharged 4x; Cycle Count 4
34%; LED 1+; Recharged 5x; Cycle Count 5

The above indicate to me to keep to cycle count as low as possible, I should deplete my batteries as low as possible- which of course did not make sense!1

What worries me is apparently after the batteries reached a certain CYCLE count, the Air 3 will produce a constant "warning" message on the screen, which is very irritating and can not be removed or delete

Please correct me if I'm wrong!!
yesterday 06:56
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DJI Natalia

Riterb97 Posted at 7-25 06:56
Hi Natalia

I have made some tests and tend to disagree with you. You are welcome to indicate where I am wrong:

Could you please provide a screenshot of the error message you're encountering, so I can investigate the issue further and provide a more effective assistance?
yesterday 11:43
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South Africa

DJI Natalia Posted at 7-25 11:43
Could you please provide a screenshot of the error message you're encountering, so I can investigate the issue further and provide a more effective assistance?

I did not say anything about an ERROR..please read my message
14 hours ago
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DJI Natalia

Riterb97 Posted at 7-26 00:49
I did not say anything about an ERROR..please read my message

Thank you for reverting back. Since you have mentioned that there is a warning message on the screen, could you please provide a screenshot of that warning message so that we can investigate it further.
1 hour ago
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