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HOW TO: Setup and use Point of Interest (POI)
28681 15 2015-9-7
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Flight distance : 236647 ft
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United States

Follow the steps below to setup and use the Point of Interest (POI) feature in the DJI GO app. If you have additional tips or information below, please comment below.

Launch the Point of Interest (POI) feature.

1) Your Phantom needs to be started and in the air before you'll be able to access the Point of Interest (POI) feature in the DJI GO app. Start your Phantom, take off, and fly it directly above the location or object you'd like to circle.

2) Flip the PAF switch to the "F" position to access the IOC features. If Multiple Flight Mode is not enabled, you're going to see the following prompt:

If you see the above prompt, click the "OK" button to enable Multiple Flight Mode.

3) Select "Point of Interest" from the IOC menu.

4) You might be prompted to verify your RTH Altitude setting. If so, ensure the altitude is set higher than the object you're going to be circling -- and all obstacles in your location. This will ensure that you do not accidentally crash into an obstacle if your remote controller signal is lost and your Phantom tries to return to the home point.

Configure the Point of Interest (POI) settings.

5) You'll be prompted to confirm that your Phantom is above the point you'd like to circle. Since your Phantom is already hovering at that location, click the "Record the POI" button to mark that point.

6) A new menu will appear showing you settings to configure the radius, altitude, direction, and speed.

7) Pull back on the right stick to move away from the object you're going to be circling. As your Phantom moves, you'll see the "Radius" value increase. Keep moving back until your Phantom is at the outside edge of the circle you'd like to make.

Pull down on or push up on the left stick to set the altitude you'd like your Phantom to fly as it circles. As your Phantom moves, you'll see the "Altitude" value increase/decrease.

Important: Make sure the altitude is set high enough. If your Phantom circles around the object and you can no longer see it, the remote controller signal will be lost and your Phantom will return to the home point.

Note: You'll be able to adjust the radius and altitude later. So, it's okay if they are not perfect at this point.

8) Adjust the speed slider to the left if you'd like your Phantom to travel clockwise around the circle. Or, slide it to the right if you'd like your Phantom to travel counter-clockwise around the circle. The speed will increase as the slider moves further away from the center of the bar.

9) Click the "Apply" button to save your settings and to start circling the object.

Make adjustments as your Phantom circles the object.

10) Your Phantom will continue to circle the object over and over again until you tell it to stop. You can temporarily stop your Phantom by clicking the "Pause" button.

11) As your Phantom is circling the object, you can push the right stick down to increase the radius or push it up to decrease the radius. The "Radius" value will change in real-time as you make this adjustment. Your Phantom will also start circling at the new radius as you increase/decrease it.

As your Phantom is circling the object, you can also adjust the altitude. Push the left stick up to increase the altitude or down to decrease the altitude. The "Altitude" value will change in real-time as you make this adjustment. Your Phantom will also start circling at the new altitude as you increase/decrease it.

12) As your Phantom is circling the object, you can adjust the speed slider to increase/decrease the speed. The speed value with change in real-time as you make this adjustment. Your Phantom will also start circling at the new speed as you increase/decrease it.

Important: Do not move the slider across the center point. Doing so might make your Phantom unstable as it attempts to change its direction. If you'd like to change the direction, click the "Pause" button, make that adjustment, and then unpause to continue circling in the new direction.

13) As your Phantom is circling the object, you can move the left stick to the right or left to yaw and face a different direction. Click "Focus" to make your Phantom point toward the center of the circle again.

14) Click the "Exit" button to stop circling and exit the Point of Interest (POI) function. You can also exit by flipping the PAF switch back to the "P" position.
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Flight distance : 891194 ft

Well explained , Thanks I'll give it a try tomorrow
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what is the difference between "home lock" and "point of interest" ?
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Flight distance : 316545 ft
United Kingdom

Home Lock brings it back to you no matter which way its facing. POI is described above.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

Several weeks back, when the P3 was still pretty new, I created a couple of documents that I thought would help people find specific settings, how to run the Pilot app, etc. Despite it being posted in several (perhaps not so prominent) places, it never really "took off."

I've got to hand it to you. I started to print out what you posted about how to use the new POI. Then I went to your web site. Awesome stuff. Your site is becoming more and more valuable - and easier and easier to use.

You are to be commended for your efforts. I, for one, thoroughly enjoy and have started using the dickens out of your site.


Art Burke - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL
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I have checked this function yesterday and today. The dji go (android) have a "bug". If I am doing a orbit with interest point, the state of recording is not showing... I don't know if the video is recording or stopped...  great problem... :/
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United States

Very well done.  Great explanation of how to use the POI app.  New Phantom user, got a lot to learn but having fun.  Thanks
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Flight distance : 34016 ft
United States

Can you circle a moving subject?
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Flight distance : 4251988 ft

I just quote the part I want to comment: "Important: Make sure the altitude is set high enough. If your Phantom circles around the object and you can no longer see it, the remote controller signal will be lost and your Phantom will return to the home point."

Somewhere I read: the Phantom will continue to circle around the POI when it is behind the object and even it loses control signal and out your sight.

You might want to confirm this with DJI techs.
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Flight distance : 4251988 ft

kjneblett Posted at 2015-9-26 22:13
Can you circle a moving subject?

That can be hard to do because the Phantom does not know the POI is moving unless the POI is telling her that "I am moving" with a new GPS location and the Phantom updates the POI using the new GPS coordinates of the POI, which is very close to the Follow Me mode. So it may be possible (at least in theory) to let the Phantom follow and circle "me", but not other object other than "me".
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Flight distance : 592103 ft
United States

ale8184@gmail.c Posted at 2015-9-8 22:43
I have checked this function yesterday and today. The dji go (android) have a "bug". If I am doing a ...

I have this issue too. Is there any way to start or stop video recording once you're in Point of Interest mode?
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Flight distance : 9088 ft
United States

I have one issue,  I followed your description and I tried to use POI.

the drone started to move but I don't know why cannot keep the center,  I was the POI and when I cheked the camera I wasn't in the center of the camera
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

oldanilu Posted at 2016-2-26 11:09
I have one issue,  I followed your description and I tried to use POI.

the drone started to move bu ...

Before you ok the POI, have the camera centered on the object then start the POI.Also, you can yaw back to the center during the POI if it was not centered from the start.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

dji@matthewlloy Posted at 2015-10-20 17:07
I have this issue too. Is there any way to start or stop video recording once you're in Point of I ...

Aloha dji,

     The video control is next to the silver PAF switch on the upper left corner of the remote control.  You can start and stop video by pressing the button.  To get the camera controls to display while in the IOC options, press the exposure dial (it is also a button) on the upper right corner of the remote control.  You can also tap the camera icon in the upper right of the flight control display.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

oldanilu Posted at 2016-2-25 17:09
I have one issue,  I followed your description and I tried to use POI.

the drone started to move bu ...

Aloha anilu,

     The tutorial did not mention that the P3 has to back away 5 meters from the POI in order for the option to work.  When the P3 is back far enough, the red color of the distance in the POI control display will change to blue.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 313661 ft

United States

<<3) Select "Point of Interest" from the IOC menu.>>
Thanks for the great explanation!  I did have a problem finding the IOC menu.  I'm using version 3.1.0 of the DJI Go app which is the latest version on Dec 11, 2016.  I finally realized it is now a "controller" icon on the left of the screen below the "RTH and Land" icons.  Once I figured that out everything worked perfectly.

Well except for when the app crashed and needed to be restarted as I was circling a POI about 1,500' away.  I sort of freaked when the app crashed but the P3P just kept circling and taking pictures while the app restarted.  I then flew it back with no problems.
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