Couldn't land at the takeoff point
666 8 1-1 07:03
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Flight distance : 814045 ft

I took off my Mini 2 SE after it set the homepoint. It didn't warn me that it's taking off within a restricted zone.
I descended it to about 30 meters. Did a 360 degree yaw. Then I wanted it to move forward.
After realizing that it's moving slightly sideways instead of going straight I want to return at takeoff point but it was barely moving back.
Somehow  I made it come closer to me about 2 meters away. I lowered it on the grass.
It was just about 50 cm higher than the ground but it still  refuses to come more closer to me.
At this altitude the drone couldn't  be a risk even in restricted zones. The way the drone operates near the  restricted zones is a joke.
You are actually responsible for crashes that happen because of the stupidly designed restricted zone system.
I would  have to land the drone in the water instead of on the grass. The drone  didn't warn me it's in or very near to a restricted zone before takeoff or in the flight.
In the flight log it's not mentioning anything about a restricted zone or a warning zone.

1-1 07:03
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Flight distance : 13468412 ft
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Record 4 >  only a message about an "Aircraft in Altitude Zone (150 m). Fly with caution"

Check yout battery :  Battery power restricted. Aircraft performance decreased to ensure flight safety. Return to home promptly.

1-1 09:12
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Flight distance : 814045 ft

JJB* Posted at 1-1 09:12

Record 4 >  only a message about an "Aircraft in Altitude Zone (150 m). Fly with caution"

Those doesn't mean that the drone is in restricted zone. Altitude Zone (150 m) isn't a restricted zone.
I use Mavic Mini battery that's why the power is restricted under 50%.
Even with 10% charge it was never got stuck still in the air anywhere else before.
1-1 09:22
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Flight distance : 13468412 ft
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Kopanz Posted at 1-1 09:22
Those doesn't mean that the drone is in restricted zone. Altitude Zone (150 m) isn't a restricted zone.
I use Mavic Mini battery that's why the power is restricted under 50%.
Even with 10% charge it was never got stuck still in the air anywhere else before.


I did not say it was in a restricted zone.....jutst an altitude zone.

Had another look, cannot find any reason whu it did not speed up while applying forward stick.
It was close to the ground all that time, mayby get some height next time to see if that makes any difference?


1-1 10:29
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Any correlation between gimbal tilt and speed limits?
1-1 13:24
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Flight distance : 814045 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-1 13:24
Any correlation between gimbal tilt and speed limits?

The drone was refusing to move in a certain direction regardless of the orientation of the drone body. I did some experiments with restricted zones before.
This is not how it behaves usually. Normally it gives you 100 seconds time to move out or land to a safe place.
Things like this happen because DJI doesn't care about GPS position accuracy while determining if the drone is in a restricted zone.
In addition to missing warnings about the restricted zone in the flight log, I guess that there should be loads of GPS Position Mismatch warnings in the flight log.
Because of the GPS Position Mismatch the drone wasn't openly reporting that it's in a restricted zone. But it's behaving like it hit to a restricted zone.
1-1 14:25
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Kopanz Posted at 1-1 14:25
The drone was refusing to move in a certain direction regardless of the orientation of the drone body. I did some experiments with restricted zones before.
This is not how it behaves usually. Normally it gives you 100 seconds time to move out or land to a safe place.
Things like this happen because DJI doesn't care about GPS position accuracy while determining if the drone is in a restricted zone.

With either or both of the first two minis there was a problem whereby air speeds were limited by certain gimbal tilts, I think the idea was to reduce the likelyhood of the gimbal smacking up against a hard stop. I think it was 'fixed' with an update but it might be something you might like to check on.
1-1 14:52
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Flight distance : 705974 ft

Kopanz Posted at 1-1 14:25
The drone was refusing to move in a certain direction regardless of the orientation of the drone body. I did some experiments with restricted zones before.
This is not how it behaves usually. Normally it gives you 100 seconds time to move out or land to a safe place.
Things like this happen because DJI doesn't care about GPS position accuracy while determining if the drone is in a restricted zone.

DJI actually cares about GPS positioning accuracy - but many people are surprised to find that consumer level positioning horizontally can be off by as much as 30 feet - although usually, it's much less than that. For centimeter level precision in drones, you would need an Enterprise drone and an RTK module.
That's part of the reason that DJI provides a buffer zone when flying near Restricted Zones, to allow for time for the pilot to realize that there's an issue, come to a stop and back out. Also, the buffer zone helps compensate for the lack of GPS precision in some situations.
1-1 17:40
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DJI Tony


Hello there. Sorry about the trouble. Please follow the steps below and see if it will help.
1. Calibrate the remote controller and ensure that the remote controller’s control stick can respond normally.
2. Check whether the landing ground meets the conditions. For drones with a landing protection function, when the Downward Vision System works and the ground does not meet the landing conditions, the aircraft will hover and wait for the user’s further operation.
3. Check the flight environment and avoid flying through clouds or in a heavy fog environment, which will affect the Downward Vision System.
4. Check whether there are payloads under the aircraft that may affect the Downward Vision System.
Have a nice day.
1-2 01:08
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