New firmware already available?
3181 23 1-25 08:31
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Hi folks!

Acc. to a guy on Facebook, a new firmware is available, which for example gives us stereo  mode on the backup file of internal mics,
which would be great.

How can I force the Mimo app to search for a new firmware?
1-25 08:31
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Core User of DJI
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United States

If true maybe it is rolling out by region as has been done previously with some DJI firmware updates.  
1-25 10:49
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¿And couldn't it be that the boy is talking about a beta without saying that it is (a beta)?

Also, to make it clear that it is not a final update, if you look at the DJI website where the bin is downloaded to update the MIC 2, there is no current update.

I can almost assure you that when the new DJI update comes out, that bin will be updated because the MIC 2 will also be updated to adapt to the new changes that the DJI Pocket 3 will integrate with respect to the MIC 2.

To dismantle what that boy says on Face..., could you give us the link where he comments on it?

1-25 17:25
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1027008 ft
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EnTuMente Posted at 1-25 17:25
¿And couldn't it be that the boy is talking about a beta without saying that it is (a beta)?

Also, to make it clear that it is not a final update, if you look at the DJI website where the bin is downloaded to update the MIC 2, there is no current update. ... id=6310757665693303

1-25 21:16
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DJI Gamora


Hello, there. Thank you for reaching out. Please know that the DJI Mimo app will prompt automatically if the firmware is available for your product. We encourage you to pay attention to our app and make sure to get the latest version from our official website. Thank you for your understanding.
1-26 00:10
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South Korea

20240128_214142.jpg Oh I just got the update too. I guess it's a rolling update thing.
1-28 04:40
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I can confirm I have received and installed the update (V01.03.0502) in Europe Greece.
1-28 09:50
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2479334 ft
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United States

I got it, here in the U.S.A.
1-28 13:49
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First Officer
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I have listed the update features in a new thread to ensure people see it.  Slight duplication of this one I admit.  But DJI will post their own official one very shortly I am sure.
1-28 13:54
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Yes, I also received an update.
But in webcam mode it’s still 30 FPS in OBS despite 60 FPS on the camera.
1-28 15:16
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To begin with, the developer who said in a post that in this version they would add a menu with the on and off of the automatic shutdown mode of the MIC 2, has lied (he has disrespected the customers that we feed with our purchases) .

This is how DJI spends it, deceiving its customers. Ok, this is how I will transmit it on my social networks and in my next reviews of the product.

To finish... they add improvements to the MIC 2 but there is still no update for the MIC 2. Therefore, those improvements that you see will not be available until the MIC 2 is updated. Something that has not yet appeared in the address where the MIC 2 updates for the Pocket 3 are located.

I don't understand how you can say some of the comments you make when you claim things that improve in the MIC 2 when there is still no update for them. Because, when talking about something like MIC 2, not only does the camera need to be updated, but the MIC 2 also needs to be updated.

They show you a Monopoly ticket and you think it's real money.

Otherwise, we continue with the same problems such as crackling during streaming, which cannot exceed 30 FPS and countless problems such as vibrations in the gimbal.

Gentlemen of DJI, here you have a customer of your drones, glasses and cameras, who from this moment stops buying your products due to the terrible support you give and for having developers on staff who disrespect users by lying to them when They claim LIES.
1-28 17:20
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 45049 ft
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I also can confirm I have received and installed the update (V01.03.0502) in Europe Italy.
1-30 10:55
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1027008 ft
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OnePixel Posted at 1-30 10:55
I also can confirm I have received and installed the update (V01.03.0502) in Europe Italy.

just 5 minutes ago, the update arrived
1-30 10:57
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Yanncd FrenchStreetMedic
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No firmware, Paris France
1-30 11:39
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Hi DJI Gamora & Other Administrators:
                                                                           I received a notification here in Canada last Night (January 29th, 2024) and auto-updated my OSMO Pocket 3 firmware successfully to latest firmware.................Now I must report a MAJOR BUG ! EMERGENCY BUG REPORT !!! 1. Auto- Exposure +/- erratic behaviour ! Now my OSMO Pocket 3 resists my +/- settings in auto exposure mode and insists often on making everything -0.7 or - 0.3 !!! What the hell ? My OSMO Pocket 3 sure wasn't doing THAT before this latest update ! 2. Degradation of overall image quality !!! What the hell ?!!
1-30 19:55
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djiuser_62S0JuGObw9T Posted at 1-30 19:55
Hi DJI Gamora & Other Administrators:
                                                                           I received a notification here in Canada last Night (January 29th, 2024) and auto-updated my OSMO Pocket 3 firmware successfully to latest firmware.................Now I must report a MAJOR BUG ! EMERGENCY BUG REPORT !!! 1. Auto- Exposure +/- erratic behaviour ! Now my OSMO Pocket 3 resists my +/- settings in auto exposure mode and insists often on making everything -0.7 or - 0.3 !!! What the hell ? My OSMO Pocket 3 sure wasn't doing THAT before this latest update ! 2. Degradation of overall image quality !!! What the hell ?!!

Hey What the Hell happened to the rest of my post ? There is only half of the bugs I listed in my post ! This is the third time this has happened to me ! What's going on ????????
1-30 19:57
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

EnTuMente Posted at 1-28 17:20
To begin with, the developer who said in a post that in this version they would add a menu with the on and off of the automatic shutdown mode of the MIC 2, has lied (he has disrespected the customers that we feed with our purchases) .

This is how DJI spends it, deceiving its customers. Ok, this is how I will transmit it on my social networks and in my next reviews of the product.

A DJI Mic 2 firmware update is available on the Pocket 3 downloads page.

If you are so upset with DJI products and do not like them, don't use them. Simple.
1-31 00:45
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1027008 ft
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IftiBashir Posted at 1-31 00:45
A DJI Mic 2 firmware update is available on the Pocket 3 downloads page.

it's a bit confusing by DJI, the Mic2 firmware is NOT new, still from Nov. 2023
1-31 03:03
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1027008 ft
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djiuser_62S0JuGObw9T Posted at 1-30 19:55
Hi DJI Gamora & Other Administrators:
                                                                           I received a notification here in Canada last Night (January 29th, 2024) and auto-updated my OSMO Pocket 3 firmware successfully to latest firmware.................Now I must report a MAJOR BUG ! EMERGENCY BUG REPORT !!! 1. Auto- Exposure +/- erratic behaviour ! Now my OSMO Pocket 3 resists my +/- settings in auto exposure mode and insists often on making everything -0.7 or - 0.3 !!! What the hell ? My OSMO Pocket 3 sure wasn't doing THAT before this latest update ! 2. Degradation of overall image quality !!! What the hell ?!!

not for me, exposure settings still the same as set before...
Maybe, the problem is in front of the camera....
1-31 03:06
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Yanncd FrenchStreetMedic
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Still not,

1-31 05:02
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UweE Posted at 1-31 03:06
not for me, exposure settings still the same as set before...
Maybe, the problem is in front of the camera....

Hi UweE:
                    That was uncalled for ! Why do YOU disrespect me ? Is it because I report a less than perfect operation with my setup ? I was having perfect operation before latest firmware update, Sir.
1-31 13:31
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UweE Posted at 1-31 03:06
not for me, exposure settings still the same as set before...
Maybe, the problem is in front of the camera....

Hi UweE:
                  The issue with setting auto exposure +/- is only with the Mimo App running on iPAD PRO iOS 17.3 and (NOT) within the OSMO Pocket Camera itself. I have conducted more checking and testing, and the issue with Auto Exposure +/- Adjustment sticking at -7 EV is only within the Mimo App running on the iPAD Pro platform itself. I have not checked if the malfunction persists in the Mimo App while running on my Samsung S22 Android phone platform.
1-31 21:34
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1027008 ft
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djiuser_62S0JuGObw9T Posted at 1-31 21:34
Hi UweE:
                  The issue with setting auto exposure +/- is only with the Mimo App running on iPAD PRO iOS 17.3 and (NOT) within the OSMO Pocket Camera itself. I have conducted more checking and testing, and the issue with Auto Exposure +/- Adjustment sticking at -7 EV is only within the Mimo App running on the iPAD Pro platform itself. I have not checked if the malfunction persists in the Mimo App while running on my Samsung S22 Android phone platform.

I have checked the issue on my Iphone, using the Mimo app.
whatever I set as EV-value, it will change on the cam or vice versa.
So again, I do not have this problem.
Maybe something wrong with you Ipad-app.
2-1 02:02
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The Mimo app typically checks for firmware updates automatically. To force a check, ensure your device is connected, restart the Mimo app, or check app settings for a manual firmware update option.
2-13 09:55
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