Mavic 2 Pro and smart controller remote ID entry
4006 14 2024-2-4
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I have a Mavic 2 Pro with a Smart Controller.  I have upgraded firmware to the point where remote ID should be accepted.  Is there a set of instructions on how to accomplish this task.  To date:
I have found the place on the controller to enter the remote ID on the smart controller, but the keyboard widget covers the "Apply Changes" button so I can't enter my drone's serial number.  How do I Apply Changes to the data input on the smart controller?  Is there a way to suppress the keyboard image widget on the smart controller?

I am unable to update the FAA Drone zone info using the serial number of the drone.  The FAA Drone zone site says this is an invalid id number.  Should I be using the drone's serial number for remote ID?  If not, where do I find the remote ID?

By sheer luck I did get a remote ID into the smart controller (but am not abe to repeat or update the remote ID field.  When I launch the drone I do not see any SSID being broadcast from the drone.  Should I see an SSID being broadcast from the drone to confirm remote ID broadcast is working?

Obbie Pet

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62320 ft
United States

On SC in the "General Settings" menu tap the three dots -> scroll down and tap "About" -> scroll down again and quite far down on the screen you can read out the RID as it should be entered into the FAA page. You don't have to enter anything by yourself, the RID shown on the "About" screen is exactly the one you have to use on the FAA page. But connect and start your Aircraft first otherwise the RID won't show up.

It has nothing to do with the 10 character ID which you can enter in the Go4 App. This is a different thing and confusing and useless for us.
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United States

FloridaNext Posted at 2-4 09:03
On SC in the "General Settings" menu tap the three dots -> scroll down and tap "About" -> scroll down again and quite far down on the screen you can read out the RID as it should be entered into the FAA page. You don't have to enter anything by yourself, the RID shown on the "About" screen is exactly the one you have to use on the FAA page. But connect and start your Aircraft first otherwise the RID won't show up.

It has nothing to do with the 10 character ID which you can enter in the Go4 App. This is a different thing and confusing and useless for us.

Thanks for the feedback (in a very confusing landscape)
The remote ID was where you suggested.  Its the drone sn with a prefix of "1581F".  I still get "Invalid Serial Number." when I try to enter that s/n into the drone zone site.   I am trying to edit the existing entry for my drone.  Presumably that should be fine.  Any thoughts on why this is failing?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62320 ft
United States

It's not only the "1581F" prefix, there should be an aditional '0' suffix at the end of the serial number string. Example: 1581F0M6DFAC0012ABC0. So in total it's a 20 character string.

And .... editing the existing drone on the FAA registration page doesn't work. Cancel/Delete your existing drone and create a new entry.
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United States

FloridaNext Posted at 2-4 13:03
It's not only the "1581F" prefix, there should be an aditional '0' suffix at the end of the serial number string. Example: 1581F0M6DFAC0012ABC0. So in total it's a 20 character string.

And .... editing the existing drone on the FAA registration page doesn't work. Cancel/Delete your existing drone and create a new entry.

That worked. I was able to save the remote ID serial number into the FAA drone zone entry after adding the missing suffix zero.  The story continues.  I launched the drone in my living room as i have heard that the remote ID info doesn't show up until the drone has been launched.  This was true.  The remote ID showed up (at the bottom of the sc About screen) after the drone attained the home point.    I also confirmed that the Remote ID SSID was being broadcast as it showed it show up on my iphone as a new wifi network option (RID-remoteID serNum).  That said it was quite intermittant but still qualifies from a compliance standpoint.   
So far all perfect.

The drone was launched with little battery and it decided to "return home".  Home should have been directly down but the drone had other plans and cracked into the wall breaking the props and causing the left front motor to seize up.   In short it broke about 30 seconds after being in compliance with remote ID.  I will try and replace the parts but am also warming up to the idea of a new Mavic 3 Classic.  I was almost there anyway as I wasn't sure I could get my rig working with remote ID.

THanks for your help.  Its greatly appreciated.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62320 ft
United States

Sorry to hear that! I personally refuse buying a new Mavic drone until they change the stupid problem that you get logged out every 30 days and you have to log in again. You can never rely on the drone if you are in an area w/o network connection and I hate to be dependent on their "courtesy" to let me fly or not anyway.
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United States

FloridaNext Posted at 2-4 17:11
Sorry to hear that! I personally reject buying a new Mavic drone until they change the stupid problem that you get logged out every 30 days and you have to log in again. You can never rely on the drone if you are in an area w/o network connection and I hate to be dependent on their "courtesy" to let me fly or not anyway.

I got my drone workiig again so I think I will wait for Mavic 4 before upgrading.  Turned out a small piece of plastic from busted prop fell into the motor coils.  Once I removed it, my Mavic tank resumed normal operation.   I haven't heard about the logout issue but will be on the look out for it.  The smart controller Mavic 2 Pro pair have worked out well for me.  That said, I don't use it that much.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62320 ft
United States

That's great news. I have three Mavic 2, two which I've bought new and a used one along with enough new batteries. With the Smart Controller they do a great and reliable job.

OK, have fun with your Mavic.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out and we're sorry for the incident that happened to your unit. We're glad that you have managed to isolate your issue with the remote ID and you managed to fix the drone after the crash. Should you have further inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach us. We appreciate your valued support.
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United States

Working on updating the remote id to my maive 2 pro. I originally tried to download with the smart controller but it kept saying, unable to connect to server, a friend of mine said, connect the drone direct to computer with the controller off.  I hooked my mavic 2 pro to my computer and used the DJI assistant 2 to install the update for the remote id, after 7 attempts with it locking up at 7% .... 43% I gave up, I turned on my smart controller and tried it, it worked, says it updated the drone and I'm ready. I went to get the new serial number. I clicked on the dji go 4 app, clicked the 3 (what look like dashes more than dots on mine) and there is no general info. or About, it has Acadamy, offline map, flight record, store,, find my drone and flight restrict info. I've tapped on everything in all menus and now I cannot locate the drones update serial number.  Do I have to go outside and actually start it up, or is my drone not 100% updated, only the smart controller?  
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United States

agentdirt Posted at 2-11 20:13
Working on updating the remote id to my maive 2 pro. I originally tried to download with the smart controller but it kept saying, unable to connect to server, a friend of mine said, connect the drone direct to computer with the controller off.  I hooked my mavic 2 pro to my computer and used the DJI assistant 2 to install the update for the remote id, after 7 attempts with it locking up at 7% .... 43% I gave up, I turned on my smart controller and tried it, it worked, says it updated the drone and I'm ready. I went to get the new serial number. I clicked on the dji go 4 app, clicked the 3 (what look like dashes more than dots on mine) and there is no general info. or About, it has Acadamy, offline map, flight record, store,, find my drone and flight restrict info. I've tapped on everything in all menus and now I cannot locate the drones update serial number.  Do I have to go outside and actually start it up, or is my drone not 100% updated, only the smart controller?

Yes, the drone has to be operating and the homepoint must be found for the remote ID s/n to populate on the SC screen.  Go to the "About" choice at the bottom of the setting screen (three dots).  If you don't see the remote ID s/n, I suggest confirming the update by confirming the version number is consistent with the latest release.  You can find that number by poking around the interent.   Good Luck
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Flight distance : 46401 ft
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United States

Smart Controller gen 1 Remote ID not working.  Firmware on Drone and Smart Controller fully updated.  DJI Go4 does work, Smart Controller does not.  (The Remote ID section under About is missing on the Smart Controller.  Checked update, says I'm on the latest v01.01.0076 .  Tried reconnecting, updating firmware again on both, nothing works.
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United States

fansa0eb557f Posted at 4-29 09:52
Smart Controller gen 1 Remote ID not working.  Firmware on Drone and Smart Controller fully updated.  DJI Go4 does work, Smart Controller does not.  (The Remote ID section under About is missing on the Smart Controller.  Checked update, says I'm on the latest v01.01.0076 .  Tried reconnecting, updating firmware again on both, nothing works.

Suggeston, Launch the drone with Smart ID and than look for the values.  In my case, the drone had to operating for the values to populate
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United States

FloridaNext Posted at 2-4 09:03
On SC in the "General Settings" menu tap the three dots -> scroll down and tap "About" -> scroll down again and quite far down on the screen you can read out the RID as it should be entered into the FAA page. You don't have to enter anything by yourself, the RID shown on the "About" screen is exactly the one you have to use on the FAA page. But connect and start your Aircraft first otherwise the RID won't show up.

It has nothing to do with the 10 character ID which you can enter in the Go4 App. This is a different thing and confusing and useless for us.

I'm sorry, are you saying the Remote Controller SN' is the same as the Remote ID? The only thing appearing in the section you mention is the Remote Controller SN which does not seem like it's also the Remote ID??
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62320 ft
United States

jt278 Posted at 7-19 10:57
I'm sorry, are you saying the Remote Controller SN' is the same as the Remote ID? The only thing appearing in the section you mention is the Remote Controller SN which does not seem like it's also the Remote ID??

No, the Remote Controller SN is NOT the Aircraft Remote ID which you would need for the FAA registration. To see the Drone ID it must be linked and connected to the RC and the firmware must be the latest on both, RC and Drone.
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