United States
agentdirt Posted at 2-11 20:13
Working on updating the remote id to my maive 2 pro. I originally tried to download with the smart controller but it kept saying, unable to connect to server, a friend of mine said, connect the drone direct to computer with the controller off. I hooked my mavic 2 pro to my computer and used the DJI assistant 2 to install the update for the remote id, after 7 attempts with it locking up at 7% .... 43% I gave up, I turned on my smart controller and tried it, it worked, says it updated the drone and I'm ready. I went to get the new serial number. I clicked on the dji go 4 app, clicked the 3 (what look like dashes more than dots on mine) and there is no general info. or About, it has Acadamy, offline map, flight record, store,, find my drone and flight restrict info. I've tapped on everything in all menus and now I cannot locate the drones update serial number. Do I have to go outside and actually start it up, or is my drone not 100% updated, only the smart controller?
Yes, the drone has to be operating and the homepoint must be found for the remote ID s/n to populate on the SC screen. Go to the "About" choice at the bottom of the setting screen (three dots). If you don't see the remote ID s/n, I suggest confirming the update by confirming the version number is consistent with the latest release. You can find that number by poking around the interent. Good Luck |