Flight distance : 312090263 ft
United Kingdom
Blériot53 Posted at 2-11 00:05
I was quite tired after completing the boundary walk yesterday, so it might be a day of rest and catch-up today. Unfortunate you got a soaking this morning. Did it start while you were out?
If it's raining before i set off i usually abandon, or postpone until it stops.
It had stopped raining so I abandoned the dishwasher emptying and set off, about 20 minutes later it started again, sad thing was that the forecast had been clear for today, and now it just keeps moving. Hoping to get SWMBOd out for a bit along the sea front which is her preferred route as its flat and tarmac.
I found a 10 miles circular walk around Buttermere the other day that looks good and includes a water fall but it's taking some work to persuade her about adding it to the itinerary. |