DJI Controller No Fly Zones
1929 31 2-14 09:23
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

Hi. I have just updated both my Mini 3 Pro and my controller. When the controller started up it told me about the flight information for my position. It cheerfully told me that I was not in a no-fly zone. How strange. My house is in a no-fly zone. The DJI no-fly information is not fit for purpose. I am sure that thousands of users will be happy to accept your information as Gospel.  It's not. Having a user aid that doesn't give the correct information is worse than having no aid at all.
2-14 09:23
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. When civilian drones first emerged on the market, there was a void of applicable laws or regulations. To support the healthy growth of the sector, DJI set restricted zones on its initiative to prevent the improper use of drones. Alongside the development of UAV technology and promulgation of pertinent laws and regulations, we will update our restricted zone policy and map in accordance with local laws and regulations. The regulatory power and responsibility rest with local authorities. While this eliminates the need to submit an unlocking request, users still need to file applications as required by local laws and regulations and ensure flight safety and compliance.

Users are required to consult the local GEO Zone to check if it is safe to fly in the current airspace before each takeoff and comply with them before and during each flight.

You can visit local government websites or consult with local public security/airport departments for flight restrictions, then check whether your flight plan complies with local drone regulations.
2-14 22:33
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 2-14 22:33
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. When civilian drones first emerged on the market, there was a void of applicable laws or regulations. To support the healthy growth of the sector, DJI set restricted zones on its initiative to prevent the improper use of drones. Alongside the development of UAV technology and promulgation of pertinent laws and regulations, we will update our restricted zone policy and map in accordance with local laws and regulations. The regulatory power and responsibility rest with local authorities. While this eliminates the need to submit an unlocking request, users still need to file applications as required by local laws and regulations and ensure flight safety and compliance.

Users are required to consult the local GEO Zone to check if it is safe to fly in the current airspace before each takeoff and comply with them before and during each flight.

I know that. My concern is that by providing an incomplete no-fly zone map on the controller a huge number of users will not bother to do even the basic research. Their controller will tell them that it is OK to fly so they will fly. As pointed out on other active threads it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same and there is actually another active thread on here showing footage in a Spanish national park, a no-fly zone. If DJI is going to the trouble to provide some no-fly information through the controller why haven’t they simply gone the full distance and provided all the zones? As you have pointed out the information is there. I believe you have given a huge number of drone pilots an incentive to break the law. As I said, incomplete information is worse than no information.
2-15 00:52
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

DuRavary Posted at 2-15 00:52
I know that. My concern is that by providing an incomplete no-fly zone map on the controller a huge number of users will not bother to do even the basic research. Their controller will tell them that it is OK to fly so they will fly. As pointed out on other active threads it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same and there is actually another active thread on here showing footage in a Spanish national park, a no-fly zone. If DJI is going to the trouble to provide some no-fly information through the controller why haven’t they simply gone the full distance and provided all the zones? As you have pointed out the information is there. I believe you have given a huge number of drone pilots an incentive to break the law. As I said, incomplete information is worse than no information.

The last update opened the NFZ database up so that the local country aviation authoritys can issue their own updates to the fly app that you can download and install from them.
2-15 01:22
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

The local countries already publish that information, why would they want to update your system? You have offered a flight aid for your users but it is not fit for purpose and will encourage illegal flying. That is not a good customer service, in fact it’s a dangerous practise.
2-15 01:37
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12536706 ft
United States

DuRavary Posted at 2-15 00:52
I know that. My concern is that by providing an incomplete no-fly zone map on the controller a huge number of users will not bother to do even the basic research. Their controller will tell them that it is OK to fly so they will fly. As pointed out on other active threads it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same and there is actually another active thread on here showing footage in a Spanish national park, a no-fly zone. If DJI is going to the trouble to provide some no-fly information through the controller why haven’t they simply gone the full distance and provided all the zones? As you have pointed out the information is there. I believe you have given a huge number of drone pilots an incentive to break the law. As I said, incomplete information is worse than no information.

You make a lot of assumptions when you say a 'huge number of user will not bother to do even the basic research' and 'it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same'.

Most drone pilots do not depend on DJI's geofencing alone. Most also utilize apps, usually created/sponsored by whatever governing authority for the country they are flying in, to make sure you are flying in a fly zone.

And to make the assumption that 'many YouTube content creators' are flying in no-fly zones is very ignorant. I cannot speak for other countries, but here in the USA, the geofencing is pretty accurate which means if someone is flying in a 'no-fly zone', they've probably applied for (and received) an exception to fly in that area.
2-15 01:38
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

I am talking from experience.  The usual reply from people flying in no-fly zones is, there were no no drone signs or, nobody told me I couldn’t fly here. I find your arrogance unpleasant. I have highlighted a problem with your new system as a responsible drone flyer. Your attitude makes me wonder why I bothered. Do you want you customers to adhere to the law or are you happy to continue to help many to break the law?  This is a real problem and you have made it worse. That’s not responsible.
2-15 02:08
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No Original Thought
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1411736 ft
United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 2-15 01:22
The last update opened the NFZ database up so that the local country aviation authoritys can issue their own updates to the fly app that you can download and install from them.

I read this elsewhere on the forum as well... But haven't been stable to find how to do that (honestly, haven't looked that hard yet, but...)

How do you incorporate the UK CAA data into the Fly App map?
2-15 04:02
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

No Original Thought Posted at 2-15 04:02
I read this elsewhere on the forum as well... But haven't been stable to find how to do that (honestly, haven't looked that hard yet, but...)

How do you incorporate the UK CAA data into the Fly App map?

You can't yet,   we're waiting for the CAA to release something.  
2-15 04:53
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Flight distance : 68967 ft
United Kingdom

DJIFlyer Posted at 2-15 01:38
You make a lot of assumptions when you say a 'huge number of user will not bother to do even the basic research' and 'it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same'.

Most drone pilots do not depend on DJI's geofencing alone. Most also utilize apps, usually created/sponsored by whatever governing authority for the country they are flying in, to make sure you are flying in a fly zone.

You aren't supposed to fly over protected monuments in the UK like ruined castles etc, I never do this but always fly around them and keep my distance, I never fly over them.

Yet there are people on Instagram whose sites are primarily made up with people flying right over and around castles, even though it is illegal. This will only lead to one thing, restricted or no-fly zones being put up around them which will then totally screw responsible people like me.

I experienced a similar thing the other week in Oxfordshire at a castle, mainly massive earthwprks and I thought this would look good from the air. Yet on starting up the controller and the drone, as soon as I went to start the rotors they wouldn't work and it told me I was in a 'NO FLY ZONE'.

However, I have to say in this case it was predictable as there was an RAF base around 4/5 miles away.

But yes, I do agree it would be good to have an updated map of 'resticted' or 'no-fly' areas, especially if you are planning to go somewhere, as opposed to finding out when you get there.

2-15 05:08
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

DuRavary Posted at 2-15 01:37
The local countries already publish that information, why would they want to update your system? You have offered a flight aid for your users but it is not fit for purpose and will encourage illegal flying. That is not a good customer service, in fact it’s a dangerous practise.

EASA & the CAA recommended that the data was removed thats why DJI have done this to meet the EU regulations,   Ian made a video that explains it.  
2-15 05:20
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

I find your post somewhat humorous.  Over the years there has been complaint after complaint about the DJI app not allowing people to start the motors in their own yard or house.  Here you are complaining that the app IS allowing you to fly.

That says a lot about you and none of it good. I would be quite happy if the DJI controller only covered the high risk areas like airports, prisons and nuclear establishments but it goes beyond that. It states that I am NOT in a no fly zone when I am, when a 30 second check online will confirm my thoughts. Why are they saying it’s a not a no fly zone when it is? Why don’t the just say something like check xxxx to see any flight restrictions. Why don’t they encourage good practise instead of giving lazy users an excuse to back up their illegal flights? It’s far from a joke from my point of view.
YouTube is saturated by drone users and a higher percentage of the ones that I’ve seen show no regard for the law. In the comments I’ve seen them justifying their flights, saying things like, nobody cares, just fly where you like. On a few occasions I’ve pointed out the error and given the YouTuber a link to the national No-flight map. I’ve also politely asked which EU country they are registered in and was the registration process straightforward? Every single one of those posts has been removed some not before I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of online abuse from their disciples. One recent example showed a drone been flown at Mont Saint Michel in Normandy. It is a no-fly area. It’s also airspace used by tourist aircraft flying at low level. Why do these people think that they can fly there because there are no signs saying they can’t..Town centre architecture and Spanish National Perks are other areas where the rules are ignored completely. My fear is that the more these w⚓️s abuse the rules the more their subscribers themselves will repeat the flights and the fallout from that is responsible users will suffer more restrictions. Another user I’ve seen is an ex British policeman who has a holier than thou attitude to most things; he obviously doesn’t have a clue about flying in the EU and flies wher he wants. He also flys above National Trust sites in the U.K. Whst I don’t understand is why have DJI made it even easier for these idiots to believe that they’re doing nothing wrong and continue to encourage bad habits?
It really isn’t a joke.
2-15 08:22
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

DAFlys Posted at 2-15 05:20
EASA & the CAA recommended that the data was removed thats why DJI have done this to meet the EU regulations,   Ian made a video that explains it.  

The bit I’m complaining about is the fact that DJI tell me that I’m in a no-fly zone and can fly when I’m actually in a zone and am prohibited? Why are they giving that advice? Why do they need to misinform me?
2-15 08:26
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-15 05:06
I find your post somewhat humorous.  Over the years there has been complaint after complaint about the DJI app not allowing people to start the motors in their own yard or house.  Here you are complaining that the app IS allowing you to fly.  It is reminiscent of complaints regarding the recent firmware update no longer broadcasting when the drone is under 250 grams.  Damned if they do, damned if they don't...

I understand DJI implementing flight restrictions over major infrastructure like national airports that remain largely unchanging, but they should not be involved in, nor responsible for, creating some sort of overarching, all-knowing, flight restriction database.  There are several other sources available to provide operators that level of information.

You have missed the point completely. Perhaps you need to stop laughing and read my post again.
2-15 08:30
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Flight distance : 527740 ft

This is the same logic as why doesn't the government build walls in the middle of the road so you don't accidentally cross the road and kill someone. Why would DJI take responsibility for you not following the rules, would the car manufacturer take responsibility if you crash into someone?
So obvious no-fly zone around airports and sensitive infrastructure are in, and they should be, but for the rest it is responsibility of the user to know the law and to obey it, as you know the rules for everything else.
2-15 11:02
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

nikonya Posted at 2-15 11:02
This is the same logic as why doesn't the government build walls in the middle of the road so you don't accidentally cross the road and kill someone. Why would DJI take responsibility for you not following the rules, would the car manufacturer take responsibility if you crash into someone?
So obvious no-fly zone around airports and sensitive infrastructure are in, and they should be, but for the rest it is responsibility of the user to know the law and to obey it, as you know the rules for everything else.

I really don’t understand your response. I don’t need DJI to provide no-fly information on my controller as I have easy access to the official source. However DJI have taken a step towards policing no-fly zones by restricting flying in certain areas. Fine so far. What I object to is them placing a consumer friendly app on the screen at startup claiming to tell the owner whether they are in a no-fly zone or not. That would be great if the map they were using showed the same information as the official no-fly zone map of their  country but it does not. The controller informs me that when I’m outside of my house I am not in a no-fly zone and that I am free to fly. That is incorrect, I live in a no-fly zone. I know that because I regularly look at the official map however I also know that there are large numbers of drone pilots who do not take even such basic steps. DJI telling them that they are free to fly us simply giving irresponsible users a green light to break the law.  DJI do not need to give me that incorrect information. If they really wanted to help they could offer a reminder to check whether flying is allowed or not, there’s no harm in that. The fact that they have chosen to provide possibly  incorrect yet unnecessary information every time the controller is used makes it unfit for purpose. I don’t want governments to build unnecessary walls in the middle of roads, when I drive I’m quite happy to take responsibility for my actions. What I really don’t want is for the governments to tell me it’s safe to drive on the other side of the road when they know nothing of the traffic conditions at that place at that time. With your odd metaphor that’s what DJI are telling me, they are saying it’s OK when the official map says it’s not. Their app is not fit for purpose and should be removed.
2-15 11:19
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

As you yourself stated, the DJI app isn't supposed to be taken as the gospel of where you can & can't fly.  It will continue to prevent you from flying over major NFZs like airports, but you need to use one of the readily available apps to determine if the area you wish to fly is in fact permitted.

You really have missed my point haven’t you! My point is that if one of the great unwashed pick up their controller and see that DJI say it’s fine to fly they will fly. DJI do not have to give out the inaccurate information so why are they doing it? It’s a new feature what’s the point of it?
I’m not worried about negativity I’m more concerned by arrogance like you display in your posts. What right do you have to look down on me and patronise me?  I’m making a valid point, if you’re such a big important man back me up. I suppose to d9 that though you’d need the intelligence to understand the point and you seem to be incapable if that.
2-15 14:51
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-15 14:15
You are a new guy & have not been around long enough to have witnessed the evolution of drones.  Previously FlySafe was very restrictive, however, recent changes to the EU regulations prompted DJI to back-off with handling flight restrictions for every little zone.  Before this recent change, you may in fact have been prevented from starting the motors at your home location, but that is a pretty onerous restriction with a drone just sitting on your patio.  There were lots, and I do mean LOTS, of complaints from users who found themselves in this situation, as well as from commercially licensed pilots who were prevented from flying in areas where they were in fact authorized.

As you yourself stated, the DJI app isn't supposed to be taken as the gospel of where you can & can't fly.  It will continue to prevent you from flying over major NFZs like airports, but you need to use one of the readily available apps to determine if the area you wish to fly is in fact permitted.

My god you are one arrogant little man. You seem to put yourself above the law. How big, how manly. Do you perhaps have a YouTube channel? I’m sure it’s a barrel of laughs. Why do Americans believe they are superior? It defeats me.
2-15 14:53
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-15 15:05
This is where I politely tell you to enjoy a big mouthful of deez nuts.  They are full of wholesome goodness.  Have a nice day squirt!

There is nothing polite about you or your response. If you don’t understand the question please don’t attempt to answer it. You seem to live in a world ruled by jokes not facts.
2-15 20:40
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

Also just a bit of friendly advice.  People will not take kindly to wannabe drone police comments.  You will receive a lot of negative responses if you insist on calling people out every time you feel you spot a violation.  Just saying.

The examples I have quoted are not where I feel that I have spotted a violation. They are where the violation is blatant and the location checked. Facts not opinions.
2-15 20:42
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

DuRavary Posted at 2-15 08:26
The bit I’m complaining about is the fact that DJI tell me that I’m in a no-fly zone and can fly when I’m actually in a zone and am prohibited? Why are they giving that advice? Why do they need to misinform me?

EASA has required them to remove the zones from their product,  perhaps you should complain to them.  
2-15 22:21
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

DAFlys Posted at 2-15 22:21
EASA has required them to remove the zones from their product,  perhaps you should complain to them.

Quite simply because the fault that I’m complaining about is down to DJI. They are claiming that there are no no-fly zones in places where there are no-fly zones. Why are they saying that? It would be so much better if they said nothing or simply reminded the user of the need to be aware of the situation. By stating that it is safe to fly they are encouraging bad practise as well as potentially causing problems for the user.
2-15 22:55
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

DuRavary Posted at 2-15 22:55
Quite simply because the fault that I’m complaining about is down to DJI. They are claiming that there are no no-fly zones in places where there are no-fly zones. Why are they saying that? It would be so much better if they said nothing or simply reminded the user of the need to be aware of the situation. By stating that it is safe to fly they are encouraging bad practise as well as potentially causing problems for the user.

No they have remove the NFZ information at the request of EASA,  EASA wasnt each country to supply the information themselves but they are not doing that yet.  
2-15 23:20
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No Original Thought
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1411736 ft
United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 2-15 04:53
You can't yet,   we're waiting for the CAA to release something.

Thinking about it, it will more likely be NATS that the data will need to come from.

They make the data available to Altitude Angel for Drone Assist, so it must be available as a data feed somewhere.

The ideal would be that we are able to add data sources to the Fly app so that the latest data is loaded automatically rather than having to download manually from a source and then load into the app.

Hopefully that is how it will work - or even better, DJI incorporate the data automatically based on the aircraft location...
2-16 01:16
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

No Original Thought Posted at 2-16 01:16
Thinking about it, it will more likely be NATS that the data will need to come from.

They make the data available to Altitude Angel for Drone Assist, so it must be available as a data feed somewhere.

The press release wasnt entirely clear how it would work. ... s-to-its-geo-system
2-16 01:31
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-16 03:59
Don't confuse it with facts.  It just wants to cry.

Im was wondering if he's confusing fly spots which are totally inaccurate vs the removal of the FRZ from the geo map.  
2-16 04:37
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


DuRavary Posted at 2-15 00:52
I know that. My concern is that by providing an incomplete no-fly zone map on the controller a huge number of users will not bother to do even the basic research. Their controller will tell them that it is OK to fly so they will fly. As pointed out on other active threads it seems that many YouTube content creators fly regularly in no-fly zones encouraging others to do the same and there is actually another active thread on here showing footage in a Spanish national park, a no-fly zone. If DJI is going to the trouble to provide some no-fly information through the controller why haven’t they simply gone the full distance and provided all the zones? As you have pointed out the information is there. I believe you have given a huge number of drone pilots an incentive to break the law. As I said, incomplete information is worse than no information.

We appreciate your feedback and we totally understand your request. Please understand that we are abiding by the rules and regulations provided within the said region and we will update our restricted zone policy and map in accordance with local laws and regulations on a specific country or region. We will also take note of this concern of yours as a suggestion and forward it to our respective team. If you have any technical inquiries about your product, please don't hesitate to reach us. Thank you for your valued support and have a nice day ahead.
2-17 02:22
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 2-17 02:22
We appreciate your feedback and we totally understand your request. Please understand that we are abiding by the rules and regulations provided within the said region and we will update our restricted zone policy and map in accordance with local laws and regulations on a specific country or region. We will also take note of this concern of yours as a suggestion and forward it to our respective team. If you have any technical inquiries about your product, please don't hesitate to reach us. Thank you for your valued support and have a nice day ahead.

Thank you for taking on my suggestion. I still find it odd that you are claiming to be following the local laws when the national no-fly map shows the airspace above my home  as a red no-fly zone yet my controller insists that I am not in a restricted zone and that I am free to fly.
2-17 12:49
Use props
DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


DuRavary Posted at 2-17 12:49
Thank you for taking on my suggestion. I still find it odd that you are claiming to be following the local laws when the national no-fly map shows the airspace above my home  as a red no-fly zone yet my controller insists that I am not in a restricted zone and that I am free to fly.[view_image]

You are most welcome. As we mentioned above, it is recommended to consult with your local Geo Zone to check if it is safe to fly in the current airspace before each take-off and comply with them before and during each flight. Hope this helps.
2-19 01:24
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Flight distance : 125135 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 2-19 01:24
You are most welcome. As we mentioned above, it is recommended to consult with your local Geo Zone to check if it is safe to fly in the current airspace before each take-off and comply with them before and during each flight. Hope this helps.

How would that help? I know that. If you read this thread  you would know that I know that. The problem is that DJI now tell me that it is safe to fly where I know it is a no fly zone. There are a lot of users who will take DJI’s word and not bother to check if you are correct. There is no need for DJI to make that statement, it would be so much better if the controller said nothing or better still to remind the user to check if flying is allowed.
2-19 01:50
Use props
DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


DuRavary Posted at 2-19 01:50
How would that help? I know that. If you read this thread  you would know that I know that. The problem is that DJI now tell me that it is safe to fly where I know it is a no fly zone. There are a lot of users who will take DJI’s word and not bother to check if you are correct. There is no need for DJI to make that statement, it would be so much better if the controller said nothing or better still to remind the user to check if flying is allowed.

Thank you for your response. Rest assured that we will coordinate this concern of yours as a suggestion and will surely forward it to our relevant team for attention. Wish you have a nice day ahead.
2-22 01:56
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-16 03:57
Speaking of's the Whining Wanker.

You're French.  Capitulation, surrender, & defeat are your natural state of being.

I think DJI is doing quite a good job....

Realistically, is quite safe to fly in that hole, so DJI stands correct...

2-22 14:59
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