Low ambient light causes signal loss
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2640 40 2-18 17:49
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

I have less than 30 flights  on my new Dji Mini 4 pro and less than 3 flights at night/dusk
But yester day whilst flying in low light conditions (if one should believe that) I got a Ambient light too low. Vision system and obstacle sensing unavailable. Fly with caution message on my dji rc 2..  This issue causes a signal loss to DJI RC 2 and the drone returned to home

Is this drone not able to fly under low light or at night??

I have both DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Dji Avata and never had this issue..
Can anyone think of a solution or explaination?

Cheers guys.

PS.. sorry for the double posting, but there is no way to see images inserted or options to remove one or the other. But the images is a screencut from a larger image showing how dark it was when this low ambient light warning and signal loss happen.
2-18 17:49
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Flight distance : 705974 ft

I don't see how the loss of vision sensors would trigger a RTH. We fly our drones at all hours day and night and get the warning about loss of vision and obstacle sensors when light is low without any other issues.
Did you have good GPS lock at the time?
2-18 18:20
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DJI Tony


Hi there. As Hoarfrost mentioned, low light does not affect the signal between the remote and the aircraft. Do you encounter this every time you use the drone in an area with low ambient light, and is it fine if you post a video showing the issue? Thank you.
2-18 19:40
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Hoarfrost Posted at 2-18 18:20
I don't see how the loss of vision sensors would trigger a RTH. We fly our drones at all hours day and night and get the warning about loss of vision and obstacle sensors when light is low without any other issues.
Did you have good GPS lock at the time?

Did you have good GPS lock at the time?
Hard to see the relevance of that question.
You'll only confuse him more.

He was flying out in the open, so of course he had good GPS.
Low light has no effect on the signal between the drone and controller or GPS.
2-19 02:45
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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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Hi Tom,

Trick, if you add another picture to your post, than you see in a menu wich pictures already has been uploaded. Click the red cross to delete pictures you wanna delete.

If you like upload your flightlog for this issue.
Use > https://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/Upload/
Post the uploaded link on here

2-19 03:10
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-19 03:10
Hi Tom,

Trick, if you add another picture to your post, than you see in a menu wich pictures already has been uploaded. Click the red cross to delete pictures you wanna delete.

I did not find a way to remove or edit post so that I see the images I've uploaded. Not the best forum solution
Second the text and icons are too small for my 4k display to read.
There does not seem to be a button to quote post in here either so I'll try to answer things here

1. Yes I had GPS signal and 27 satalites present I believe.
2. The drone DJI RC 2 was lost signal, but this happen after the ambient light low warning

Here is a film showing the incident and the light level

3. I cannot upload logs as it is per default an .dat file and the CsvView program was not able to read it either
4. I have updated firmware and no this have not happen before.
5. In retrospect I have cleaned all sensors, which was not dirty in the first place.

It has never had this ambient low light warning before

2-19 08:01
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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 08:01
I did not find a way to remove or edit post so that I see the images I've uploaded. Not the best forum solution
Second the text and icons are too small for my 4k display to read.
There does not seem to be a button to quote post in here either so I'll try to answer things here


Nice video.

Didn`t you managed to get the flightlog.txt to phantomhelp.com? Flihghtogs.txt are in the RC, no need for DAT files.
If you share the upload than it is ready to analyse.

2-19 08:17
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

Hi. .I realized my own fault, installed DatCon now and will upload csv when able. Thanks
I grabed it from the drone, was that wrong?
2-19 08:55
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

Hi.. I am simply not able to upload any logs at all. Seems the DatCon cannot convert the dat file into csv
Any idea on how I can upload it?

As you can see, there is 1kb of data in the CSV file, and when I open it you can see only the headers.
2-19 09:14
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

The .MM4 .DAT is encrypted and can not be processed by DatCon.  Same for CsvView since it uses DatCon to do the conversion.

Can you provide the .txt from the controller?
2-19 09:20
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

BudWalker Posted at 2-19 09:20
The .MM4 .DAT is encrypted and can not be processed by DatCon.  Same for CsvView since it uses DatCon to do the conversion.

Can you provide the .txt from the controller?

There is no text from the controller. I have search every file and folder. No flight logs folder either.
When exporting form RC 2, the output is always a .dat file..  I cannot upload this to AirData UAV either as it is more than 800MB (940MB) which from some strange reason is the upper limit.

So I can export the log from DJI Assistant Commercial but that always results in a .dat file, a large one that is. 1 entry was as mentioned 940mb
This is from my first try, 3 files 1,9gb

2-19 09:34
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I've had the same issue, I was asked to provide flight logs for the problem I am having with my AR homepoint disappearing randomly, but the files are always to large to download from the drone, lots approaching 2 gigs each. When I used the DJI assist 2 to try to download the files, the download speed was so slow, that with the drone on and plugged into the assist program, I was wondering if it was going to catch on fire before I got a couple files off.

I went out and did a short flight to make a file that was under 800 mgs and then downloaded it from the drone and then uploaded it to the suggested website, and then it just said it couldn't read it as it was a .DAT file. You mention downloading it from the controller, my understanding is that all thats in that flight log is the flight path, and not the detailed firmware data in the drone.

Am i doing this incorrectly?
2-19 09:59
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 08:01
I did not find a way to remove or edit post so that I see the images I've uploaded. Not the best forum solution
Second the text and icons are too small for my 4k display to read.
There does not seem to be a button to quote post in here either so I'll try to answer things here

nubbix, so far as I know there is no way a low light warning could affect the drone returning to home. What I find interesting is the little jerk upward of your camera as it looses signal. I was recently flying my Mini 4 with the Integra goggles, plenty of satelites, flying along nicely just over 400 meters from my homepoint with a direct line of sight to myself, and there's a very sudden total loss of signal, the drones camera jerked upward like it ran into a force field, lol and it begins a failsafe return to home. I've also flown in the area in the pics many times, and even reflew the same path a couple times right after it did the failsafe, and everything worked fine.
So some possibilities.....
- So solar and geomagnetic activity is off the scale lately, a good solar blast could cause a sudden loss of controller and or satelite signal, triggering a return to home.
- No shortage of bugs in the latest firmware, lol
- I ran into a cloaked ship, which quickly fled back into orbit, frightened by the mighty propellers of the Mini 4 Pro
Heres  three pics of the flight sequence:

2-19 10:38
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

Manitobahunter Posted at 2-19 10:38
nubbix, so far as I know there is no way a low light warning could affect the drone returning to home. What I find interesting is the little jerk upward of your camera as it looses signal. I was recently flying my Mini 4 with the Integra goggles, plenty of satelites, flying along nicely just over 400 meters from my homepoint with a direct line of sight to myself, and there's a very sudden total loss of signal, the drones camera jerked upward like it ran into a force field, lol and it begins a failsafe return to home. I've also flown in the area in the pics many times, and even reflew the same path a couple times right after it did the failsafe, and everything worked fine.
So some possibilities.....
- So solar and geomagnetic activity is off the scale lately, a good solar blast could cause a sudden loss of controller and or satelite signal, triggering a return to home.

Thank you, yes that sounded like my expeirence. But another strange thing happens was that at some point on the return to home.. All RC 2 froze. I could not move levers even after I cancled the RTH. Neither up or down, forward back or side to side. I re-anged the RTH and it landed on the spot.

During the beech run, which was basically a test to see if it reoccured, I got the ambient low warning message, but not signal loss. Most likely because I headed back immediately.  I am now going outside to try at night, just to see what is happening.
2-19 10:51
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 09:34
There is no text from the controller. I have search every file and folder. No flight logs folder either.
When exporting form RC 2, the output is always a .dat file..  I cannot upload this to AirData UAV either as it is more than 800MB (940MB) which from some strange reason is the upper limit.


All RC 2 has flightrecords ! logs named like this : "DJIFlightRecord_2024-01-01_[23-14-06].txt"

if you do not use a SD card than search this path on the RC.

\\DJI RC 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord

2-19 11:31
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JJB* Posted at 2-19 11:31

All RC 2 has flightrecords ! logs named like this : "DJIFlightRecord_2024-01-01_[23-14-06].txt"

Hi, thanks for the search path. When I get into the flight records folder, it does say MCdat flight records. I delete everything in there after every flying session, so its presently empty, but if I get out this afternoon, I'll pull the records out before I clear my cache, and see if I can get them to open on that website. I've previously used airdata UAV to open a flight record on my mini 3 pro, but had no luck there with the mini 4 either.
2-19 12:11
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 10:51
Thank you, yes that sounded like my expeirence. But another strange thing happens was that at some point on the return to home.. All RC 2 froze. I could not move levers even after I cancled the RTH. Neither up or down, forward back or side to side. I re-anged the RTH and it landed on the spot.

During the beech run, which was basically a test to see if it reoccured, I got the ambient low warning message, but not signal loss. Most likely because I headed back immediately.  I am now going outside to try at night, just to see what is happening.

Interesting, do a screen recording by pulling down from the top of the RC screen with your finger, and hit the screen record button, that way you can see if you are loosing signal or what in the recording.
2-19 12:13
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-19 03:10
Hi Tom,

Trick, if you add another picture to your post, than you see in a menu wich pictures already has been uploaded. Click the red cross to delete pictures you wanna delete.

Sadly I did not get to fly now due to rain.  Thank you, finally got it.
For some reason I thought since I have an iPhone, the natural place to look was not in Android folder.

Right enough, there it was.

Flight 1 - The one with signal error (4m27sec into the log) - I noticed it also says signal blocked, but I thought I did have VLOS (at least in the general direction)  so perhaps the building did block me. I stood near the canoo if that's how it is spelled. However it does not explain the ambient light warning code


Flight 2 - Only amient light warning 12m4sec in the log

2-19 12:16
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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 12:16
Sadly I did not get to fly now due to rain.  Thank you, finally got it.
For some reason I thought since I have an iPhone, the natural place to look was not in Android folder.


Had a look at both flight.

See my charts of your data

See the UP link value goes bad to "red", disconnect followed when in red, a nice RTH was initiated.
See in the polar chart where the link went bad, the purple line.

Probably as the link went down in steps, radio line of sight blocked at the end.

Few times in both logs the " Ambient light too low. Vision system and obstacle sensing unavailable. Fly with caution" warning.

Sensors needs enough light to function properly, so must be too dark fro the sensors and not for human eyes.

JJB   [ Charts by FRAP ; the 'best' software for data and visual flightlog analysis (www.jjbfrap.eu) ]
2-19 13:20
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-19 13:20

Had a look at both flight.

@Sensors needs enough light to function properly, so must be too dark fro the sensors and not for human eyes.@

Yes, I think we can determain what happen, signal loss and a good RTH. The only simple explaination I can think if is that it's boils down to bad luck. First the ambient low light, then the signal loss = my interpretation that the ambient light caused the signal loss.  The drone should however be able to fly during night or heavy dusk right, hens the night mode. But why is this ambient light warning really coming repeatedly on? Why not only when the drone starts (takeoff), then naturally alerting the user that the sensors may have issue and flight is on the pilots own risk. Anyway, thanks for the assist and helping me undertand. Really appreciated all the help I've got.
2-19 14:17
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Flight distance : 705974 ft

Labroides Posted at 2-19 02:45
Did you have good GPS lock at the time?
Hard to see the relevance of that question.
You'll only confuse him more.

How do you know he had good GPS lock? Maybe that's what's wrong with his drone. It's a simple thing to check when trying to diagnose an issue - the first thing to do is eliminate the easy things first.

Not everyone has your ability to diagnose a problem from a distance without a number of facts in evidence - so please forgive my attempts to assist instead of sitting back and leaving people to twist in the wind.

Instead of talking to me, please help the OP to discover what the issue is.
2-19 16:35
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Hoarfrost Posted at 2-19 16:35
How do you know he had good GPS lock? Maybe that's what's wrong with his drone. It's a simple thing to check when trying to diagnose an issue - the first thing to do is eliminate the easy things first.

Not everyone has your ability to diagnose a problem from a distance without a number of facts in evidence - so please forgive my attempts to assist instead of sitting back and leaving people to twist in the wind.

How do you know he had good GPS lock?
For a start, you can see it in his flight data.
Second, even if he launched prematurely, he would have acquired satellites quickly since he was flying out in the open.

Maybe that's what's wrong with his drone.
And third ... whether he had full GPS or no GPS, it wouldn't have made any difference to his control signnal.

It's a simple thing to check when trying to diagnose an issue - the first thing to do is eliminate the easy things first.
It's a complete waste of time and confusing to new flyers when you paste irrelevant suggestions.

Not everyone has your ability to diagnose a problem from a distance without a number of facts in evidence
Yeah ... that's plain to see, but it still doesn't stop them suggesting things that are no help at all.

2-19 17:30
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 14:17
@Sensors needs enough light to function properly, so must be too dark fro the sensors and not for human eyes.@

Yes, I think we can determain what happen, signal loss and a good RTH. The only simple explaination I can think if is that it's boils down to bad luck. First the ambient low light, then the signal loss = my interpretation that the ambient light caused the signal loss.  The drone should however be able to fly during night or heavy dusk right, hens the night mode. But why is this ambient light warning really coming repeatedly on? Why not only when the drone starts (takeoff), then naturally alerting the user that the sensors may have issue and flight is on the pilots own risk. Anyway, thanks for the assist and helping me undertand. Really appreciated all the help I've got.

But why is this ambient light warning really coming repeatedly on? Why not only when the drone starts (takeoff), then naturally alerting the user that the sensors may have issue
It's just a notification that the OA sensors won't be able to work in low light conditions.
It's not suggesting a problem with the sensors.
2-19 17:33
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Flight distance : 705974 ft

Labroides Posted at 2-19 17:30
How do you know he had good GPS lock?
For a start, you can see it in his flight data.
Second, even if he launched prematurely, he would have acquired satellites quickly since he was flying out in the open.

"It's a complete waste of time and confusing to new flyers when you paste irrelevant suggestions."

You should start your own forum Labroides so you can tell all of us fools to get lost while you tell everyone only what is relevant. I came here to learn things too and dissing newbies or well intentioned people only shows that you are a bully.

Please don't talk to me anymore.
2-19 20:31
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JJB, I was able to use your instructions to get a flight log out of the RC2 and use Phantom Help to decode and have a look, so thanks for teaching me how
This log is for a video showing an issue with the AR homepoint I've been having since the December update. The flight log doesn't show anything relevant to the issue other than having a minimum of 23 satelites locked at all times. Whats happening is after flying around a bit, my AR homepoint goes missing, and pretty much have to land and power off and restart the drone to get it to reappear. An interesting tidbit of info is as I approach the landing area to the point where the AR homepoint would normally fade out, it re appears for a second and then fades out, you can see it at 5:13 in the video.


Here's a link to the screenrecording for the flightlog.

2-19 20:53
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Hoarfrost Posted at 2-19 20:31
"It's a complete waste of time and confusing to new flyers when you paste irrelevant suggestions."

You should start your own forum Labroides so you can tell all of us fools to get lost while you tell everyone only what is relevant. I came here to learn things too and dissing newbies or well intentioned people only shows that you are a bully.

I came here to learn things too.
It sounds like you didn't realise that there's no link between GPS and control signal.
If you paid attention to what I posted , there's something you've learned.

and dissing newbies or well intentioned people only shows that you are a bully.

You asked how I knew, I pointed out a few ways and somehow that's "dissing".
You don't take well to learning.
Too bad you chose to take offence and engage in sniping rather than learning something.
2-19 22:01
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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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nubbix Posted at 2-19 14:17
@Sensors needs enough light to function properly, so must be too dark fro the sensors and not for human eyes.@

Yes, I think we can determain what happen, signal loss and a good RTH. The only simple explaination I can think if is that it's boils down to bad luck. First the ambient low light, then the signal loss = my interpretation that the ambient light caused the signal loss.  The drone should however be able to fly during night or heavy dusk right, hens the night mode. But why is this ambient light warning really coming repeatedly on? Why not only when the drone starts (takeoff), then naturally alerting the user that the sensors may have issue and flight is on the pilots own risk. Anyway, thanks for the assist and helping me undertand. Really appreciated all the help I've got.

Hi nubbix,

About multiple same messages in the app, can be annoying sometimes.

When i fly my Mini4Pro with a plus battery i get during the whole flight the message that mu drone is not C0 compliant. Yes i know that, and after the first message i think, yes i know!

That is why i filter this type of repeating messages out in FRAP, once is enough.

Low ambient light messages though, little different ofcourse (not when you fly at night...), but flying in and out a forest i am happy to get this message.

Show more video`s of Norway please  ;-)  absolutely great country ( been there several times on my motorcycle and drone)

Happy many landings,
2-20 00:26
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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Manitobahunter Posted at 2-19 20:53
JJB, I was able to use your instructions to get a flight log out of the RC2 and use Phantom Help to decode and have a look, so thanks for teaching me how
This log is for a video showing an issue with the AR homepoint I've been having since the December update. The flight log doesn't show anything relevant to the issue other than having a minimum of 23 satelites locked at all times. Whats happening is after flying around a bit, my AR homepoint goes missing, and pretty much have to land and power off and restart the drone to get it to reappear. An interesting tidbit of info is as I approach the landing area to the point where the AR homepoint would normally fade out, it re appears for a second and then fades out, you can see it at 5:13 in the video.


Happy to help if i can.

Think DJI is already working on the dissapearing H on the screen.

I still use the radar attitude indicator to navigate my drones if i have to fly back to the HP.
Arrow to the center means drone is flying to HomePoint always, even if RC or mobile compass is incorrect.

2-20 00:38
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No Original Thought
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1411736 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2-19 17:30
How do you know he had good GPS lock?
For a start, you can see it in his flight data.
Second, even if he launched prematurely, he would have acquired satellites quickly since he was flying out in the open.

Oh dear, here we go again, the mighty, all knowing Labroids berating another forum user...

Let's see now.

In post 1 nubbix reports a problem (RC<->Drone disconnect and RTH). There is no mention of where the flight takes places, only that it is in what may possibly be considered 'low light' conditions. The attached photo shows that there are buildingas and a marina/harbour in the vicinity. There is no mention of the flight being "out in the open".

In post 2 Hoarfrost asks if nubbix had a good GPS lock at the time of the incident. (Hoarfrost also correctly points out that the low light warning would not trigger an RTH).

In post 3 DJI confirm that the low light warning would not trigger an RTH.

In post 4 Labroids makes four statements in his usual tone, one of which contains two assertions. Only one of these statements is known to be true (low light not causing RTH), and that point has already been made by Hoarfrost and DJI Tony.

Labroids claims that it is hard to see the relevence in the questions regarding GPS lock may be true in Labroids case. Maybe he does find it hard to see the relevence, but that is a Labroids problem. I can see the relevence, although  it may not be for the same reasons Hoarfrost asks the question. Knowing the GPS status could help diagnose where the issue originated, for example loss of GPS at the same time as loss of RC<->Drone comms /could/ indicate interference at the drone location. Loss of RC<->Drone comms while the GPS status was still good /could/ indicate intererence at the RC location. Neither of which is conclusive, but with the minimal information in the original question, gathering this kind of info helps drive an investigation forward.

Labroids then claims that nubbix was flying in the open and so of course had good GPS. Well, we don't know that he was 'in the open' as such. We do not, at this point, know the location of nubbix and the RC. He could have been stood directly beside a large EM emitter for all we know at this point in the discussion.

Conclusion: Labroids made some assumptions, but dressed them up as absolute fact - as his is way of responding in this forum.

It is not until post 21 that nubbix learns how to retrieve the log files from his RC. This is the first point that _anyone_ has access to data regarding whether there was good GPS lock at the time of the error and RTH or not. This was almost 12 hours after Labroids post 4. It is at this point that the anyone other than nubbix knows exactly where the flight took place and where it was controlled from (although some may theoretically recognise the view in the photo).

In post 25 Hoarfrost asks Labroids how he knows nubbix had good GPS at the time - quoting Labroids post 4.

In post 26 Labroids claims that he knows because it is in nubbix' flight data. Labroids also claims that nubbix would have acquired satellites quickly as he was flying in the open.

Oh boy... Labroids, you DID NOT know anything about the GPS status from the flight data when you made that claim in post 4 because NOBODY, not even nubbix, had seen the flight data at that point. Assuming nubbix is not auto-uploading to AirData or something and that you do not have access nubbix; AirData account you had not seen the flight data and could no have known this. Secondly, in post 4 you are assuming that the flight is in the open. Thirdly, even GPS receivers 'out in the open' can encounter trouble with or delays acquiring GPS lock for myriad reasons - local EM interference from, for example, marine radios (!), solar radiation, etc etc.

Labroids then goes on to claim again that knowing the GPS status 'is a waste of time'. As previously mentioned, it is not. The GPS status may not have caused the RTH, but it does give us more infromation about the environment in which the drone was flying at that moment.

In this case it appears that the GPS lock was, in fact, good. This tells us that at the time and location of the drone when the incident occurred there was no widespread radio intereference. There may still have been interference within the frequency band that the RC and Drone communicate on, but at least we have ruled out one possible cause.

And on the last point in post 26 Labroids completely misses the point being made. That did make me chuckle.

For avoidance of any doubt, in post 31 Labroids asserts again that he KNEW about the GPS lock and claims he has "pointed out a few ways" that he knew these things.

No, Labroids, you did not know. Unless time works differently for you, the information that allowed ANYONE to know about the GPS lock was not available until almost 12 hours after you posted your claim. Nubbix did not reply until post 7 that he believed he had '27 satellites present' - three posts after your claim.

You did not know. You made a guess. In this case that guess was correct, but it was a guess and could just have easily been wrong.

You present your guesses as irrefutable facts. and your manner is abrasive. And when you are challenged on things I have to agree with Hoarfrost, you are a bully. Discussion always turn unpleasant when you join them, which is a shame as burried in your vitriol there is sometimes useful information - sadly in this case the only useful information had already been posted by others.

2-20 05:07
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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No Original Thought Posted at 2-20 05:07
Oh dear, here we go again, the mighty, all knowing Labroids berating another forum user...

Let's see now.

I read about half of this treatise and it's all garbage from someone with a poor understanding of what he's talking about.
What a surprise.
NOT is trolling and bullying.

Apart from everything already covered, a drone cannot RTH without GPS.
And one more time ... there is no relation between GPS signal and control signal.
Full GPS reception or no GPS at all makes no difference to control signal.
They are completely independent.

2-20 07:13
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No Original Thought
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1411736 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2-20 07:13
I read about half of this treatise and it's all garbage from someone with a poor understanding of what he's talking about.
What a surprise.
NOT is trolling and bullying.
Just who is arguing with those points? Nobody.

Carry on, you are making yourself look really rather silly.

(My apologies if you are not capable of reading and understanding anything longer than a few lines. Again your failing, not mine.)
2-20 07:58
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Flight distance : 4354 ft

I don‘t understand why these threads repeatedly turn into personal battles. The OP requested help on an issue, but that seems to have lost all relevance YET AGAIN.
2-20 09:15
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No Original Thought
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1411736 ft
United Kingdom

StepCH Posted at 2-20 09:15
I don‘t understand why these threads repeatedly turn into personal battles. The OP requested help on an issue, but that seems to have lost all relevance YET AGAIN.

Sadly there are some members of the forum that seem to think it is OK to jump in and belittle other contributors.

Labroids is perhaps the worst culprit, and having been the recipient of his vitriol in the past I'm afraid I'm not one to sit back and watch him treat others the same way.

In this thread Hoarfrost offered a valid response to the OP's question and offered it in good faith and in a non-confrontational way. Sadly Labroids then jumped in with his usual tone of trying to make everyone else look stupid, sadly not realising that he regularly misses the point being made.

I don't know if Hoarfrost realises that RC<->Drone comms is completely unreated to GPS, nor do I know if he knows that RTH is impossible without a GPS lock. However, I am not going to jump to conclusions about that and have a go at him for posing a question that may have shed some light on the bigger situation around the incident that nubbix reported.

These forums would be a much nicer place to hang out if Labroids were not around. Sure, he has some valid input sometimes, but sadly it is shrouded in a bad attitude. I, and I know from private messages, many other have reported him for his behaviour in the past, but sadly he remains here.

I apologise for what might seem like thread hijacking, but I do not think Labroids' behaviour is acceptable, and it shoudl not be tolerated. As the forum mods have allowed him to remain treating people this way, we can either challenge or ignore him. Sadly ignoring him doesn't seem to work either, so at least by challenging him the forums members on the receiving end of his comments know they are not alone.
2-20 09:53
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JJB* Posted at 2-20 00:38

Happy to help if i can.

Hi JJB, yes I use the radar map as well if I'm flying some distance away or at night. I think I had it minimized in the vids. I have pretty good spacial awareness, so usually know where the drone is, though with the goggles, thats a whole new ball game
2-20 11:42
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-20 00:26
Hi nubbix,

About multiple same messages in the app, can be annoying sometimes.

First of all, thank you guys the support effort in this thread is simply awesome. For some strange reason I cannot find out how to quote anybody so I appologies for how the respons looks
and where all the boxes comes from  

1. In reply to DJ Tony
Hi there. As Hoarfrost mentioned, low light does not affect the signal between the remote and the aircraft.
Thank you, very comforting to know.
2. In reply to JJB*
>Show more video`s of Norway please  ;-)  absolutely great country ( been there several times on my motorcycle and drone)

Yes in deed and I agree. If I find a good post to post, I will.

3. In reply to No Original Thought
>Labroids then claims that nubbix was flying in the open and so of course had good GPS. Well, we don't know that he was 'in the open' as such. We do not, at this point, know the location of nubbix and the RC. He could have been stood directly beside a large EM emitter for all we know at this point in the discussion.

Yes, I was behind a building which could block my line of sight to the drone, but I was also at 88 meter in height so that should work fine.
I have never ever experienced interfearance in Norway, not inside large construction all, inside data centers or flying around, through or above radio masts. Not even over houses which all have Wifi, not even 2,5km away with my DJI Mini Pro did I get any loss in satelites or signal degreade. (fyi.. Did not dare to go any further, so headed back and was at 65 percent battery on the return point).. Anyway I digress. Anything could however be possible, perhaps also the line of sight was blocked by houses near by. I should have gone out on the beach just to see if the signal came back, but in the moment I thought the ambient low light warning and connected rc loss was the problem, not the line of sight.

4. In reply to Labroids
> What a surprise.
NOT is trolling and bullying.

Trolls to Norwegians are sacred loved creatures, kinda a national treasure and for sure part of out cultural heritage and folklore.
Just watch how cute they are in the image below.

5. In reply to StepCH
I don‘t understand why these threads repeatedly turn into personal battles. The OP requested help on an issue, but that seems to have lost all relevance YET AGAIN.

No worries, I only used the once that fitted my issue

I was planning to do a night flight just to confirm there is not a repeating issue when it comes to either ambient low light warning
or signal loss. Since it is a fearly new drone (couple of months) I need to be able to trust it.

Also want to re-informce my gratitude, while I did get a bit smarter, I also did get valued help. Learning how to upload
logs is clearly one of them

So thanks.

2-21 09:46
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 2-21 15:22
Coming into this conversation late & I see there are many replies.  I take it you have a Mini 4 Pro from the forum?  I have flown my Mini 4, along with all of my DJI drones (13 I believe), extensively at night.  The Vision sensors have nothing to do with the control signal.  The GPS has nothing to do with the control signal.  If you are connected, you can control the drone, regardless of the Vision sensors or GPS signal.

It is normal to get OA (Vision sensor) & Ambient Light warnings in low light.  That in no way should affect your RC connection to the drone.  You would need to post your flight logs to determine exactly what is going on but it has nothing to do with the Vision sensors.  If the RC connection was lost it was almost certainly a coincidence.

In reply to Dirty Bird

[quote]It is normal to get OA (Vision sensor) & Ambient Light warnings in low light.  That in no way should affect your RC connection to the drone.  You would need to post your flight logs to determine exactly what is going on but it has nothing to do with the Vision sensors.  If the RC connection was lost it was almost certainly a coincidence.[quote]

You might be late to the party, but any advice is appreciated. Nice video btw.
In terms of logs, they are already posted.. Also as mentioned, I will provide a new feedback after a few night flights.

fyi.. did something similar to your video, except I flew into the fireworks with an old Phantom 4, cool shots, not very safe

2-21 15:52
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The statement "Low ambient light causes signal loss" is generally not true. In most cases, light levels do not directly affect the signal strength between a transmitter and receiver.

Here's why:

Different technologies use different communication methods:
Radio waves: The most common signal type used in drones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless technologies, are not affected by light. They operate at much lower frequencies than visible light and are not impacted by its presence or absence.
Infrared: Night vision cameras rely on infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. However, low ambient light won't affect the signal itself, but it can limit the camera's ability to "see" and capture images or videos.
However, there are some specific cases where low light might indirectly contribute to signal loss:

Vision-based systems: Some drones, like the DJI Mini 4 Pro, have vision sensors that rely on sufficient light to function properly. These sensors are used for obstacle avoidance and other features. In very low light, the sensors might not work effectively, and the drone might display a warning about "loss of vision system" or "fly with caution." This indirectly affects the user's perception of signal strength even though the actual communication signal isn't impacted.
Environmental factors: While not directly related to light, poor weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or strong winds can sometimes interfere with signal strength. These factors are more likely to be the culprit behind signal loss than low light itself.
3-3 11:05
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Flight distance : 5243 ft

This is fantastic. Greetings
3-17 14:13
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United States

Im having a low light warning keep popping up. Flew my mini 4 pro at dusk and it started to give me this warning. It would completely stop the flight. I could not move the drone in any direction for a few seconds. Completely messed up my shot. Any fix to this?
5-29 18:53
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Flight distance : 407687 ft

I agree, most problematic was the fact that you could not control the drone. No action to the RC2 helped.
5-29 22:28
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