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AIR 3 main camera optics not OK ?
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3926 48 2024-4-10
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Long story short...2nd Air 3 acquired had an issue with main camera lens...blurred details in right part of screen.
DJI received it, checked it and sent a new one as exchange, aknowledging that received one is not OK.

The new one was tested at arival...surprize...the right part of screen is blurred/slightly out of focus as the optics are not arranged OK.
So need to send it again at DJI, losing another 10 days from DJI Care and from time of work....

Wondering HOW the QC is made at this lenses....Is even made by someone? Because is easy to spot the issue...

TIPS: If you want to fast check the main lens, put a WIDE lens on it....As the image is stretching by wide lens, any defects will appear instantly, easy to be spotted. Then you can check the area with normal lens or with no lens.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hello Geo_Drone, we are sorry to hear about the unpleasant experience you had. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. In regards to the replacement, can you please provide us with the case number for reference? We are committed to assisting you in resolving this issue and will work with our relevant team to find a solution. Thank you.
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United States

Good tip Geo and thanks for sharing.  
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DJI Thor Posted at 4-11 01:41
Hello Geo_Drone, we are sorry to hear about the unpleasant experience you had. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. In regards to the replacement, can you please provide us with the case number for reference? We are committed to assisting you in resolving this issue and will work with our relevant team to find a solution. Thank you.

CRM 0452000011323

This was the case with exchanged drone. Now I have no CAS, as DJI received the email with issue and "we have sent it to technical investigate"....I do not know WHAT they investigate, as the drone is here, probably they review the footage.
Still, the delay is not OK, as weekend is here and another 2 weeks will pass until next drone will arrive....

Not happy at all.
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DowntownRDB Posted at 4-11 09:12
Good tip Geo and thanks for sharing.

No problem, glad to help others to check the quality, as DJI is not having a QC for lenses at manufacture.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Geo_Drone Posted at 4-11 22:48
CRM 0452000011323

Thank you for the information sharing. We will further confirm with our relevant team first to know more details. Once we get any results, we will keep you updates as soon as possible.
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DJI Thor Posted at 4-12 01:02
Thank you for the information sharing. We will further confirm with our relevant team first to know more details. Once we get any results, we will keep you updates as soon as possible.

Already made a NEW CAS for the drone exchanged.
Will be sent today with UPS.

I have also included in package the WIDE LENS, in order to be checked before sending the new drone back, as I have seen on FB and forums  A LOT of people with main lens with issues related to right part of image blurred.
Seems to be a issue with manufacturer, cannot be so many lenses that don't have the proper optics.

On the other side, the ones that received a good drone have pictures and video acceptable (not sharp in details as Mini 4 Pro, even if is SAME CAMERA, but not with such loss in details on right side).

Better see why so many with issues.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Geo_Drone Posted at 4-15 00:11
Already made a NEW CAS for the drone exchanged.
Will be sent today with UPS.

Hi there, sorry for the delayed response and appreciate the update you provided. We will follow up with our relevant team to push the status of your issue. Additionally, upon checking, we have identified a new case number that has been created and will be taken care of.
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So...Today the 3rd drone returned....
Guess what???

The main camera is super sharp with wide lens.

Great to see that DJI still have good products when are tested
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Hello Geo_Drone,
I have also that kind of issues (in my opinin even worse) with the main and tele camera of my Air 3.
I contacted DJI after one month of buying my new drone several times and send them the original files.
As an answer I just received a formally information that they couldn´t find any defect after a deeply check.
I´m really disappointed to hear this unequal treatment concering users with and without having a "DJI care refresh", although i have obviously decentered cameras

Best regards
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

I also got a new drone after this problem. The image is a little blurry in the corners when you shoot a large area, just like on the Mini 3 Pro.
I adjusted the horizon a bit.
So far the weather and work do not allow for many tests, but I like the current result much better than the old drone.
The video is absolutely gorgeous.
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Flight distance : 11620869 ft

Greetings to everyone, unfortunately my air3 also has this problem in the main lens. The telephoto lens is perfect, no problems, on the contrary, it amazed me with its capabilities. The main lens, on the other hand, tends to blur on the sides, both left and right. It's not a super excessive thing, but it's there and it's bothering me a little, because it's not the first time I've had this type of problem with a DJI drone. I honestly don't understand why they don't check the quality of the lenses, it's not a small thing. I don't know whether to send it under warranty or not, I mainly use the other lens, and I'm afraid that a drone will arrive with the same problem, perhaps on the zoom lens, which would be a disaster for my use of the drone.
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Flight distance : 38945879 ft

This drone seems to suffer from the very same problem as my old Mini 3 Pro did. It was replaced probably 3 times until I got a good one from the DJI. Again with my Air 3, the photo taken with wide angle is sometimes soft on the right edge, sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes even tolerable, but then soft again. Tele lens is perfect, too bad the wide angle lens isn't because otherwise this drone is a beast. I haven't found a time to send it in for repair yet as I have a lot of shooting going on at the moment, and I mainly use the tele lens anyway. But still, it would be nice to have a good wide angle lens too.
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Flight distance : 38945879 ft

Edit: accidentally posted twice.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

The sharpness suits me. There is uneven lens pincushion distortion. By editing the horizon (rotation +1.0) I made this distortion appear slightly along the bottom edge in photographs; in videos it is barely noticeable due to the 16:9 format.
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Eremita Posted at 5-6 14:30
This drone seems to suffer from the very same problem as my old Mini 3 Pro did. It was replaced probably 3 times until I got a good one from the DJI. Again with my Air 3, the photo taken with wide angle is sometimes soft on the right edge, sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes even tolerable, but then soft again. Tele lens is perfect, too bad the wide angle lens isn't because otherwise this drone is a beast. I haven't found a time to send it in for repair yet as I have a lot of shooting going on at the moment, and I mainly use the tele lens anyway. But still, it would be nice to have a good wide angle lens too.

Well, there is normal that image is softer on sides....Is about optics at any cameras...
On wide lens the soft is more visible, as the lens is stretching image....this is why you need to cut it a little.
The problem was that the left was softer but the right part was blurred a lot, this giving the fact that lens is wrong aligned. This is a defect and is changed by DJI.
A softer corners on both parts, left AND right, shows only the limitation of optics and F aperture, I never consider it a malfunction.
Would be helpful to post on a drive like PCLOUD or Google Drive the originals JPG + RAW pictures, make them at 12MPx and 48Mpx, in order to see it.

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Drone.Hunter Posted at 5-6 20:04
The sharpness suits me. There is uneven lens pincushion distortion. By editing the horizon (rotation +1.0) I made this distortion appear slightly along the bottom edge in photographs; in videos it is barely noticeable due to the 16:9 format.

Distortion is not an issue for me....can be corrected one time, then just save profile and is made automatically.

Of course, will matter the ANGLE used for footage when using Wide Lens as the distortion is more visible when you orient the camera closer to 0 degrees then 45 degrees at horizon....
I use a simple thing: take a photo 4:3 of 2 buildings that are close one to each other, with windows and rest, and I use it to make all corrections for distortion at that angle...I save the profile then I just use it again as many as I need, instantly.
It is a simple process, the profile can be used in video or photos if is Adobe suite.
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Flight distance : 38945879 ft

Geo_Drone Posted at 5-8 22:43
Well, there is normal that image is softer on sides....Is about optics at any cameras...
On wide lens the soft is more visible, as the lens is stretching image....this is why you need to cut it a little.
The problem was that the left was softer but the right part was blurred a lot, this giving the fact that lens is wrong aligned. This is a defect and is changed by DJI.

The problem is that only one side is soft/blurry, the other side is usually sharp as needle. Doesn't happen everytime or at least not that much, propably related to focus distance somehow which either make it worse or better. I don't usually use 48MP, just 12MP raws. The problem is not as bad as it used to be with my Mini 3 Pro, and since it doesn't occur every time, I've tried to deal with it.

Here's one example where the right side is blurry (I'll keep the link working for a while): ... T4D3lrf?usp=sharing
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

Eremita Posted at 5-13 14:07
The problem is that only one side is soft/blurry, the other side is usually sharp as needle. Doesn't happen everytime or at least not that much, propably related to focus distance somehow which either make it worse or better. I don't usually use 48MP, just 12MP raws. The problem is not as bad as it used to be with my Mini 3 Pro, and since it doesn't occur every time, I've tried to deal with it.

Here's one example where the right side is blurry (I'll keep the link working for a while): ... T4D3lrf?usp=sharing

This is the same problem as ours.
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Eremita Posted at 5-13 14:07
The problem is that only one side is soft/blurry, the other side is usually sharp as needle. Doesn't happen everytime or at least not that much, propably related to focus distance somehow which either make it worse or better. I don't usually use 48MP, just 12MP raws. The problem is not as bad as it used to be with my Mini 3 Pro, and since it doesn't occur every time, I've tried to deal with it.

Here's one example where the right side is blurry (I'll keep the link working for a while): ... T4D3lrf?usp=sharing

This is a bad alignment of main optics from drone, have nothing to do with Wide lens.
The Wide lens is practically gathering more FOV on same surface, making all imperfections more visible.
From my experience, the softer and without focus is occurring in the RIGHT PART of screen as you look at it...seems that a lot of AIR 3 is having the optics on right part not perfectly arranged but in a slight angle, causing the image to be less sharpen.
In this case, send it to DJI.
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Flight distance : 224268 ft
United Kingdom

Is this very common, or just seems so due to "problems get posted"?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

Cine_Dude Posted at 5-30 08:14
Is this very common, or just seems so due to "problems get posted"?

It does happen, and these are not isolated cases. But to what extent is difficult to say.
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Flight distance : 1196745 ft
United Kingdom

I think expecting a perfectly symmetrically aligned lens with an aperture of F1.7 in a complete flying camera package costing the price of the Air 3 is pushing the boundaries of what is possible for any manufacturer.

If this was a Cooke cinema price it would be lauded as an aesthetic. I have used Schneider and Rodenstock lenses on a Phase One back that showed the exact same issues when shot wide open.

Yes, while the wide camera on Air 3 for video is excellent it does shows its limits with stills but at 12MP it was never going to be the best choice for photography.
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Gazwas Posted at 5-30 13:46
I think expecting a perfectly symmetrically aligned lens with an aperture of F1.7 in a complete flying camera package costing the price of the Air 3 is pushing the boundaries of what is possible for any manufacturer.

If this was a Cooke cinema price it would be lauded as an aesthetic. I have used Schneider and Rodenstock lenses on a Phase One back that showed the exact same issues when shot wide open.

Is not.
An alignment is very easy to be made if you have the tools for it.
Also the differences between aligned lens and uneven one are huge...I do not care about the soft area from corners, is not so disturbing as you crop a little...but many AIr3 that I have seen had this issue (probably a series made), with right part extremely blurred vs left part, misalignment.
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Flight distance : 224268 ft
United Kingdom

I would disagree that it is acceptable or even expected. I have very fast lenses for DSLR camera (f/1.2) and they are sharp to the edge, even wide-open. The hard part is focus due to the extremely shallow depth of field.

It's a shame as it is currently making me hesitate buying one. I'm likely to notice such a problem, and I hate the idea of sending a new product back 30 minutes after receiving it.

I just missed a 6% discount on Amazon because of it, too.
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Flight distance : 1196745 ft
United Kingdom

Cine_Dude Posted at 5-31 01:32
I would disagree that it is acceptable or even expected. I have very fast lenses for DSLR camera (f/1.2) and they are sharp to the edge, even wide-open. The hard part is focus due to the extremely shallow depth of field.

It's a shame as it is currently making me hesitate buying one. I'm likely to notice such a problem, and I hate the idea of sending a new product back 30 minutes after receiving it.

If it’s a F1.2 camera lens is not going to be a wide angle like in the Air 3 case.

Making a wide angle lens that doesn’t suffer from some type of field curvature is very difficult especially in a mass produced drone like the Air 3. I imagine focusing further back in the scene would reduce or eradicate most of this sharpness falloff.  I find the unpleasant colour aberrations and moire more of a nuance than the slight sharpness falloff.

I’m not saying some Air 3’s don’t have problems, but I also don’t think this is anywhere near as bad as this thread makes it out to be.

What the Air 3 needed to be a better photography drone was a lens that could be stopped down (and more than 12 MP). Many of these problems would then be gone but I guess that’s what the Mavic 3 is for.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

Gazwas Posted at 5-31 02:27
If it’s a F1.2 camera lens is not going to be a wide angle like in the Air 3 case.

Making a wide angle lens that doesn’t suffer from some type of field curvature is very difficult especially in a mass produced drone like the Air 3. I imagine focusing further back in the scene would reduce or eradicate most of this sharpness falloff.  I find the unpleasant colour aberrations and moire more of a nuance than the slight sharpness falloff.

The problem voiced here is when one side (not a corner, but the entire edge of the image) is entirely very soapy, it becomes sharp only at infinity. Just like the other side is sharp at almost all focal lengths.
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Flight distance : 1196745 ft
United Kingdom

Drone.Hunter Posted at 5-31 06:07
The problem voiced here is when one side (not a corner, but the entire edge of the image) is entirely very soapy, it becomes sharp only at infinity. Just like the other side is sharp at almost all focal lengths.

I know exactly what you mean as the OP’s original images display.

In OP’s images I would say the green building in centre frame is the sharpest point of focus and the buildings in the background are very out of focus. This puts the point of focus quite far forward in the frame.

Putting this point of focus further back in the image would have helped sharpen the whole frame.

I still find the moire and strange colour aberrations more offensive than the sharpness falloff.

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Flight distance : 224268 ft
United Kingdom

I compared OPs images to my M4P, and all I can say is the M4P is one heck of a camera. Damn shame we can't get the extended batteries in the UK.
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Flight distance : 2866296 ft
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Gazwas Posted at 5-31 10:53
I know exactly what you mean as the OP’s original images display.

In OP’s images I would say the green building in centre frame is the sharpest point of focus and the buildings in the background are very out of focus. This puts the point of focus quite far forward in the frame.

Hi Gazwas.
The focus is set to AUTO, as Wide lens is not an issue in focusing.

Now, forget one minute of Wide lens.

The problem is the main lens, that was already not aligned and had a very blurred right part...this was only amplified by Wide lens...
This issue was present in 3 Air 3 drones, the last one received is very good at lens and is not blurred but a little SOFT in corners, fact that is OK and is NORMAL.

The wide lens distortion is easy to be solved by adding LENS DISTORSION in Premiere Pro and setting it at -15.

Now, for the color aberration, it can be handled in Resolve by splitting the RGB channels and using DLOG profile....once you make your "tree" for correction, can be applied all time without any other work extra. For me is more important the wide angle and sharpness, as I work with Mocha trackers and surfaces...

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Flight distance : 1225174 ft

Eremita Posted at 5-13 14:07
The problem is that only one side is soft/blurry, the other side is usually sharp as needle. Doesn't happen everytime or at least not that much, propably related to focus distance somehow which either make it worse or better. I don't usually use 48MP, just 12MP raws. The problem is not as bad as it used to be with my Mini 3 Pro, and since it doesn't occur every time, I've tried to deal with it.

Here's one example where the right side is blurry (I'll keep the link working for a while): ... T4D3lrf?usp=sharing

honestly I don't see any blur or anything here
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Flight distance : 38945879 ft

XdekHckr Posted at 7-8 04:55
honestly I don't see any blur or anything here

Open the photo in photo editor/viewer and look at full (100%) size. Maybe it's normal image quality for someone who haven't seen any better, but since I know and have compared to my friends' Air 3 drones that there are perfectly good units without this problem, it's not so cool to have.

Although I have to say that now in the summer the problem has been much less frequent. In the winter this drone had other problems too, e.g. the bottom sensors didn't work properly when landing (same problem with my friend's Air 3 also, now in the summer both good), in the summer there is no problem with that either. Maybe moisture in the lenses (both camera and sensors?) or something. So both problems have mainly occurred in cold temperatures below 0c which here in Finland can last for 5 months from November to March, sometimes even a bit longer.
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Flight distance : 609334 ft

HI There..

I have same issue . Just buy the air 3 2 weeks ago. First week i thought its me , try again these week same. All footage from wide lense have blury on right side.

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Flight distance : 2866296 ft
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fans6741a204 Posted at 8-28 02:18
HI There..

I have same issue . Just buy the air 3 2 weeks ago. First week i thought its me , try again these week same. All footage from wide lense have blury on right side.

Send it back.
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United States

Well, unfortunately, I have the same problem. I bought my Air 3 about three weeks ago.  Has the same problem, blurry on the right side only (1X lens only).  3X lens perfect.  After much testing, it's confirmed. As a long-time amateur photographer, I'm well aware of normal softness on the edges of a 24mm equivalent lens. But this is the entire 1/4 of the right side - noticeably blurry compared to the left side (which is tack sharp).  Filled out a service request, and just received a return shipping label, will mail it back to the DJI service center on Monday. Darn. My first drone was the original Mavic Air, that I just sold - beautifully sharp videos for four years.  Wish I had kept it as a back-up. I wonder if they will replace the drone or just the camera?  I will eventually update this post - with whatever the fix was.
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Flight distance : 2866296 ft
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tworegon Posted at 11-2 17:47
Well, unfortunately, I have the same problem. I bought my Air 3 about three weeks ago.  Has the same problem, blurry on the right side only (1X lens only).  3X lens perfect.  After much testing, it's confirmed. As a long-time amateur photographer, I'm well aware of normal softness on the edges of a 24mm equivalent lens. But this is the entire 1/4 of the right side - noticeably blurry compared to the left side (which is tack sharp).  Filled out a service request, and just received a return shipping label, will mail it back to the DJI service center on Monday. Darn. My first drone was the original Mavic Air, that I just sold - beautifully sharp videos for four years.  Wish I had kept it as a back-up. I wonder if they will replace the drone or just the camera?  I will eventually update this post - with whatever the fix was.

Send to DJI.
I had 3 exchanged until got a good one.
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United States

Geo_Drone Posted at 11-2 21:20
Send to DJI.
I had 3 exchanged until got a good one.

DJI provided return label shows it's heading to:
DJI Service LCC
4601 Gold Spike Dr, Fort Worth TX.
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United States


This is disappointing to say the least.  As mentioned above, I sent mine in for repair and they replaced it (which I received two days ago).  This one has the exact same problem.  I must have taken at least 100 test photos with the 1X camera, EVERY SINGLE photo is blurry on the right side. I tried AF - then AF and tapping the focus on the right side - then I tried Manual Focus and set the focus to each of the top four bars near infinity.  Nothing I could do got sharp photos on the right side.  The left side is always sharp.  I will post some photos later.   BTW, I set the 'peaking level' to 'normal' during my tests. The red highlighted areas seem to be all over the left side during my test photos, but far less noticeable on the right side - as though software notices the right side is not in focus.  Videos also show the same issue.

DJI - YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.  You've had several of these returned, do you have an analysis of why this is happening?  We appreciate that you are replacing them, but it leaves us in the dark as to root cause.  How can I be sure the third drone won't have the same problem?  My first Air 3 was purchased at Best Buy in Medford Oregon. The replacement came from a DJI warehouse in Mississauga Canada. It's not like there was a small concentrated batch of defects somewhere.

BTW, I had the original Mavic Air for four years.  Flawlessly sharp videos/photos ALWAYS.

Looks like I have two choices: (1) I could just accept this as is - and ONLY use the 3X camera.  I can probably work around the need for the 1X camera most of the time. I could also do a two or three-shot pano (1X camera) where the left side overlaps, but the right side gets cropped out.  I've been doing manual panos for YEARS and know how to do it.  (2) send it in for another replacement.  I'll seep on it.

Update 1:  You can download four original photos (and one video) that illustrate the problem. These are exactly as they came out of the Air 3:

Update 2: Rather than go through the return process again - and not knowing if the next one will have the same problem - I have decided to keep the replacement drone.  The type of videos/pics I take rarely require the 1X camera.  The 3X is tack sharp.  I can almost always go higher or backwards if I need a wider shot.  Am I dissapointed, yes, a little. I would be happy with a refund, and let me get a different model. But there's no easy process for that, so I'm stuck with this.   

Now, I'm going to give DJI a little info here.  With both drones, it was noted that the issue did not exist on the very FIRST test flight.  Rather, it's after the 2nd or 3rd flight that the blurry issue becomes apparent. I've gone back and looked at the first photos from both drones and everything looked sharp.  This suggests that one of the lens elements is becoming decentered from normal movement while in flight.  With both drones, I can assure you, there was never a hard landing, nor did the drone bump into anything.  This would make it difficult to screen warehouse stock. You could pull a hundred of these out of their box, test the sharpness of the 1X camera, and the shaprness would seem OK.  Then, after a couple of hourse of actual flight time - BOOM, there's the problem.  Again, the issue seems to occur after very little actual use.  For most, seems the issue occurs very soon after purchase - not months later.  

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Flight distance : 2866296 ft
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TerryOregon Posted at 11-21 15:51
This is disappointing to say the least.  As mentioned above, I sent mine in for repair and they replaced it (which I received two days ago.  This one has the exact same problem.  I must have taken at least 100 test photos with the 1X camera, EVERY SINGLE photo is blurry on the right side. I tried AF - then AF and tapping the focus on the right side - then I tried Manual Focus and set the focus to each of the top four bars near infinity.  Nothing I could do got sharp photos on the right side.  The left side is always sharp.  I will post some photos later.   BTW, I set the 'peaking level' to 'normal' during my tests. The red highlighted areas seem to be all over the left side during my test photos, but far less noticeable on the right side - as though software notices the right side is not in focus.  Videos also show the same issue.

DJI - YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.  You've had several of these returned, do you have an analysis of why this is happening?  We appreciate that you are replacing them, but it leaves us in the dark as to root cause.  How can I be sure the third drone won't have the same problem?  My first Air 3 was purchased at Best Buy in Medford Oregon. The replacement came from a DJI warehouse in Mississauga Canada. It's not like there was a small concentrated batch of defects somewhere.

Welcome to our world....send it back, is known the issue with Main lens on Air 3...Bad alignment.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

Make a return. You don't need it now, but you will need it tomorrow. And it will be harder to sell.
This will make you feel better.
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