Second Officer
Flight distance : 1420705 ft
Steph Jant Posted at 9-27 10:42
You do realize that a 1/1.3" sensor was never going to take a real 40MP picture? There are cameras that take genuine 40MP pictures but they cost $000's. Its just software wizardry in the Action 5
If DJI sells me a camera and says that it now delivers an image that is twice as sharp thanks to the higher resolution, then I also expect the image to be better.
And of course I realise that a lot depends on the sensor size, the lens, the lighting situation, etc.
But... I had tested further with my camera.
On the one hand, it seems to have been defective anyway. The camera always had a blurred image on the right-hand side.
Secondly, the OA5 doesn't seem to be perfectly focussed from the factory either, as was extremely the case with the OA3 and slightly with the OA4. And this was the main reason with my camera, that you could hardly see any difference between 10mp and 40mp.
After adjusting the lens correctly, you can clearly see the difference between 10mp and 40mp, especially when shooting at short distances.
So I have to correct my original statement. The 40MP image is not an upscaled 10MP image.
But if your cam is not good focused, you will not see any improvement to 10mp. |