United States
I'm a complete newbee. Day 2 of learning with the DJI Neo and RC-N3 controller. I'm flying till the end of the battery. Get the message that it wants to RTH, confirm which I do. Instead of coming down and heading towards me (home point) it starts climbing and heads in the oppsite direction?????
I've read through and searched both the Neo and RC-N3 manals, both make reference to RTH. Neo say's not supported with Palm control. I'm under RC-N3 control so that shouldn't be a factor. Neither talks about setting a home point. I assumed that when you hit and hold the launch button on the phone screen it would set a home point although no where does the manual say that.
Am I suppose to be setting a home point before take off? If so how? What is suppose to be a safety feature hasn't been for me, it's been down right scarry. :-0