Umberto Uderzo
Flight distance : 10115 ft
DJI Tony Posted at 10-29 01:33
Hi there. Regarding the situation you mentioned, can you provide us with the original picture for comparison so that we can better help you? Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Sure thing. I attach the picture here. Left is Action 5, right is Action 4. I noticed a tendence of Action 5 to shift to magenta way more than Action 4 does. Maybe this is a marketing choice because more magenta is maybe more appealing than more green, don't know. That said, the 5 from time to time falls into exaggeration and a desaturation is needed to fix the footage. Please notice that all the rest is balanced more or less the same way, and the camera are set with same settings (in this case auto WB but please notice that the wall is balanced nearly the same while on the right is a bit more cold)