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Support Times...!! Killing my faith in DJi
602 0 2015-9-30
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Flight distance : 4747 ft
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United Kingdom

I had my Inspire 1 a month before after updating I experienced a little lag on a low tracking shot which resulted in a crash and in turn damage to the 'bird' that meant it is now and has been for past couple of weeks sitting in a workshop in The Netherlands. Using the 'On-line' repairs tracking system is pure torture as no a f^&king lot really changes.

Having read many reports from across the world I've heard as many horror stories regarding support as in fareness the amazing ones. But it seems as though in Europe we have the 'shitty end of the stick' as the old proverb goes. What I'm really asking is for a little incouragement that this 'support' situation IS getting better and really someone to pursuade me to invest in another DJi 'bird' rather than one of the many other video platforms that seem to have a better support package.

Commercially having a product that spends so long on a work bench because the manufacturers REFUSE to offer spare parts to the end user is pretty much a nail in the coffin for future purchases.


(dispondent owner.... ...)
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