DJI Neo Fly More kit for USA delivery
456 1 2024-11-26
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Thinking about ordering a 2nd DJI Neo Combo kit.  The USA no RC kit.  Original kit was ordered pre-release and delivered from China. Living in the USA the hope is the  California warehouse has inventory. Couple other orders placed at for accesories have been shipped from the California center.  Unsure about complete kits.  If ordering before the end of this year where will the kit ship from?  Bit concerned with some of the US Customs delays of DJI products.
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DJI Gamora

Hi OldGuy2024,

Thank You for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. There is a local warehouse in California, hence the product will be delivered from the local ware house if the stock is available. I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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