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No new firmware since two months?
2180 37 1-7 03:57
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 901965 ft
  • >>>

Really?  Come on DJI, you have a lot of work..
- fix our flyaways, random accelerating issues
  in shaded areas, over water, etc
- fix gps lost when under clear sky
- add 4k/25p and 24p mode (maybe 2.7k50p if possible)

Until then it's an unfinished product
1-7 03:57
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Might be hardware issues.  The quality of the IR and visual downward sensors.  The low quality GPS module.

Have experienced couple autonomous accelerate fly away into the nearest obstacle.  Using either the MC3 or FPV RC3 controller and Goggle3 in N or S modes.  Both times it has been flying into dark areas.
Outdoors one incident using the FPV RC3 in S mode flying low (sub 0.5 meter) skimming above a snow-covered driveway under heavy overcast sky and in the shadows of overhead tree branches.  RED warning box flash on indicating no satellite and visual sensor.  Just a brief moment.  No loss of control.

Relative to the Avata2.  The Neo is slow to acquire satellites. "Locks" on less in number. Sometime experiences major fluctuations in number of satellites acquired during flight. Usually flying the Neo within 100 meters of launch pad.  At times flying with zero satellites.  Flying manual mode except for landing.   Never have lost control due to hardware/firmware issues.  Only times the Neo crashes out of control is due to user "skill".
1-7 08:01
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Flight distance : 901965 ft
  • >>>

"fly away into the nearest obstacle."

But if i fly in open fields for testing, etc, there is no "nearest obstacle".
Only fly-fly-flyaway and bye-bye Neo
In these cases emergency motor stop stick combination also won't work???
This function should always work, no matter what sensor or hardware issues, how many sats, etc.
So we could at least stop Neo from flying to unknown..
1-7 08:06
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Funn 1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 230302 ft
  • >>>
United States

I agree, come on DJI, tired of waiting for it to acquire satellites, sometimes four or five minutes and I lose 4% of my battery just sitting there.
1-7 11:01
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Flight distance : 901965 ft
  • >>>

i dont know if its possible at all, if gps receiver is not so sensitive.
but if it catches enough sats, it should not loose!!!
1-7 12:37
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New Zealand

Same for me to. come on DJI and do a update and fix the error I have with my phone..
1-7 13:04
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

relaxosmo Posted at 1-7 08:06
"fly away into the nearest obstacle."

But if i fly in open fields for testing, etc, there is no "nearest obstacle".

Clarification. Indoors.  Small house with typical home furnishings.

Outdoors.  Have never lost input controls.  Even when testing the Neo with the MC3 in N or S mode.  Note into "selfie" use.  Just tested a few of those modes. Cool, but not why I fly quads.  Just into immersive flying. One reason for the past +decade never even considered DJI "ecosystem".   Avata2 hooked me. Neo is a great little transitional platform for developing or improving manual mode stick skills.

JMHO, Neo doesn't do anything the "best".  But does most things well.  Robust design and build. Good value considering it's equipped with 04.  Need to just accept its limits.  Basic kit for a digital video quad that even in manual mode delivers ~7 minutes of flight time for $199.  Maybe the lower price point is one of the reasons why the quality of the IR and visual sensors, GPS module may not be the best.  Not too many other options with similar features.  
FLIP for those who are in need of a reasonably priced better quality sub 250gm image capture platform.
Hopefully the next DJI model will be an improved version of the Neo specifically designed to be an immersive FPV quad.  A sub-250gm replacement for the DJI FPV?
1-7 13:20
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OldGuy2024 Posted at 1-7 08:01
Might be hardware issues.  The quality of the IR and visual downward sensors.  The low quality GPS module.


Your time might have not come yet (and hopefully does not).
My Neo (pair with N3) flied away when fully acquired GPS (20++ satellites) and then crashed hard, stucked gimbal.
It has been sped up to 18.8m/s, lol

Mine still under warranty and I already sent it to DJI Service center but do not know it'll be repaired for free or not.
1-7 19:26
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Flight distance : 1681919 ft

I also got flyaway with Neo even with Satellites locked on. But thanks to the wall, my neo got stuck with it and saved from getting lost in the sky. I feel Neo as unreliable drone. Also the camera quality is subpar with high color saturation and sharpness.
1-7 23:28
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Flight distance : 901965 ft
  • >>>

you can change sharpness in app and goggles
lower saturation in post
and if you record in 4:3 and stabilize only a little (not big crop) with gyroflow, quality is acceptable!
1-7 23:44
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Flight distance : 15633 ft

Its 1 month, and a week.
But it was Christmas and new year. I know the developers work in China, but I dont think they are immune to winter fatigue, and the Chinese new year is weeks away.
I have no fear that they will have 1-2 new firmware updates this year
1-7 23:47
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Flight distance : 901965 ft
  • >>>

Laets date: 2024.11.06

That's 2 months and 2 days
1-8 00:05
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Flight distance : 1681919 ft

relaxosmo Posted at 1-7 23:44
you can change sharpness in app and goggles
lower saturation in post
and if you record in 4:3 and stabilize only a little (not big crop) with gyroflow, quality is acceptable!

I am a Noob and i don't want to do extra process of post-production. Neo got good camera sensor and subpar software experience. I hope DJI could do something on this.
1-8 00:51
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Flight distance : ****
  • >>>

It seems to me more and more that DJI no longer cares about the user, but primarily sweeps away competitors (ZeroZero/X1) and starts stamping products like on a tape.

The announced leak of DJI Flip is the latest blow to customers who recently bought a DJI Neo.
The lack of updates causes bitterness at the time of the new model leaks... I don't know about you, but I see this happening similarly with their action cameras (OA5>OA6)...

1-8 01:07
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New Zealand

I was thinking the same as will, they don't care about us any more, they still haven't fix
all the prob that people have been having. and never will to..
I will not buy the "DJI Flip" thats for sure..
1-8 01:52
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il magic drone
Flight distance : 24068 ft

In fact, we have become beta testers, and at our own expense. Everything that went wrong will be fixed. Too bad it won't be our Neo, but the Dji Flip. And I'm not buying it. Dji, you're losing customers.
I'm just afraid to fly from Neo to RC N-3 after all the cases that are told here and on YouTube. You can just damage property and (God forbid) people. And all these autofocuses are annoying. You can do it 2-3 times, well 5 times. It's annoying. I feel cheated.
1-8 08:46
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 17480 ft
  • >>>
United States

Canonian Posted at 1-8 01:07
It seems to me more and more that DJI no longer cares about the user, but primarily sweeps away competitors (ZeroZero/X1) and starts stamping products like on a tape.

The announced leak of DJI Flip is the latest blow to customers who recently bought a DJI Neo.

A lot of people seem frustrated with the Air 3S over reduced bitrate and moire pattern effects too.

It seems since the Neo's release, there has been an influx of unhappy users with new DJI products releases in general. I don't know if it's because of DJI spitting out more products now than they can support or what.

And that's not even factoring some issues U.S. users are having receiving their products from Customs.

1-8 11:09
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

ryguy80 Posted at 1-8 11:09
A lot of people seem frustrated with the Air 3S over reduced bitrate and moire pattern effects too.

It seems since the Neo's release, there has been an influx of unhappy users with new DJI products releases in general. I don't know if it's because of DJI spitting out more products now than they can support or what.

Flying quads and fixed wing platforms for over a decade. But relatively new (less than a year) to the DJI "ecosystem".  Just an impression. In general. Lot of complaints and maybe too high expectations?  Avoided DJI world until  a month or so after the release of the Avata2.  Not into image capture. Just immersive flying. Parts are hard to source, diy repair seems to be pita, limited user customization of flight profile(gains, rate, expo...).

Most other brands have zilch for customer service outside of maybe warranty issues.  Here in DJI World I guess the standards are to fix all our "problems".

So far, over a dozen outdoors sessions of 3 batteries flying the Neo.  A few crashes in M mode with no apparent damage outside of couple propellers.  In no wind(F0) to  gentle breeze(F3) in N or S mode the Neo is one of the most forgiving, difficult to crash quad I've ever flown.  Just has limits that need to be accepted.
1-8 11:42
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Flight distance : 46 ft


I hesitated for a long time about which drone, which manufacturer.
I decided on the neo because it supposedly had top support and a top product.
Wrong, I almost don't dare to fly my neo. I think a clear statement from DJI is long overdue due to the many problems.
But I suspect that the DJI neo product is history. The neo's errors will not be fixed.
It was my first DJI product, I cancelled an order for an amflow ebike with DJI drive. The next purchase is a hoverair.
I'm cured of DJI for now.
Google translate
1-8 11:54
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Flight distance : 15633 ft

Canonian Posted at 1-8 01:07
It seems to me more and more that DJI no longer cares about the user, but primarily sweeps away competitors (ZeroZero/X1) and starts stamping products like on a tape.

The announced leak of DJI Flip is the latest blow to customers who recently bought a DJI Neo.

I dont think the Flip will be a successor or anything like that for the Neo. Neo is a vanity/family drone, that's main advantage is the deployment speed. Under 10 seconds I have a cool video of my family without any care in the world. This and social media persons were the target for the Neo. For the Flip you have the pro controller, instead of a single button, and you have to open it to use. The main reason I choosed the Neo over the Hovair is that Neo is a unibody and it can work as an ENTRY level drone with the remote if I want it (I did, an its a fun game).
Flip looks like the concurrence of 4k mini if the price is similar.
1-8 12:00
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Flight distance : 46 ft


I bought the neo for exactly these reasons. I agree with you 100%. But instead of 10 seconds to start and not having to do any drugs, unfortunately this is what happened: 10 seconds to start, and then only the worry of whether the neo will come back or whether it is gone. I have not completed the care refresh. It is enough for me if it goes away once. Then I don't have to pay multiple times for the same manufacturer error.
1-8 12:11
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Flight distance : 15633 ft

Christian71 Posted at 1-8 12:11
I bought the neo for exactly these reasons. I agree with you 100%. But instead of 10 seconds to start and not having to do any drugs, unfortunately this is what happened: 10 seconds to start, and then only the worry of whether the neo will come back or whether it is gone. I have not completed the care refresh. It is enough for me if it goes away once. Then I don't have to pay multiple times for the same manufacturer error.

I understand and share your concerns, but just like how I understand that Neo will be unpredictable in dark, I understand that if you switch from 6th gear to second on the german autobahn you will moneyshot your engine. There are cars that can do that, a rental kia with automatic transmission, and 1 liter engine did that, but I doubt a dacia would still go.
Using it in dark conditions is pointless anyway because the camera will record bad videos
1-8 12:32
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Flight distance : 98179 ft

I saw a post where someone said neo 2 is coming late 2025 , well if it’s true and they don’t fix the problem of the one before that and Even give us g2 compatibility I’m out of the buying those crap until they fix their ... up !! It’s not cool at all
1-8 18:57
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New Zealand

Looks like all the admin of this Forum have jump ship now, I haven't seen any for a few days now..
no admin no Help/UpDates..
But I could see this coming..
1-8 22:26
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Flight distance : 46 ft


Hmmm? Admins waiting for Update too
1-9 01:43
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Drone Pac

The golden Times seams to be away with DJI, like GoPro a few years ago.

We must look for another new brand or competitor.
1-9 03:56
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Flight distance : 46 ft


For me, i locking to hoverair
1-9 05:49
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Flight distance : 46 ft


When dji can fix neo, OK
When dji Not fix neo, OK.
1-9 05:50
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Flight distance : 1193133 ft

Leave a complaint here. They are happy with the new drone, but they don't want to fix the Neo ... ;extra=&page=18
1-9 12:14
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Warren S
Flight distance : 280574 ft

United States

I have read so much bad about the neo that I have decided to not buy one I learned to not jump on every new product because some products are BAD.
1-21 15:43
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OldGuy2024 Posted at 1-7 13:20
Clarification. Indoors.  Small house with typical home furnishings.

Outdoors.  Have never lost input controls.  Even when testing the Neo with the MC3 in N or S mode.  Note into "selfie" use.  Just tested a few of those modes. Cool, but not why I fly quads.  Just into immersive flying. One reason for the past +decade never even considered DJI "ecosystem".   Avata2 hooked me. Neo is a great little transitional platform for developing or improving manual mode stick skills.

Sounds like you’ve got a solid perspective on the Neo—it’s a jack-of-all-trades kind of quad that does a lot well for the price, even if it’s not perfect. The immersive FPV experience it offers at that price point is hard to beat, especially for stick skill development. Hopefully, DJI builds on this and delivers a next-gen sub-250g FPV quad with even better sensors and performance
1-23 01:15
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

WuTang4201 Posted at 1-23 01:15
Sounds like you’ve got a solid perspective on the Neo—it’s a jack-of-all-trades kind of quad that does a lot well for the price, even if it’s not perfect. The immersive FPV experience it offers at that price point is hard to beat, especially for stick skill development. Hopefully, DJI builds on this and delivers a next-gen sub-250g FPV quad with even better sensors and performance

DJI has a small void to fill.  A replacement for the DJI FPV.  Not sure if their analysis of market demand is large enough to invest the R&D for the next gen DJI FPV model.  Hope is they just make a Neo like DJI FPV v2.  Chuck the autonomous mode features, same footprint, sub 250gm, and if possible  more powerful motors and a larger capacity 3-4S battery.   Personally no need for a high quality video system.  04 "lite" or even the existing Neo video system is adequate for immersive FPV, manual mode Acro.  Wouldn't mind a bump up from the ~117 degree to a wider FOV for flying in tight environments. Indoors and sometime outdoors I have more or less turned into or bumped off of obstructions just out of the FOV.  
1-23 08:58
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 17480 ft
  • >>>
United States

As I tell people, if the product isn't meeting your expectations by now, sell it. People have had good and bad experiences with the Neo. The Neo was never intended to be a Cine drone, so for those looking for 24/25 fps, you probably won't get it. Worng tool for the job.
1-23 09:27
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 620164 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Christian71 Posted at 1-8 11:54
I hesitated for a long time about which drone, which manufacturer.
I decided on the neo because it supposedly had top support and a top product.
Wrong, I almost don't dare to fly my neo. I think a clear statement from DJI is long overdue due to the many problems.

The Neo flys just fine. If you look on my You Tube channel you will find loads of videos from it
1-23 10:02
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 620164 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

ryguy80 Posted at 1-23 09:27
As I tell people, if the product isn't meeting your expectations by now, sell it. People have had good and bad experiences with the Neo. The Neo was never intended to be a Cine drone, so for those looking for 24/25 fps, you probably won't get it. Worng tool for the job.

Spot on. If you want a cinematic Drone get the Mini 4 Pro
1-23 10:03
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  • >>>

Canonian Posted at 1-8 01:07
It seems to me more and more that DJI no longer cares about the user, but primarily sweeps away competitors (ZeroZero/X1) and starts stamping products like on a tape.

The announced leak of DJI Flip is the latest blow to customers who recently bought a DJI Neo.

There's no sweeping involved whatsoever because you pay the X1 Pro/Max production in advance. Every drone they produce is already sold.

And you can't really compare these with the Flip. The Flip is just bulky and awkward AF. You just can't throw it into a running/trekking belt like the X1 Pro/Max.

There's zero reasonable folding involved into the Flip. DJI just got tired of the Mavic Pro shape and they are just burning weird/useless designs they had probably stored for some time.
1-23 12:29
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First Officer
Flight distance : ****

As anyone here, actually done some testing with the HoverAir ProMax???

Is it any good? Other than top speed of 42kmh I can't see any other specs... It does sell here in AUS for $1100...


I found a bit of manual...

1-23 17:11
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I haven’t seen much buzz about the HoverAir ProMax, so it’s hard to say how it compares to other models in that price range. $1100 is a bit steep unless it offers solid durability, battery life, and features. If the only standout spec is speed, I’d suggest looking for reviews or video tests to see if it holds up in real-world use, especially for that price.
1-29 02:18
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