Talison Survey6
Flight distance : 18334491 ft
Hi there,
I am having some issues with the processing of my L2 data with Terra.
When I import the LiDAR data, the Base Station Ceterpoint that is imported seems to be the one that is being broadcast by our base station. The coordinates look fine but the issue is, the coordinate system is actually GDA2020 and not WGS84 as it thinks it is. If I try to change this coordinate system, the coordinates themselves are adjusted. If I try to process from this point, even if I adjust them back to the correct GDA2020 coords, the resultant model is translated by ~1.8m. It seems that Terra is doing an extra shift of the data for some reason.
To get around this issue, we have been inputting the MGA94 coordinates for this base station, letting Terra think it is in the WGS84 coordinate system and then setting the output data to GDA2020 and AHD heights. This works but obviously, it is not ideal.
Our GCPs and ground check points all must be in GDA2020 also.
Some images that might help to explain more...
This is the problem encountered:
If I change the coordinate system to GDA2020, the coordinates change too. I can't run it straight like this as I get e translation error and it doesn't help if I manually re-enter the coordinates either...
This is how I get around the issue:
MGA94 Coordinates are entered but the coordinate system is left as WGS84.
Any suggestions as to how we can get Terra to recognise that the Base Center coordinates are actually GDA2020 and not WGS84 and then run the project without resulting in a ~1.8m shift would be great.
Thank you for your help.