Hi, Can anyone tell me the mex takeoff weight of the F550 with the E300 propulsions?
The classic F550 is said to have 1.200gr-2.400gr .
On the other hand the E300 propulsion system specs say that each axis can lift between 300-600gr.
With simple mathematics it seems like that F550 with E300 can lift up between 1.800gr-3.600gr?
If I say this, will I be correct?
Yep, 1800-3600 for the E300, but you should really aim to not exceed 2400g, that max value really is a max (just staying aloft, with little left to adjust attitude, change directions, etc.).
In most quadcopter setups (and others) the goal is to have a 2 to 1 thrust ratio (emergency avoidance / pull out power), you can fly heavy but your copter will reflect the weight.
My empty weight with battery is about 1kg, and I can feel a huge difference when I throw the landing gear and camera on my copter (about 600-700g).
But my AUW is about 1.6-1.7kg and it flies fine for me (dji 450 and E300).