Flight distance : 200791 ft
we had about -5°C, this must be 23°F
the battery lasted as long as it would have done in normal temperatures.
one descent was about 20 minutes. but: we reviewed the first descent one time - we couldnt resist ;)
this must have consumed the same amount of battery life as the descent did.
so, in total, we had about one hour of battery life, which is exactly what i got while filming under "normal" conditions!
batteries are not that expensive for the osmo, so i think i will buy about 4. and maybe one or two more osmos, hopefully soon with an X5R on top (just dreaming, we are on a tight budget, just as most independent filmmakers probably are...)
also dont forget: your smartphone too will consume a lot of power. therefore i use some 10.000mAh power tanks to recharge my iPhone.
unfortunately, there is no "built in" way to connect external power sources. i would love to connect one of my v-mount batteries to the whole setup. well, i saw a video on youtube of someone who has built his own adapter... but i do not like fiddeling around with this kind of stuff. a simple built in usb power connector would benefit my needs perfectly ;)
maybe the osmo cannot replace our big cameras... but its flexibility definitely will allow us to do some crazy shots, that never would have been possible before. im looking forward to it!
hopefully you will get some more snow than we do currently in germany, i wish you the best! maybe we will have to move to california if german winters will continue this way ;(