How many charge cycles do you have on your P3?
1134 1 2015-12-20
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Flight distance : 9583182 ft
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United States

Just curious on how many charge cycles everyone has on their P3 batteries? I've got around 74 and 65 on two of my batteries and am starting to see a lot of lower voltages all of a sudden, these batteries, show 91 and 94% battery life left and at 100% charged while gaining altitude and flying into slight wind ( 3 to 6 MPH) I'm getting a lot of reading into the 3.5, 3.4 and 3.3 volt ranges and that's above 90% battery charge.  Of course I know that load is a factor and I have over 300 miles on theses batteries but starting to get concerned, I had it go into auto land at 95% charge the other day and safety made it back. As everyone talks about I always take off fully charged, discharge around every 20 cycles, fly no lower than 25 to 30%  I believe these batteries are rated for around 300 charge cycles? Just wondering what everybody else is getting on theirs at this amount of charge cycles?

May just be time to replace.

I have contacted DJI and submitted a ticket to see what their input will be, I will,post as some as I hear something

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Flight distance : 9583182 ft
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United States

I just updated my aircraft and batteries to the new firmware that came out today V01.06.0400 and it seemed to cure my low voltage issues I was having.
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