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DJI OSMO battery unable to charge
29891 27 2015-12-25
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My battery serial number 1011101533015476 stop charging today.
When plug into the charger,it stays green.However,it won't boot up the osmo.
I tried with another battery,my osmo is working fine with my 2nd battery.

Is the battery dead?
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United States

How are the pins on the battery?
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The strangest thing is I have the same exact situation with you. The original Osmo battery doesn't work (plug it into the Osmo and red rapidly blinking status lights). I can't charge it too as the charger shows green.

The spare battery I bought works thou.

I'm attempting to discharge the original battery by plugging it into the charger while the charger is unplugged. I see the green light is on and going to wait for it to turn off.
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The pin of the battery seems to be fine.Just it won't charge
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Flight distance : 3 ft

hmm, are you shure the Connector of the Charger is already connected?

Sorry, but hat same Problem and was thinking it will not charge the Batterie

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I've had the same problem, but what I do is jiggle the battery around in the charger and the light will turn red. I find I have to life the battery a little to get the charger connectors to hit the battery ones.
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Quick update on my end... After leaving the battery in the charger (without it being plugged in) for about 12+ hours, I re-attached the power cord and the battery appears to be charging. After the charger light turned green, I re-inserted it into the Osmo but no dice.

Going to try to discharge it more while I contact DJI to ask for advise.
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United Kingdom

I've had pretty much the same experience. The battery that came with the Osmo wouldn't charge but the spare I got would initially. Now both are the same with the charger LED turning green as soon as either battery is inserted and the same is true whether the charger is connected to a power source or not. I've even drained one battery completely in the Osmo but the charger LED still turns green when I connect the completely dead battery.  I'm filming 2 weddings over the next couple of days and was intending to use my new Osmo but it looks like I may be back using a DSLR on my Glidecam. I'm very disappointed...
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United Kingdom

I've had pretty much the same experience. The battery that came with the Osmo wouldn't charge but the spare I got would initially. Now both are the same with the charger LED turning green as soon as either battery is inserted and the same is true whether the charger is connected to a power source or not. I've even drained one battery completely in the Osmo but the charger LED still turns green when I connect the completely dead battery.  I'm filming 2 weddings over the next couple of days and was intending to use my new Osmo but it looks like I may be back using a DSLR on my Glidecam. I'm very disappointed...
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

1)If the charger is not connected to the power socket, when you insert the battery, the charger LED will turn to green. This is because that the charger LED is powered by the battery instead of the power supply so it will be green no matter how many power left in the battery, to make sure the battery is fully charged, you need to connect the charger to the power socket and check whether the charger LED is green or not.
2) Please check the pin connection and try to insert it and unplug it several times.
3) Please try to reboot the Osmo if the previous method still can't solve the problem: Hold the trigger and record button, and pull down the power button at the same time. Hold it until the right led blinks red and green. Try to shut it down and then power on the Osmo.
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Update from my end;

I left the battery discharging for about 2 days. After reading about the FUBAR regarding the new firmware, I tried to update my Christmas surprise firmware Osmo (which works by the way) to the new 27th Dec Firmware by formating the SDCard on my PC and loading the firmware onto it.

The Osmo did a quick boot up and I checked the log file after. It reported success to the 27th Dec firmware despite taking a really short time to update. On a hunch, I re-inserted the promatic battery and I could use it??!!! In addition, it reported 80% power.

I ran down the battery by recording 4K video and re-charged it. After which, I re-inserted it and it was still working. Ran it down twice and re-charged it. All is well and I now have two working batteries again.

Now I'm unsure if the 2 day discharging or the fixed firmware did the job. Thou I keep wondering if the 25th Dec firmware had something to do about it.
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United Kingdom

sdchew Posted at 2015-12-30 05:50
Update from my end;

I left the battery discharging for about 2 days. After reading about the FUBAR  ...

I've been following this and other threads hoping for a solution. I'm glad your problem seems to be resolved but I don't understand how the Osmo firmware can affect the battery when it's connected to the charger and not the Osmo. I have 1 totally dead battery that has discharged beyond lighting up the green LED and another which had about 8% of juice left last time I switched it on. I can't charge either battery and I'm not sure it would be safe to flash the firmware with only 8% battery life left.
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barryfsmith@bti Posted at 2015-12-31 11:22
I've been following this and other threads hoping for a solution. I'm glad your problem seems to b ...

I'm not entirely sure either but these batteries are 'intelligent' batteries in which information is stored on the batteries. Typically smart batteries have self protection functionalities to prevent over charging/discharging. In addition, smart battery systems typically have some counterfeit detection system to lock out fake/3rd party batteries.

To be honest, I'm unsure what exactly resolved the problem. All I have is the sequence of events;

- Unable to use original battery. Only able to use the spare battery purchaced. - Orginal battery shows green in charger but flashy red in the Osmo
- Attempted to discharge the battery overnight. Battery was able to charge in charger after which but still flashy light in Osmo
- Discharged the battery for 2 days. Attempted to flash the 27th Dec bug fix firmware via SDCard after formating the SDCard on my PC. Do note that this is after I successfully applied the 25th Dec firmware (also via SDCard)
- On a hunch, pulled the original battery from the charger (did not charge it) and plugged it into the Osmo
- Osmo could fire up and showed 90+%

In my situation, I suspect the following;

The battery was actually fully charged, hence the green light condition on the charger. The Osmo on the other hand refused to let me use the battery (red blinky light similar to low battery condition) for some reason.

So either the new firmware had some new safeguards which initially prevented me from using the battery (over voltage?) until the discharge brought it down to a lower state or 3rd party battery detection portion got screwed up on the 25th Dec update and it falsely rejected the battery.

Now that both batteries are working, I noticed something really interesting. The serial number of the original battery has 4 digits while the purchased spare has only 3 digits. This is despite the fact the orginal battery is reporting it was manufactured in September and the spare in December.

I kind of wish DJI made a more sophisticated charger like those for the drones in which it could discharge or refresh the batteries. Dual battery chargers would be great too.

Barry, in your situation, I suspect your charger is either busted or the pins aren't connecting to the battery anymore. I saw some posts (can't remember on this forum or on the facebook page) that the pins in the charger can get easily damaged. Maybe you should hop down to any store which sells the Osmo and try to charge any one of your batteries with their charger. Probably a seriously bad idea to attemp a firmware update with 8% battery left.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

barryfsmith@bti Posted at 2015-12-31 11:22
I've been following this and other threads hoping for a solution. I'm glad your problem seems to b ...

Please do not try to upgrade when there is not enough battery power. Try to check the charger pin connection and plug it in and out several times until you see the charger led turns from red to green. If you can't charge it anyway, then the charger might be faulty. Another sugestion is that, try to find a store or dealer and charge your battery with their charger and see if your charger is faulty.
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Flight distance : 74052 ft
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I had a similar problem. I would insert battery into the charger and  the led would remain green.
I discovered that the  DJI charge 2 pin plug was not making proper contact with the DJI  3 pin apaptor.
I  used another  non dji 3 pint adaptor and everything not works fine.
This may not be your situation but its worth exploring.
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Not happy just got as a present used once now none of my batteries charge and the OISMo is completely dead.
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Just a guess, but dirty contacts may also cause the problem. Get yourself  some electrical contact cleaner... from hardware or hobby shop. Spray onto cotton swap and clean battery and charger. Also make sure battery is sitting in charger properly. Or just return the charger to DJI, get a new charger sent out and if you still have the same problem you know it's the battery at fault.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

cathalspot Posted at 2016-1-3 20:53
Not happy just got as a present used once now none of my batteries charge and the OISMo is completel ...

When you insert the dead battery into the Osmo, power it on, could you check whether the fan is working or not?
1) The charger LED is powered by the battery instead of the power supply so it will be green no matter how many power left in the battery, to make sure the battery is fully charged, you need to insert the battery, connect the charger to the power socket and check whether the charger LED is green or not.
2) Please check the pin connection and try to insert it and unplug it several times.
3) Please try to reboot the Osmo if the previous method still can't solve the problem: Copy the latest firmware into the SD card. Hold the trigger and record button, and pull down the power button at the same time. Hold it until the right led blinks red and green. Waiting for the upgrade. Try to shut it down and then power on the Osmo. Then you can delete the firmware after a successful upgrade.
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Flight distance : 1119 ft
United States

I had the same problem with charger staying solid green while charging two different depleted batteries.  Took a look at the copper pins in the charging bay (with magnifying glass) and noticed the pins were pushed flat against the black plastic slots.  I used an unbended paper clip and gently plied each pin away from the slots, the pins sprang right up.  

I then inserted a battery into the charging bay and the charger turned green immediately.  Next, i plugged the charger into wall outlet and the charger turned RED indicating that it was charging battery.  Problem Solved!

Pins Should point up

Pins Should point up
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

kkwong33 Posted at 2016-1-6 18:56
I had the same problem with charger staying solid green while charging two different depleted batter ...

Glad to hear that, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
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Another update from me;

I had a repeat of my problem but this time with the additional battery (insert into Osmo, red blinky cannot power on).

Put it back into the charger and it charged for a while. Looking at it for a while, I noticed the charger was doing a strange red/green blinky thing. Took it out and put it back in the charger and it was still blinky red.

Keep the power on pulled down and after about 3-5 seconds of red blinky, the Osmo fired up. Very strange if you ask me.

Anyway, both batteries are back operational again. So one new thing you can try is just keep holding down the power button if you get the red blinky situation and you know your battery is fully charged.
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The same problem. I use Osmo to the end of battery and now I can`t charge. I use charger right now maybe 8 times and now on something is broken :/.  Buying of Osmo was wrong idea :/.
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Oks Xen

same problem here.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

To have an initial judgement, please watch the tutorial video about battery in this thread:
If you have any problem, please let me know.
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Same problem here
I have one battery that has been charged maybe 4 or 5 times, now doesn't matter what I do it wont charge.
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DJI Team
Hong Kong

mkiellor@bigpon Posted at 2016-4-26 13:11
Same problem here
I have one battery that has been charged maybe 4 or 5 times, now doesn't matter wh ...

If you can make sure it's the problem of the battery itself, please contact your dealer or our technical support for after-sales service.
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Flight distance : 9536818 ft
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I had the same issue with the solid green light. After changing the cable which connects to the charger and also the plug point source to where I get the power, I have a solid red light which means it is charging.
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United States

sdchew Posted at 2015-12-25 22:06
The strangest thing is I have the same exact situation with you. The original Osmo battery doesn't work (plug it into the Osmo and red rapidly blinking status lights). I can't charge it too as the charger shows green.

The spare battery I bought works thou.

I’m trying this as well, but the green led on the charger does not light up when I put any of the three batteries I have into it while unplugged. I fear this means they’re deader than a door nail. Although I initially managed to wake one up, it’s gona dark again.
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