Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States
When you accomplish the update the battery in your Phantom will automatically be updated.
If you have more batteries:
Turn off the Phantom.
Remove battery.
Insert another battery.
Turn on the controller.
Turn on the Phantom.
As your Phantom "boots" it will update the "new" battery.
Repeat this process for any additional batteries.
Make sure you always (with the exception of a firmware update) turn on your controller first,then turn on your Phantom. You might be okay if you get lucky and don't do it in that sequence. What "might* happen is - you turn on the Phantom first. It starts looking for a controller, expecting to see one somewhere so it can bind/link to it. If it "loses" the llink, you'll have to re-link your controller and Phantom (how to re-link is covered in the manual).
So, always turn on the controller before you turn on the Phantom. The one exception, like I listed above, is if you're doing a firmware update on the Phantom. Then you're cautioned to make sure the controller is NOT on. When the power comes on, the Phantom looks at the .bin file on the microSD card and starts the update.
Hope all that's not too confusing.
On updating the batteries - after the gimbal whips around like crazy and beeps loud enough to wake the dead and then stops - the battery will have been updated.
Art - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL