Second Officer
Flight distance : 1579022 ft
I have taken some time to check things here in France. I have compared the DJI Authorization Zone Flight Planning map for a few regions here with a restriction map produced by AIP-Drones (based on current aeronautical information publications & the ministerial directive valid in 2015). I find the map used by DJI to be somewhat simplified: all significant airports are shown with an 8 km radius yellow Authorization zone, whereas smaller airfields and heliports are missing. The DJI map has large regions covered with yellow Authorization zones; these correspond exactly with known flight restriction zones (P, R, D, ZIT, ZRT, etc.) shown also on the AIP-Drones map. I checked one of the zones covered by a corridor for military low altitude training flights: only the section extending down to the ground has been included. Finally, Paris, for example, is correctly marked as a Restricted zone.
My conclusions? I do not know about other countries, but here the DJI map reflects a large part of the reality that we will have to learn to deal with. We are sharing a crowded and complex airspace. In those large yellow zones one should really have a look at the aeronautical information service (here the SIA) information (NOTAM and AIP SUP) to know whether or not it is safe to fly on a given day (plans of military activity are posted in the evening of the day before, other activities are known on a more regular basis). On the practical side, it’s quite a burden. I believe that it will be difficult to work with this system without a daily internet connection while traveling. I’ll certainly wait to update it…