United States
Being new to this (P2V for xmas) Ive been reading a bunch on these forums and watching a bunch of videos from fellow pilots. I'm curious, where is it ok to fly and not ok? i dont mean technically or 'by law', but more of a practical question. if i launch from someones house, it is pretty straight forward. however, where besides my house or a friends can/should i really consider launching? see aspects of this below:
1. i see lots of beach videos, assume it is legal to launch from a public beach?
2. i see lots of videos around parks, the sports field where my daughter plays soccer (has 5 soccer fields and 4 baseball fields) has a sign up that clearly says 'no RC craft'. we still flew there because it was a friday at 3pm (in the winter) and literally NOBODY there. i get how they dont want RC craft flying around when there are 10 ball games going on (irritant, injury, etc) which is why i assume it is called out on the sign along with tons of other things. But do you guys ever have issues flying at places where other people are at?
ive seen lots of posts about 'check your local laws/rules' but im guessing that pretty much EVERYWHERE anymore is so risk averse and litigation laden that i just dont see anyone or any place ever 'agreeing' to let me fly it if i actually ask.
so i was curious if any of you have found good locations or good tactics to be able to fly without causing problems.
fyi, im in the US (Charlotte,NC) and i know many posters are international (EU, Asia, Canada, etc) which may be why im seeing shots of things that would look 'off limits' for me to do here.
i guess i didnt think this through when purchasing. here i was thinking, im going to go film at national landmarks and fun vacation places that i go with my family but now that im thinking about it, im worried that 99% of the place i WANT to fly, im probably not going to be ABLE to fly.