Donnie *
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Sethgreth Posted at 2017-8-26 10:32
No, I have no live video to the go app. Only the DJI logo shows, and the top left says “ready to go (vision)” ive had no live video since I’ve updated the controller and drone. Also need to mention I updated the controller and the drone at the same time, while they were connected. I know that’s something your not supposed to do now, but I didn’t know then.But,
The odd thing is that if I hit record and take a clip then try to view it in the app it still shows the logo for the recording and will “play” the recording with only the same “DJI” logo for the duration of the clip. BUT if I import the footage to my computer it’s a regular clip of what the camera saw, 4K and everything, like nothing was wrong. I’m just not getting a live view on the app. Apps up to date and controller and drone updated as well. Everything is up to date.
Hate to tell you this but more than likely the "encoder " module on the AC camera is corrupted or broken . Updating the AC and Rc can cause this or even having the RC on when updating the AC can do this as well .... NOT always , but I have found a definite correlation between having them both on and then getting No LIVE video .
The "Encoder " mpdule on the Aircrafts camera get "Screwed Up "( technical term ) basiucally corruptedd or broken but regardless needs to go to DJI repair center for reprogramming or repalcement of the module , the cost of replacement is almost equal to the cost of New camera but if it is only corrupted cost about 100 US dollars from what I have been told . If you are sitll under warrenty it my get covered but if not ............
The best way to confirm this diagnosis is to look at the Hidden file on the SD card from the most recent update , If you still have it on the SD card fine , if not just reload the latest FW to the SD a nd install it once again , It will not update anything but it will record the Log and that is what we need to see.
I have a link on how to view the hidden file below - we want to see lines 0800 and 1500 , if they say "Device not Connected " then we know the module is broken or corrupted and needs to go in for service , there is NO fix for this other than going to a repair facility. More than likely , if you are up to date or at the very least on compatible FW then this is the problem , I have seen this 50 times or more I do understand the camera works fully otherewise and you can record and take Pics, but the problem is in the Video module that transmit 's the live pics to the go app .
How to View Hidden Files: Tool to diagnose No signal and SD Issues
Let me know .
*** The ONLY othere thing it could be is if you updated the AC and NOT the RC tranmsitter , this could casue the NO video siganl , but if you are sure you are updated then check the Hidden File .
Below is an example of the Device Not Detected on lines 080 and 1500 - this is is from another Version of FW and AC t system but gives you the basic Idea of what you are looking for . Be sure to look at the VERY BOTOM of the page for the most Recent Firware update, the Initial FW will be on the top of the page ( log )
This is an example of the Device Not Detected file that I think you have