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Had a Great Score this Morning
1145 2 2016-3-4
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Well, I woke up this morning to find My truck had gone off to a job with my FPV googles in it.....and of course I need them for a different job today....bugger.
After ringing all over Sydney and getting the same story....sorry we just sold our last ones.....we can order them.....etc etc I gave up.....just about to pull the pin on the job.
had Breaky and thought.....I will have one last look on the web........and Bang !!! I found someone that had a range in stock.....and better still they were just down the road 10 mins......didn't even know they were there lol
Walked in, the blokes and lady were awesome to deal with and boy was it a drone playground......never seen so much drone stuff and drones in the one place.
Best of all they are an authorised DJI Premium dealer as well.
So I have no conection with them at all, other than I was blown away by the great service and the fact they actually carry stock!! so if you are in Southwest Sydney (They are in Smeaton Grange industrial area near Narellan) and need anything DJI or Drone for that matter have a look at these guys.....I will definately go back for the X5R and new bird later in the year for sure.
Check them out here.....

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

     Good for you Harb, always great to make new friends and connections.  What type of FPV goggles do you use by the way?

Cheers -donnie
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G'day Donnie,
I usually fly with nothing, but if its one of those days I can't see the Ipad due to glare, I have Cinemizers or Fat Shark HD2's and the camera op's all use HeadPlays as they give a more "Cinematic" feel when filming.
Personally I think they are all a bit Substandard, and you recon they could do better in 2016...........My Camera's have better, Higher res Viewfinders to be honest.....B&W, but you don't need colour to film or fly, and Professional cameras all use HiRes B&W to get the shot right, focused etc......that way no colour errors etc creep in.
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