I found this thread because I'm having the same issues (and others). I've been looking online for consensus on the problem but haven't had much luck, I'm guessing as more and more people get their hands on the P4 chatter will pick up (specifically people who owned a P3P). I loved my P3P footage the first time I saw it, the P4 footage looks like garbage.
Besides a ton of noise/artifacts, my sharpness is pretty terrible and all similar color terrain (grass, leaves, tiles) end up looking like a pastel painting.
I've done all the testing I can regarding settings, color modes, sharpness levels, etc, but overall it's still bad, un-predictable, and noticeably worse than my P3P.
I contacted DJI about it, asking if maybe I just had a lemon... no response yet. If I get a response about wiping the lens or needing a faster SD card I'm going to lose it.
Alex |