Please select Into the mobile phone version | Continue to access the computer ver.
Updating with thumb drive or SD adapter.
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UPDATE  May 2017, seems that this workaround works best when members have a "Blue Light " on the RC transmitter  ( the first light on the far left of transmitter , next to the battery strength white lights . Or if updating from 1.2 to 1.3   It may still  work if you dont but that seems to be the times it works best .  Also  it will only work till version 1.6 then after that , you will need to update  normally via the Go app.  good luck - donnie

Below  is 1.3 file if needed, thanks to member Rich for this link ! ... JxMdkUQD5lTepa?dl=0

****It is always best to update with the RC transmitter connected to the Go App with a wi fi connection .  Only use this if you are in a pickel or you ned to update an old transmitter from version 1.2 to 1.3.  Once you get to 1.3 updates  should be done via the Go app.  

I have had a few forum members who have had remarkable success with a simple but effective technique to bring there RC Transmitters back from the dead.  The cause of the RC Transmitter failures has varied, one had his Transmitter Battery die halfway through the update. Another was using a "Cell Network" for the data transfer ( Not a good idea, always use fixed WI -FI )  and yet another thought the upload was finished and  pulled  out before finishing, this is called "Firmware Interruptus"  .  The Solution to the "Bricked RC Transmitter" goes back to the good old days of simply using a Thumb Drive  To update.  To Start make sure You have a strong Charge on the RC Transmitter, then Format some type of Thumb Drive or Stick drive whatever you want to call it , as long as it fits in the USB Drive of the Transmitter.  Be sure to wipe it clean ( Format)  100%.  The file you are loading is a BIN file and it needs to be in the "Root Directory "........DONNIE WHAT IS THE ROOT DIRECTORY "....Glad you asked , the Root directory is just a fancy name meaning it is not in a folder , it is the first thing you see, you dont open anything to get to it.  Just Drag and drop this file by the way directly to the Thumb drive . ( easy peasy lemon squeezy )

on to the thumb drive. (  1.6 below ) Once again making sure it is the only file  on the portable device .  Now with the RC Transmitter off ( AND PLEASE MAKE SURE THE AIRCRAFT IS OFF ) Place the Thumb Drive into the USB port and then Turn on the RC Transmitter, ( IT MAY TAKE UP TO 1-2 MINUTES TO BEGIN )  you should hear some beeping which will be a welcome relief after you more than likely have been pulling your hair out.  Give it time, once the beeping has stopped the update should be finsihed.  Take the Thumb Drive out and place in the computer and just like on the aircraft  SD card look for a "Success" log.  Also double check on the Go app that you have the proper RC  Versions loaded .  

Make sure that your RC Tranmsitter  is set to Master Or Slave as well, sometimes when Re -setting and Pulling your Hair out , this setting can get changed.  It is located on the go App Under the RC Controller  Page.

*****There are a couple of  Examples of USB  thumb drives and SD adapters that work well for this task, scroll to the bottom.

1.6 bin file below, the latest is 1.7.60 which I loaded Novemeber 15, 2016 and does not work !!!.   DJI has changed something to prevent this from working .  I do know for certain that 1.6 will work. ... _FW_V01.06.0000.bin

Ok, that is it .  I would like to thank Terry Lewis and Marc Soble and Patrick Diddly for helping bring this fix to light.  It is nothing new but seems to have been on the back burner, so next time a new pilot says they bricked there RC Transmitter , just have them go to the search tool and look up :Bricked RC Solution

Hope this helps someone, til' then

Fly Safe- brother donnie




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United States

Thanks Donnie... Good looking out
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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Jim09 Posted at 2016-4-1 16:53
Thanks Donnie... Good looking out

Thanks,  Terry Lewis along with Marc Sobel  and I were working on  a forum members RC Transmitter issues and the Idea kind of germinated.  The best part is it works,  a fellow from Germany was pulling his hair out and I mentioned it to him and it worked.  I was so happy.  The best part is he is going to buy me Beer in Germany one day.....

cheers- donnie
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Morph1 Posted at 2016-4-2 19:46
I'm just reading and familiarizing myself with all possible situations that may come my way lol,
I ...

Sound good Man , Mine will have to be Root beers........after my Accident (work Accident )  Cant do that no more.....

Cheers- donnie
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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This looks like the new and improved method and great of DJI to provide the stand alone update file. This is the way the remotes were upgraded in the beginning ... before they used the DJI Go App to install the upgrade.

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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-5 18:05
This looks like the new and improved method and great of DJI to provide the stand alone update file. ...

Yes ,I made the suggestion to use the Thumb drive and Terry Lewis  found that file Hidden on the DJI website packet.  I tell you Terry Lewis is one knowledgeable member with a DJI  encyclopedia for a mind, he really knows his stuff,   and he is not a snide jerk when you make a small error when explaining something to a member.  Nothing Lights me up more than that and I will retaliate, I know I should not but I cant help it .  Some members are jerks, they make rude  comments and add nothing to help the Members with their question.   

By the way I hope you are feeling better, be sure to taper off of the  Pains meds or you will have horrible withdrawal.  After my accident, I  was on Fentanyl Patches , and just decide to quit one day after I thought was feeling better ,  worst 3 days of my life , wish I was dead sort of sick .  Then each day got better and I could finally sleep.  So bottom line, please taper and be careful.  

cheers - donnie
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-6 11:12
Yes ,I made the suggestion to use the Thumb drive and Terry Lewis  found that file Hidden on the DJ ...


I agree with you and this was a great find to share with everyone.

I am recovering slowly and ... yes I am tapering off the pain meds. You are right as I do not want to get hocked on them.   Mainly using them for night time sleeping and the middle of the day.

You might have seen the photo I posted of my wife using the OSMO filming me flying the Inspire in the front yard. I wanted to get a photo of me with my Inspire 1 shirt  (must be the drugs)..

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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-6 22:52

I agree with you and this was a great find to share with everyone.

    Oh brother, cant believe we have another update.  This means another round of pilots leaving there Transmitter on  while updating aircraft ( Please Do not do this, Lurkers )  Or Formatting the SD card with a MAC device and not wiping all of the old Firmware off.  Both of these can cause the dreaded "Device Not Detected" on the SD card Hidden file and "Bricking "the aircraft .    Or The update on The RC is attempted using a Cell siganal and not a Wi-fi causing a loss of data or turning off the RC before the Update is done.  

I am glad you are on the mend but maybe send me a few PK's as I think I am going to need it  with all the questions that will be coming.  I dont mind really , we all have been new to this at one time.  

I did mot see that photo, please provide a link to it if you have a moment.

Cheers Rich - Donnie
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 05:52
Oh brother, cant believe we have another update.  This means another round of pilots leaving th ...


Yes, this is another firmware update to fix some more issues. I hope that everyone reads the PDF file first. I think that most of us realize that these are very complicated aircraft systems that require updates. Please take your time and follow the update instructions. Do not rush the process and wait for everything to complete before turning off the Inspire or Remote. Note, this is also going to update all of your batteries.... so yes you need to put each battery into the Inspire 1 and update them one at a time. No the aircraft will not update again... only the battery.  Do Not be inpatient and take your time. If you are on pain meds.. take an extra one   (Oxycodone 7.5mg)

I have 4 aircraft and I have learned to just wait for each step as it comes.

Link to Tee Shirt page look at the last page

PS, thanks for taking the time to help folks.. I think it speaks volumes to DJI that we are willing to help others and let them have the same enjoyment we all have flying. You are right, many people are nice in the forum... and some are not so nice.  Let's keep a good attitude regardless of the responses  


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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-7 10:25

Yes, this is another firmware update to fix some more issues. I hope that everyone reads t ...

Of course I have the + sign after my update as well and not sure why just yet, I updated the batteries, so I am not sure what is going on .  DJI Ken and I get  on really well also , so he is working on it.  I knew there had to be another update.  I dont mind the updates and have had pretty good luck but I really think they need to limit this to 2-3 times a year max.  It just seems like many pilots are afraid they will brick there aircraft sooner or later with all of the updates.

cheers Rich -donnie
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 08:48
Of course I have the + sign after my update as well and not sure why just yet, I updated the batte ...

The + sign means it has not connected and updated to the DJI server yet. Make sure you are logged into your DJI account and this will eventually update itself

I would rather DJI provide us with the updates as they are needed instead of just 2 or 3 a year. This way when DJI discovers issues they are corrected right away.

I have not started updating my aircraft yet.


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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-7 08:48
Of course I have the + sign after my update as well and not sure why just yet, I updated the batte ...

I just updated all of my Inspire 1 V1 and all of my 8 batteries, plus two remotes. I just came back from flying with the new firmware update. The Inspire flew great and the video worked nicely.

I have updated my P3P and two batteries  no problems at all.

I have one Inspire 1 V2 and P4 to update and most likely get it done tomorrow.

PS The video is working much better (note I use the 32 channel hack (for many months))  no drop outs or signal drop at all!!

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Flight distance : 758238 ft

I updated my Inspire 1 v1 from 1.07 to 1.08 without a problem. Fast update in comparison to previous updates.

Unfortunately my RC is now bricked.
I downloaded the FW with DJI Go (Android) and pressed Start (Aircraft was off). It started beeping but the App crashed. Now I have a solid white light and the App tells me "Update required". If I try to start the update it says 'Failed' and Current Version 1.6 / Downloaded Version 1.6.
No sounds when I power the RC an or off and the mainscreen tells me 'Update required".

Tried your
C1_FW_V01.05.0080.bin but that results in a solid red light. I am than able to retry the update (current 1.5, downloaded 1.6 but it failes immediately and disconnects the tablet from the RC.

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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

info.rana-halle Posted at 2016-4-8 01:15
I updated my Inspire 1 v1 from 1.07 to 1.08 without a problem. Fast update in comparison to previous ...

Let me get you the new bin file : ... _FW_V01.06.0000.bin
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Flight distance : 758238 ft

Thanks for the new file.
It startet beeping and now back to solid red LED.

Result indicates, that the RC is on the latest FW. Any further ideas?

EDIT: It worked! Solid red is no problem. Connected the RC to the Android, checked FW (it shows latest) and tried linking to the Inspire -> success.

Thanks again for the File, DJI should link this thread or the file in their download section.
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Flight distance : 115387 ft
United States

I also had one I fixed by switching from Android to iOS. First controller went fine with Nexus 7 2013, 2nd kept disconnecting as soon as it started. Got an iPad Mini 4 and despite a couple disconnects it reconnected all by itself and finished the update
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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RANA-HALLE Posted at 2016-4-8 07:16
Thanks for the new file.
It startet beeping and now back to solid red LED.

Glad it helped,  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

RANA-HALLE Posted at 2016-4-8 07:16
Thanks for the new file.
It startet beeping and now back to solid red LED.

By the way I am so sorry ,  I thought I had it up to date yesterday, but I only did update  on the other forum and forgot about this.  I am sorry.  I am really happy it is working

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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-8 22:25
Glad it helped,  


Another success story for Donnie, thanks
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-8 11:06
Another success story for Donnie, thanks

Thread Bump!
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Donnie you are the man, you save the day many thanks!
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Kylek_pdx Posted at 2016-4-9 16:27
Donnie you are the man, you save the day many thanks!

Thanks, happy to help

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United Kingdom

I made the same mistake and updated my Inspire at the field while the transmitter was turned on, looking at the software versions I have 1.08 on the aircraft and 1.06 on the tx . I now have lost RC connection with the aircraft , can any body help please ???
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

rob1098 Posted at 2016-4-11 14:36
I made the same mistake and updated my Inspire at the field while the transmitter was turned on, loo ...

Rob, dont do anything to the aircraft, just rollback the firmare to 1.58 on the Transmitter.  Make sure when you do so you have wi-fi solid internet access.  Once you rollback if you AC got stuck in travel mode unstick it first .  Now update 1.8 to the aircraft and then update to 1.60 on the RC.

Good Luck.- donnie

There are a couple of threads on it  on the Inspire Forum, just snoop a bit in case you get stuck.   
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Flight distance : 49646 ft

okay so my rc will not take the update. I did not have the TX on but upon turning on the RC. I have a red light on the RC and no .txt file on the usb. my rc is on and need to update to 1.5 or 1.8
can anyone help me with this?

I have tried the gs_ofdm.bin and it doesnt work
i have tried 1.03 no luck
i have tried c1c2 ect. no luck

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-14 13:50
okay so my rc will not take the update. I did not have the TX on but upon turning on the RC. I have  ...

I am a bit confused on your post but if you need to get to 1.6 for you tranmitter simply follow my Instructions  above .  Mske sure you have updated the Aircraft first, this is critical .
Why  is the Transmitter rolled so far back to 1.2 ?


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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 06:00
I am a bit confused on your post but if you need to get to 1.6 for you tranmitter simply follow my  ...

will not start update. log said The firmware is identical to or older than the current firmware.
the tx and rc worked great before the update.
The TX got the update first and was off when i tried to do the RC
I have tried all of these steps and nothing seems to work.

all i get is a red light and no beeping. will not start any updates.

I can make a video to show you what i am talking about.

Thanks for the help.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-14 21:31
will not start update. log said The firmware is identical to or older than the current firmware.

Ok , I just want to make sure you updated the Aircraft first, before you did the transmitter is that correct ?  

When you say TX  that means (  traditionally )  Transmitter as in the Radio Controller  . When you say TX are YOU referring to the Aircraft ?

RC means the Transmitter or Radio Controller.
AC means the The Aircraft.  

I just want to clear up a couple things before we get to far along.
From here on out while you and I correspond lets  go by names so I understand   Lets use "AIRCRAFT'  AND" CONTROLER"  
( This may sound basic , but I need to make sure we are talking about the same device, on some of you statements I am getting confused )   

So these are my questions I would like you to answer so I can Help you

1-  What  model   aircraft is this?  Is it a Pro ? and what camera are you using x3 or x5

2- What Firmware do you have loaded on the Aircraft Right Now with Confirmed "Success "   Is it 1.8 MAKE SURE !

3-What firmware did you jump from on the Aircraft  ? was it 1.7 ? OR SOMETHING EARLIER

4- Do you know how to Rollback the Controler if need be ?  And If so what version is the Controler on RIGHT NOW , BE SURE

5- Are you Using a MAC or PC when doing the updates ?

6- Have you updated in the Past ?

7 - What are you using on the Go APP?  I s it a Apple I pad or Something else?  If so are you up to date, for example Androids are on GO App version  2.7.2 and apple devices are on version 2.7.1  ( There is not one better or Upgraded than the other, each just needs a certain APP to work)

Ok, get me the answers to these 7 Questions and we can go from there, you may have answered some of these  previously but I help several people a day on line and with e-mail and I want to make sure I have your information current in my mind.  


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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 21:16
Ok , I just want to make sure you updated the Aircraft first, before you did the transmitter is tha ...

1-  What  model   aircraft is this?  Is it a Pro ?  and what camera are you using x3 or x5

Inspire1 v1 x3

2- What Firmware do you have loaded on the Aircraft Right Now with Confirmed "Success "   Is it 1.8

yes 1.8 was Comfirmed succsess

3-What firmware did you jump from on the Aircraft  ? was it 1.7 ?

1.4 was the last on the aircraft

4- Did  you load the Aircraft firmware first and did it say "success" as a result.


5- Are you Using a MAC or PC when doing the updates ?
PC windows 10

6- Have you updated in the Past ?
yes I have had an inspire since last year. the two previous updates went fine.

7 - What are you using on the Go APP?  is it a Apple I pad or Something else?  If so are you up to date, for example Androids are on GO App version  2.7.2 and apple devices are on version 2.7.1  ( There is not one bedtter or Upgraded than the other, each just needs a certain APP to work)

I have both galaxy note 4 and ipad air 2.

Ok, get me the answerss to these 7 Questions and we can go from there, you may have answered this previously but I help several people a day on line and with e-mail and I want to make sure I have your information current in my mind.

Thanks again
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 08:47
1-  What  model   aircraft is this?  Is it a Pro ?  and what camera are you using x3 or x5

Inspire ...

Ok , thank You, we must get you updated to 1.6 on the Controller or it will not work.  These two ( update to the aircraft 1.8 and 1.6 on the controller )  are updates are like puzzle pieces, no other Version is going to work.  So here is my plan please try it.

I want you first to make sure the Controller has a full charge.  And during this process make sure the aircraft is OFF.

With The Aircraft OFF I want to reset  the Controller to Factory Spec's.  

Start with the Controller OFF.   Press the C1 C2 the Red" record button" on the top left and the ISO wheel on the top right ( Feel the detent, that wheel will push DOWN and click )   with all four pushed in hard turn the controler On......KEEP HOLDING FOR 10 SECONDS.  NOW LET GO.  Just let it set and then  turn it off for now.

This will reset the Transmitter to version 1.3   ( depending on how old the controller is )  Now I need you to make sure you have a Fresh formatted thumb drive or whatever you use for the USB on the Controller.  Make sure if it is an SD card that it is properly formatted and load my file on to the thumb drive .  It is file 1.6.  It is critical that the  BIN file is the only thing  on that Device.  Now make sure the Controller is off , install the Thumb drive with my 1.6 file on it.   Once it is loaded to the USB Port NOW you can turn on the Controller.   It may take several minutes to start but it will start beeping.  When the beeping stops the light should change color and you should be in business.  Check the File on the Card for success.

Please just try it again using the steps I have outlined, I have very good luck doing this.
After we do this procedure we may need to Re link the Aircarft.  Let me know what color the lighs are under both the aircarft and on Transmitter after you do the above procedure.
It must be in standy mode with the Controler and the Aircarft on.  

let me know - donnie  
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 08:47
1-  What  model   aircraft is this?  Is it a Pro ?  and what camera are you using x3 or x5

Inspire ...

I want to let you know one thing.  In one of your post's above you said you wanted to update the Controller from  1.2 to 1.8.......Remember that the Controller and the Aircraft will NOT be using the same versions of the Firmware.    If you are on Firmware  version 1.8 on the AIRCRAFT,  the CONTROLLER   is on a totally different  Program and it is named 1.6 .  I was confused on this when first starting out, I thought that all the Firmware numbers should match and they dont.

Also How did you get back to version 1.02 on the controller ?   How do you know you are on that Version?

1:   When you loaded 1.8 from the DJI page you are positive that you did not load it from the Inspire 1 PRO page ?  The numbers will look exactly alike  but are differmt files .

2.  How did you get version 1.02 loaded on to the controler

3.  How do you know what version of firmware you currently have on the Controller ?  You said you were on 1.02 ?

Thanks - donnie  

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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 22:25
I want to let you know one thing.  In one of your post's above you said you wanted to update the Co ...

1:   When you loaded 1.8 from the DJI page you are positive that you did  not load it from the Inspire 1 PRO page ?  The numbers will look  exactly alike  but are differmt files .

yes I am positive that is one thing i pay attetion to. I was on the inspire1 page not the PRO

2.  How did you get version 1.02 loaded on to the controler

I bought them last year and thats what was on it. or i updated to it. but havent since because that was working for me   inspire1 v.1 dual controller

3.  How do you know what version of firmware you currently have on the Controller ?  You said you were on 1.02 ?
when i started the aircraft and controller the app said aircraft 1.4 rc 1.02 app 2.7 in the about section

turned eveything off and started update on the inspire. sucsess . turned off aircraft. start update on controller and nothing.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 09:50
1:   When you loaded 1.8 from the DJI page you are positive that you did  not load  ...

Ok , the aircraft is up to date  at 1.8 we dont need to touch that.

Are you saying that you reset the Controller per my instructions,  and now the 1.6 update file has failed ?

If so I have another way >

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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 22:54
Ok , the aircraft is up to date  at 1.8 we dont need to touch that.

Are you saying that you reset ...

yes the rc just times out and will not accept the update.

Thank You for the help
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Flight distance : 49646 ft

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 22:57
yes the rc just times out and will not accept the update.

Thank You for the help

I took my second controller and turned it to the master and that works great and updated no problem

just have one controller acting up.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 09:58
I took my second controller and turned it to the master and that works great and updated no problem ...

Did you make sure the other controller is also set for master while you are updating, then after update you will move it back to the slave . Remeber only one unit is going to connect to the Inspire , my sense is that you have it updated already and that is why the Card is saying  the Firware is the Same.

Other things I learned from reading lots of posts and reviewing instructional videos:

- You can link only one RC (the MASTER) to the Inspire 1; you do NOT link the Slave to the Inspire 1.  If you link a second RC to the Inspire 1, the link to the first MASTER RC will be lost.
- You can RESET the Slave RC (or the MASTER RC) by pressing and holding down three buttons (C1, C2 and the photo button on right rear next to Play button) with the RC ON and while pressing and holding down these three buttons turn the RC OFF, continue holding the three buttons and then turn the RC back ON. RC will beep and the RC light will be RED.
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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 23:09
Please tell me we fixed at least one of the controllers?  Are you saying this whole time that this ...

no it is the master
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

tvmcdaniels@gma Posted at 2016-4-15 09:58
I took my second controller and turned it to the master and that works great and updated no problem ...

I really think you should have stated from the Beginning of  your Post that you have 2 transmitters  and that you have success with the Aircraft Update  and the Master Transmitter ,   But One will not Update.

I would have had a different approach for sure because I know that only ONE of the Transmitters gets Linked to the Aircraft .  I guess I should have caught the TX and RX of your post.  BUT my Original post is about RC that are Bricked while updating, so that is what I thought I had here.

I did my best-  good luck- donnie

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Flight distance : 49646 ft

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-15 23:05

when i try the app update it shows no firmware to downgarde or upgrade to. it is blank

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