ATTI Mode in the Wind
906 1 2016-4-2
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 27489951 ft
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Today was windy but I went out anyway to practice flying in ATTI Mode.  Didn't feel that windy on the ground, much stronger higher up.  Started off by flying upwind in GPS mode, stopped and switched to ATTI.  With in a few seconds the Phantom was drifting along at 6m/s downwind.  Strange to put in a constant back stick and still go forward.  Cross wind was challenging requiring a constant left or right roll to fly straight.  Turning into the wind was not too difficult but but I often came to a dead stop even with forward stick.  The hardest was cross wind to downwind turns, within a few seconds you're screaming along over the ground.  Its hard to fly a good straight line as you can see in the attached image, flight path is pretty wobbly.
Windy flight.jpg
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Flight distance : 62703 ft
United States

I practiced flying in ATTI mode for the first time today. I did it in the middle of an open field with about 10 MPH winds and it was pretty difficult keeping it in place. It really makes me appreciate the GPS much more but now I know what to expect if the GPS ever cuts out.
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