Flight distance : 18862 ft
now i have reset my iPad 2 a second time with a new windows-pc and a new installed itunes (win10 64bit) - reset to factory settings; activated via iTunes; connected to the wifi for installing the dji go app (no app else installed, only factory settings). How showed in the "how to connected"-info i've swotched on the RC, than i've switched on the copter, next step was connecting the iPad with usb to the RC, started the app, signing in with my dji account - unfortunately only "how to connect"-button.
next procedure: I've connected the iPad with rc (both switched off), switched on the copter, switched on the RC (the iPad was started automatically), started the app manually (How to connect-button), stopped the app, switched off the rc, (ipad ist still running), switched an the rc - unfortunately also "how to connect"-button.
i have no idea else, what can i do? |