Inspire 1 V2 X3 price dropped 35%!!!
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10655 101 2016-5-25
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Wow has anyone else seen this today?  The Inspire 1 V2 price has dropped 35% to $1,999.00  So why would you buy a P4?  The only thing I can think of is they are getting ready to announce the new Inspire 2.

I just lost over 1K with this one,,,,,, Thanks DJI  

Please comment on this.....   What do you think?

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I saw it Rich,  I was thinking of a p4 for backup with my x5pro the flight time with the p4  28 minutes and still 500 dollars cheaper the p4 is awesome , hard choice.
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United States

Yep, saw this coming sooner or later... And it's a v2 .... Hmmmm, something new around the corner then ?
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Flight distance : 1711394 ft

I'd assume that we will probably see the next Inspire iteration in a couple of months.
Just idle speculation on my part, I don't have any insider information.

Probably a good time to stock up on spare A/C and stuff. Just because a new craft is released doesn't make the old one broken.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

Looking forward to the next inspire but I think it will be difficult for dji to make something a lot better than the current inspire but I can already predict that there will be collision avoidance but the same radio range. I think it will be difficult for dji to make a motor that performs better and consumes less energy though so they can most likely increase performance by making the next inspire lighter but I'm not sure how they're gonna shave off weight from the inspire. Bigger battery is possible but it may get heavier too or maybe tb48 is gonna be standard. It's just hard to make the current inspire better so they might make a completely new design.
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leanlinao Posted at 2016-5-26 11:18
Looking forward to the next inspire but I think it will be difficult for dji to make something a lot ...

Did someone say lighter?


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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

Aeromirage Posted at 2016-5-26 11:25
Did someone say lighter?

Yeah haha that's exactly why it's gonna be difficult for dji to make something a lot better. Although collision avoidance is a nice safety feature but not very reliable and adds weight, power consumption.
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Farnk666 Posted at 2016-5-25 19:12
I'd assume that we will probably see the next Inspire iteration in a couple of months.
Just idle spe ...

I agree the V2 is not broken... but it will be interesting how they change the new version. I believe they will add dual IMU / Compass with object avoidance for sure. Most likely a bigger battery or even dual batteries.

The bad thing about this price drop is it will kill the price on selling your used aircraft... Nothing wrong with the old Inspire 1

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leanlinao Posted at 2016-5-26 11:18
Looking forward to the next inspire but I think it will be difficult for dji to make something a lot ...

TB48 can't be standard, as you can only fly with 2 of them on passenger aircraft. The TB47s just squeeze in under the 100Wh threshold

If they do come out with new battery tech I hope it's backwards compatible!
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str1776 Posted at 2016-5-25 19:02
I saw it Rich,  I was thinking of a p4 for backup with my x5pro the flight time with the p4  28 minu ...

Good stuff coming in the future and not nice to the DJI customers that just bought the Inspire 1 V2 for 3K....   oh that's me  

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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-25 20:39
Good stuff coming in the future and not nice to the DJI customers that just bought the Inspire 1 V ...

I'll take more battery time give atleast what the p4 is able to do for flght time . I would take more battery than avoidance for me anyway!
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

MrSilicon Posted at 2016-5-26 11:37
TB48 can't be standard, as you can only fly with 2 of them on passenger aircraft. The TB47s just s ...

Oh so it's not possible to make bigger batteries because of travel.
I don't think dual tb battery will be possible unless the airframe is a matrice 100 which is designed for dual tb battety or maybe they will make the inspire's tail longer for the second tb battery, that is the only way a second same battery will fit on the inspire design.. that will affect the weight distribution a lot so they are most likely to make a new design.
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-25 20:36
I agree the V2 is not broken... but it will be interesting how they change the new version. I beli ...

The mobile phone industry in on the verge of releasing some new battery chemistry that will change the way we look at battery times. The rumors are lighter and 40% ish more run time.

Not sure when this is going to be released as this is a very well kept secrete.

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Flight distance : 6693586 ft

Did any of you guys get a survey from DJI a week or so back? It had questions like "what would you like to see in future models?"

On top of my list was a front facing cam for the pilot. I'm not fussed with collision avoidance, but a dedicated pilot cam would be sooooo much better.
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-26 11:39
Good stuff coming in the future and not nice to the DJI customers that just bought the Inspire 1 V ...

Sorry but don't complain that much I just bought two months ago a v1 for $4000 up in Canada with exchange etc.

Some people buy 4K tv's for $5000 and others wait and get it for $2000 them the breaks for us getting the new toys today not tomorrow.
Imagin someone who bought a P3 before knowing the P4 was about to come out,

Trust me I feel you but no point in pointing fingers at DJI and saying it's their fault.

EDit::: Rich just wanted to state I mean no harm in what I am typing. Just truth lol.
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My guess is the PH4 is selling so well for them they need to get the price of the Inspire down to thy and sell more of them, and yes I also believe the maybe a new Inspire about to appear on the horizon.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-26 11:36
I agree the V2 is not broken... but it will be interesting how they change the new version. I beli ...

Yes, not great for people selling right now. No tech holds value however.

I think that the introduction of the little Xiaomi UAV has shaken up things marketing wise at DJI and the price premium justification for a 4K UAV has simply evaporated across the industry.

Not saying that there is a match for quality/capability with the Inspire, just that an average punter looking for that spec will have a hard time spending the sort of coin DJI has usually set pricing at. As the vast majority of UAV captured footage ends up horribly over-compressed on YouTube and Facebook, quality just ain't a big issue across the entire customer base.

(I hereby make / insert an extensive exception for the professional cine guys from the previous paragraph, but you lot are well used to shelling out multiple thousands on your rigs and the costs here are marginal in comparison)  

Hell, I'd buy one just as a play toy or training craft. Along with an extra Inspire as a backup!

Good times for people in this activity / occupation / industry!
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R&L Aerial
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Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-25 23:36
I agree the V2 is not broken... but it will be interesting how they change the new version. I beli ...

Just last week I sold my old inspire1 v1 on eBay for $1900.00 I'm very lucky . I feel bad for people holding inventories. There screwed
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

     Sorry Rich, this happens sometimes, My family is in the car business ( Buick - GMC - Chevrolet )  and what we do is if a Rebate or  there is some major price change from one month to the next  ( within 30-45 days ) we refund all or a portion of the difference.  This way we keep good relations with the customer, also if the Warranty goes at at say 50,000 miles on a particular component, and it fails at 53,000 miles  we stretch that out a few thousand miles as well, the component did not just "fail " In the last 3,000 miles . We dont advertise this, but we take care of the customers that feel they may have paid to much.  By the same token , No one offers to pay us  the difference when the price goes up , so we keep this policy on the down low but satisfy those who feel burned .

Maybe if you call the place you bought it from they will make some sort  good will price adjustment or price drop for  future purchases.

What is the place you bought yours from selling them for ?  If they are now selling them at $2,000 and you paid $3,000  then I would ask for some sort of compensation, or what is there return policy ?  I get my DJI products  at Best Buy ( Love Them !) and I buy a lot of stuff there, they give me 45  days to make returns.  Therfore if the price drops , I just take it back and re- purchase it .
If you bought within 45-60 days , I think You have a case.   

Talk to them, You would have every right to be bummed out, I would at least call and see what they say.

I wonder what is out there on the Horizon, I would like a FPV camera for the Pilot , Obstacle avoidance , more range and battery time , dedicated switch for the motors  ( No CSC ), more lights , built in gps finder, quieter props, emergency chute, better camera transmit 1080 from 720 etc.


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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-5-26 05:53
Just last week I sold my old inspire1 v1 on eBay for $1900.00 I'm very lucky . I feel bad for peop ...

What did you replace it with R &  L ?  

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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-5-26 09:48
What did you replace it with R &  L ?  


I anticipated this new version of the inspire coming out so I wanted to sell my oldest bird before it lost its value, I still have my inspire 1 pro, my phantom 4 and my p3p pro.
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R&L Aerial
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Flight distance : 298100 ft
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If there ever was a time to buy an inspire 1 v2 how's the time, the new version inspire will probably have collision avoidance and a longer battery life ( so they say?)  and  a little better camera and while these new features are cool there more a gimmick right now. With my phantom 4 I have yet to use tap fly or the collision avoidance and the image  and video is about the same as the p3. A good pilot shouldn't need Collision avoidance. Also the new version inspire will probably cost around $3800
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

str1776 Posted at 2016-5-25 20:50
I'll take more battery time give atleast what the p4 is able to do for flght time . I would take m ...

I agree that more flight time is the best selling point for the future. I am sure they some other ideas that will be on the new one    plus a higher price


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This always happens in every electronics  product...before a new version gets release the "old" version gets a price drop so that the stock gets cleared.
For me when this happens it's when i buy the "older" version ;)
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-5-26 23:45
If there ever was a time to buy an inspire 1 v2 how's the time, the new version inspire will probabl ...

I don't think the next inspire is going to have more flight time because of travel limits on battery, the capacity will remain. I also do not think the next inspire will be lighter because adding avoidance and another camera dedicated for the pilot will increase weight and power consumption. The motors will have a slight increase in performance and power consumption at most.
The only way they can make the next inspire have more flight time is if they put dual tb batteries. Maybe they'll make the new airframe's tail longer for the 2nd tb battery and adjust the arms position for balanced center weight. Or a completely new airframe design. The next inspire will be a big change if it has dual tb battery because not only does it increase flight time but also reduces risk of battery failure. Although there are already battery mods for the inspire 1 which has 2 extra lipo mod
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United Kingdom

They did a similar price drop around xmas & new year.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Farnk666 Posted at 2016-5-25 21:52
Yes, not great for people selling right now. No tech holds value however.

I think that the intro ...

Xiaomi UAV is a real game changer at $400.00

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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-5-26 06:39
Sorry Rich, this happens sometimes, My family is in the car business ( Buick - GMC - Chevrolet  ...

Hi Donnie

DJI markets the Inspire as a entry point Pro aircraft and they just dropped the bottom out it (IMO). The Inspire 1 V2 is only $500 different from the P4..
I have purchased 2 Inspires lately,  one from DJI and the other from BestBuy (spare)  neither of them will be able to give me a break because it has passed 60 days or more.  DJI would not volunteer money back.... As you know this is just the way it goes. Now.... I will be very reluctant in future purchases in buying spares.  This is a pretty big hit to anyone that has purchased the Inspire in the last 60-90 days.

Its a life lesson and burn me once shame on me... burn me twice shame on you.  

I like my DJI aircraft and would not change my choices only the timing of my purchases.


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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-5-26 08:45
If there ever was a time to buy an inspire 1 v2 how's the time, the new version inspire will probabl ...

AGREE with you

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-5-26 03:53
Just last week I sold my old inspire1 v1 on eBay for $1900.00 I'm very lucky . I feel bad for peop ...

I sold my Inspire 1 V1 last month and the new owner was very happy.  I wonder how he feels now after the price drop?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

06aeb11@gmail.c Posted at 2016-5-25 21:28
Sorry but don't complain that much I just bought two months ago a v1 for $4000 up in Canada with ex ...

I get it...  If you have product separation and pricing like DJI has for the Inspire series and the Phantom series... this is a huge drop (35%).  That's all I was saying.

I like all of my aircraft P3P, P4 and two Inspires

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United States

I don't know where you guys purchased your products but I use B&H...

Solely for things like this. I once purchased a C100 mkii and the price dropped by over a grand within 90 days. They refunded me the difference and I'll be loyal to them for a long time coming.

Something to think about...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-26 12:58
Hi Donnie

DJI markets the Inspire as a entry point Pro aircraft and they just dropped the bottom  ...

I know what you meant but it is :

"Burn me once shame on You .....Burn  me twice Shame on Me "

Or I always like the even older saying that is :

Burn me once and I will put you in an Outhouse and Set it on fire if you do it again "   

I kinda like that one.

Cheers Rich - donnie

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

GuyNamedLindsey Posted at 2016-5-26 13:09
I don't know where you guys purchased your products but I use B&H...

Solely for things like this. I ...

That is a great policy , that is what we do also in our business. Post # 19  

cheers - donnie
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-26 14:01
I sold my Inspire 1 V1 last month and the new owner was very happy.  I wonder how he feels now aft ...

I was thinking the same thing about my buyer, the got a first run a model A  inspire 1, used with no extras now you can a brand new v2 for same price? Oh well it's happened to me before, it's a tough pill to swallow.
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Chris G

For those of you who have recently purchased, or are trying to sell used, I feel for you.
Keep in mind that with this technology, and most tech, changes are rapid, and the evolution of product families(groups of devices that share spare parts) last about 3ish to 6ish months. So in the end, I fear we will all get burnt by this in one way or another.
Over the years, I've figured out how Apple does it, so I'm usually getting the best deal on an iPhone, current model -1.

Ironically, yesterday I started hunting around for another X3 camera, and was informed by both DronesPlus in Cali and HeliVideoPros in BC Canada that there was a big price drop from DJI on May 25th.
The X3 camera is posted for $459USD on DJI site Zenmuse X3 Camera , Drones Plus quoted me $400USD plus shipping on the phone and HeliVideoPros quoted me $620CDN Zenmuse X3 Camera in Canada( local so I can pick it up) over the phone. I like local, so I asked them today, when their website would be updated with the $620CDN price, still waiting...
So in addition to the Inspire 1 v2.0, there are other price reductions, but they haven't been updated everywhere yet, so if you are buying something, it might pay to call them first. Make sure they have updated their prices in line with the manufacturer's.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-5-27 02:01
I sold my Inspire 1 V1 last month and the new owner was very happy.  I wonder how he feels now aft ...

No one knows when price drops are happening or he should have known because the inspire has been around. But personally I don't complain about these things, I have sold virtual account in an online game to someone  in canada for 440 usd, he was very happy and he really liked the server and the account and after 2 months the server shut down so he lost 100%. I also bought a virtual account for 500 usd and I was also in the same boat. But we both did had no regrets, not even slightly. I have my inspire for 1 month now and no regrets so my feeling has not changed.

So if all your happiness depends on money alone and not the great experiences in life then you will be sad when price drops happens or if you loose the drone and you're just thibking you lost money or somebody lost money.
Lesson is don't rely your happiness on money and have no regrets.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

Or in simple terms
Don't be materialistic basucally
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-5-26 11:11
I know what you meant but it is :

"Burn me once shame on You .....Burn  me twice Shame on Me "

LOL you are right... I messed that up didn't I

Oh well if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at...

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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

leanlinao Posted at 2016-5-26 16:50
No one knows when price drops are happening or he should have known because the inspire has been a ...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. I am not materialistic, but I do not like wasting money.  I am enjoying the aircraft very much.

You are right we do not know when the price will drop, this one hurt a bunch of folks out there

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