 Second Officer
Flight distance : 18835673 ft
United States
Today I flew out 27,046 feet before turning around - that's 5.1 miles or 8.2 km!
I do a lot of long distance flying- primarily, like today, over completely unobstructed rural farm land with no trees, houses or WiFi interference. Prior to testing my P4 today with firmware version 1.1.410 and DJI GO app version 2.83, I calibrated the IMU using DJI GO app, calibrated the forward and bottom vision sensors using DJI Assistant 2 v1.0.2, and, of course, calibrated the compass. Using only a $30 parabolic reflector on my otherwise stock P4, I flew out further than I had ever flown before with ZERO loss of RC signal or HD Link video image. All the image issues that I had with DJI GO app version 2.8.2 were eliminated in DJI GO app version 2.8.3. In fact, when I turned around at 5.1 miles at 65% battery level, I still had 4 bars of RC control and HD Link signal strength!
Unfortunately, as DJI-Jamie correctly cautions above, you need to leave yourself sufficient battery level to return home. I know this, and I thought I was OK when I turned my P4 around at 65% battery level. BUT - I immediately encountered 15 mph headwinds from the outrush from a storm cell that had just disintegrated a couple miles behind me. I made it back 4 miles, but ultimately I had to make an emergency landing along the side of a farm road about 1.2 miles from Home point. Surprisingly, I had full control and stable video image from my P4 as I descended from 350 feet looking for a safe place to land until I was less than 10 feet above ground 1.2 miles away.
My total flight distance today was 48,203 feet with a flight time of 18:26 minutes. During the outbound leg, the P4's horizontal velocity averaged a pretty steady 44-46 mph but on my return leg I was only getting 18-24 mph due to increased headwind velocity. At 50% battery level, my flight time was 9:18 minutes. So, the battery levels throughout the flight appeared to be accurate - it was the strong headwinds that I encountered on my return flight that prevented me from returning all the way home. Luckily, when flying over open farmland there are lots of places to land. Fortunately, I was able to retrieve my undamaged P4 from the side of the farm road where I landed it in tall grass. The first LED on the battery was still blinking even though I was at 0% battery level when I landed. A photo of my flight record appears below.
27,046 Feet Distance Flight Record on 06JUN2016