Flight distance : 1427326 ft
Hi everyone again!
I've been doing some testing and I finally came out with a conclusion about this issue.
I'm now completely sure that this is not a particular issue with a couple of Phantom out there. It's something that all Phantom 4 do, regardless some users do in fact realise or not. I've tested a firend of mine's Phantom 4 and it does exactly the same (as well as all the videos I've come across with in the Internet)
This is caused by the low bitrate our Phantom 4 has (60mb/s) and the large amount of information it has to store at a very high shutter speed while recording 4K videos and tilting the gimbal fastly (due to the intense light condition). That's why an ND filter solves the situation as it reduces the amount of light that gets inside the camera and allows it to set a lower shutter speed.
As well as this, there are many other settings we can adjust in order to prevent artifacts from appearing:
- Turning off 3D Noise Reduction disabling this setting improves largely the image quality, however it doesn't fix the artifacts completely.
- Adjusting sticks and gimbal's EXP so that movement is slower and smoother while recording, helping the camera to encode with better results. I've got stick's EXP set to 0,3 and Gimbal's to 20
- Setting Gimbal's SmoothTrack to 17-19 which makes it fade when stopping and helps getting a better image
- Reducing Gimbal's speed by default it's set to a very high value which is not necessary for recording, I've got it setup to 70 and the result is great.
- Lowering ISO and Sharpness this reduces the amount of information that's stored while recording and improves quality. Sharpness -2 and ISO 100 should be fine
- Recording in D-Log mode which allows to get the maximum dynamic range and helps reducing artifacts.
- Adjusting shutter speed to the double of the frames per second. If recording at 30fps, set shutter speed to 1/60 to obtain smoother results. To achieve this it's mandatory to have ND filters in order to reduce the amount of light.
- Recording 2.7K or 1080 60FPS
I yesterday made some vídeos with this settings and the image looked much much better.
I've found a very interesting list of tips for recoring video using Phantom 3 and 4 where you can check all these settings and much more (I strongly recommend people having this issue to read it):
Responding to DJI-Paladin I've been to my local DJI Authorized Technical Support store to explain my issue and the technician working there confirmed me that this is normal and that he had had more people reporting it.
Adding up, all these artifacts are normal when recording with all stock settings and with no smoothness, at high resolutions. I've made a lot of research and gather all this information which has made my videos much better while recording 4K. However, it's important to keep in mind that no matter how many Phantom you return that recoring near to the grass with high light conditions and tilting the gimbal fastly up and down will cause this distortion/artifacts/pixelation untill DJI decides to increase Bitrate or to solve it via a firmware upgrade. (which is very unlikely to happen)