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DJI GO App Now Includes GEO Geofencing System
2146091618 2146091618 2016-7-5
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Hong Kong


DJI, the world’s leading maker of unmanned aerial vehicles, Tuesday introduced an improved version of its geofencing system in the latest update to the DJI GO app that controls its Phantom and Inspire aerial platforms.

The industry-leading Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) software will help pilots avoid flying drones near airports and other sensitive locations, and automatically updates with temporary flight restrictions around wildfires to help protect authorized firefighting aircraft and help ensure fire crews can operate without disruption.

“Safety is DJI’s top priority, which is why we first introduced geofencing technology three years ago and have been steadily refining the industry’s best technology to enhance aviation safety,” said Brendan Schulman, DJI Vice President of Policy and Legal Affairs, who led the development of the new system. “Drone pilots want to fly safely, and our GEO system helps DJI customers fly responsibly while also enabling the full capabilities of remotely piloted aircraft.”

GEO improves upon DJI’s earlier No-Fly Zone technology by including permanent restrictions around prisons, nuclear power plants and other sensitive locations, as well as temporary restrictions for large stadium gatherings and national security events. It also introduces flexibility for drone pilots by giving them the ability to unlock some restricted areas where they have permission to operate.

The GEO system prevents flights from entering or launching in some zones, such as airports, unless a pilot with a verified DJI account temporarily unlocks it for a permissible use. This system prevents inadvertent flights in some areas while allowing them for beneficial uses such as sanctioned inspections, model aircraft activities, and indoor flight. Certain areas that raise national security concerns, such as Washington, D.C., cannot be unlocked.

The GEO system is available for iOS systems and Android in the latest update of the DJI GO app, and operates on all Inspire models as well as the Phantom 4, Phantom 3 Professional and Phantom 3 Advanced models. Pilots should update their app as well as the firmware for their controller and aircraft in order to take advantage of the system. It covers 17 countries with a population of 860 million people, including almost all of North America and western Europe, and will continue to expand to other regions around the globe.

Geofencing is a complex technology that provides an enhanced level of safety for airspace users. While safe flight is ultimately the responsibility of each pilot, geofencing aims to make compliance easier and more effective. DJI urges every drone pilot to act responsibly and follow applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdictions, just like the vast majority of millions of drone pilots around the world.

More information about DJI’s geofencing system is available at

For additional information, please contact:

Adam Lisberg, DJI North America Communication Director –

About DJI

DJI is a global leader in developing and manufacturing innovative drone and camera technology for commercial and recreational use. DJI was founded and is run by people with a passion for remote-controlled helicopters and experts in flight-control technology and camera stabilization. The company is dedicated to making aerial photography and filmmaking equipment and platforms more reliable and easier to use for creators and innovators around the world. DJI’s global operations currently span North America, Europe and Asia, and its revolutionary products and solutions have been chosen by customers in over 100 countries; for applications in film, advertising, construction, fire fighting, farming, and many other industries.

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DJI Team
United Kingdom

On July 5, DJI introduced an improved version of our geofencing system in the latest update to the DJI GO app in the U.S. and Europe. As we mentioned when we released the update, our goal was – and always will be – safety. We want customers to fly responsibly, while still enabling full capabilities of our aerial platforms.

Geospatial Online Environment introduced flexibility for DJI drone operators, allowing them to unlock some geofences locations where they have permission to operate. And it improved upon our previous geofencing technology, by including live updated information about temporary flight restrictions.

For DJI customers, GEO is an excellent solution to make educated and informed flight decisions easier than ever. But we recognize that our vast range of global customers spans everyone from occasional recreational users all the way to certified commercial operators who fly for a living. Your needs are largely -- but not always -- the same.

For operators who are still not able to access or unlock areas where they are authorized to fly, please send a note to us at with your requests. We pledge to work with you to the best of our ability to help you fly where you’re authorized to fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
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To be honest - i expected something a bit different and iam feel disappointed.

DJI told a GEO will be a solution what will give a possibility of self-authorise flights and unlock zones.
The new geo map is the old map with a bit larger RED circles (not unlockable zones), with larger yellow (unlockable), and gren self-authorisation.

GEO is change nothing to us. Zero additive value, because a old RED zones, are still old. We get more restrictions and yellow radiuses over old red zones.

Guess Who want more restriction and less flexibility? Yes, no - no one here.
Who want to give you a details about flights (log of unlocking more areas)? Yes, still no one.
Why we should we want to have our devices locked, with more restrictions when we have it less restrictive now? Yes, there is no reason to.
Why we should connect to the DJI again? Maybe better solution is block all connections to DJI to prevent more NFZ additions? Yes, it is better solution

And final, do we need Geo or NFZ at all? No, we don't. Everyone can use b4youfly, or just use official local actual airmap. This is a common knowledge accessible to anyone. Finally the UAV operator is responsible for following the air-law and rules, and DJI is not an air-police.

Your proposition from the 2 months ago (the second, definately not new year first approach) where airports was yellow zones, almost everything green, and a bit was red - was very reasonable.
Why you changed that? This 'launch' proposition is just ridiculous.

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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

Not only this...but the VERY LENGTHY legal disclaimer is unbelievable.  DJI wants ZERO responsibility for anything and wants its users to completely waive their rights to court litigation for the right to arbitration only.....I spent over 20 minutes reading the legal jargon in the new app.   I believe if you DISAGREE with this disclaimer, you won't be able to use the DJI GO app ---- This is a forced position by DJI that is trying to absolve them from any liability.  That seems a bit over-the-top in my opinion.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
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And modyfing NFZ's is changing a basic functionality of already sold product.

I bought my P3P at June of 2015. I had NFZ only over airports and i accepted that. On the september DJI silently pushed additional NFZ over stadiums, with any information.
DJI can push any NFZ only just through Internet connection.

DJI pushed new NFZ, changed my (and Yours) product without any our agreement and without any warning or notifications, and now, DJI is limiting a product what te payed for again.
Geo supposed to be a thing what is giving us more flexibility, but it is not. We got more NFZ, more restrictions and more DJI spying.
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

Just be careful about 'unlocking' a locked area.  Although the statement " It also introduces flexibility for drone pilots by giving them the ability to unlock some restricted areas where they have permission to operate." is correct, if you read the liability in the new DJI Go App, you will see that it clearly states that if you do this, you are giving DJI permission to pass along ALL of your personal information to anyone they want....even if DJI isn't asked for this information, they can now voluntarily pass your information along if you unlock a geo fence.   I just wonder how many of the restricted areas are legitimate or did DJI just take any airport (regardless of it if is still in service) and put a big read circle around it, forcing you to unlock it and expose your personal data.

In addition, this disclaimer clearly states that DJI can change anything they want without notice or any reason given.   They are worse than the government in terms of complete control of your ability to use their aircraft with their software.  They don't want the responsibility for litigation, but they want complete ability to do whatever they want when they want.

DJI better be careful.  Although their technology is currently industry leading, competitors ARE catching up and if you keep restricting AND CHANGING POST PURCHASE! your product, people WILL go elsewhere and you will lose the huge following you currently have.

Although I still love my Phantom 3 Pro, if someone asks me about purchasing, you better believe that these added restrictions are going to make me think twice about recommending DJI to anyone....for certain I will explain all these NEGATIVE reasons for not considering this product so they have the entire picture.
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United States

Instead of blaming DJI for enhancing GEO how about switching that to all the Phantom Menace owners that caused this to happen in the first place?  I praise DJI for this update and by placing more responsibility on the pilots.
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well is time to unbox my typhoon H
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

CincyFPV Posted at 2016-7-6 11:22
Instead of blaming DJI for enhancing GEO how about switching that to all the Phantom Menace owners t ...

I see your point...but what guidelines is DJI using to call something a RED or Yellow zone?  Airports are obvious, but what about others?  This isn't a legal government creating these RED and Yellow zones, it is a private company....that is the first and foremost issue.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
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Your local government is managing of airspace, not DJI.
In local airspace there are zones like P, R, D, CTR, and others, and we are obligated to get permission to fly in airport radius or over airport, but DJI is nothing to do there.
This is between us and zone owner.

And another example - there is NO ANY LAW in my country what would deny of flight over stadiums. There is no NFZ over that objects, and anyone can fly if he want.... of course at the 'event time', there are temporary R zones and then you need to have permission (if not you just go to jail or get large fine). But there is no such thing like NFZ over stadiums by the default.
So informational warning zones, or enchanced warning zones (self unlockable) - yes! Please do! Even yellow authorisation over airports (yes, this is fragile area), and red over nuclear powerplants. Yes - OK - we can understand this.

But red over any airport or stadium? Mercy please - this is not required by a law, not exist in law, this is crazy and annoying limitation.

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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

I can only speak for myself and what I am seeing in DJI's GEO database. So far it is not causing me any problems flying. I can still fly where I always have and I find the warnings helpful. The red and yellow zones make sense to me. I likely do not ever want to fly in one of those. The green warning zones surround infrequently used airports and helipads. I do have a few concerns:

What law or rule is DJI implementing with this software? Who forced them to implement it?
If someone takes off in an area the map says is safe to fly but then gets arrested because there was a temporary no-fly zone in place, is DJI liable?
What is the source of the no-fly zone data and is it 100% reliable?
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Flight distance : 535020 ft

where is the web page for flight planning
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

grangerfx@gmail Posted at 2016-7-6 12:18
I can only speak for myself and what I am seeing in DJI's GEO database. So far it is not causing me  ...

To answer your liability question...NO.  DJI says this in their disclaimer they make you sign when you install the new DJI GO app.  They are not liable for their 'guidelines' being accurate.  You, as the pilot, are responsible to check more accurate jurisdictions where you are flying.  When you sign their clause in the GO app, you are saying they have no responsbility.

I'm telling you, my comment about about their liability clause in the DJI GO app that they make you agree to is quite concerning and completely 'hands off' of responsibility....yet, they wanna completely control you with the geo fencing.
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Flight distance : 192172 ft


Maybe somebody can start a crowdfunding to get us a very good lawyer
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United States

voyager4000 Posted at 2016-7-7 01:35
Maybe somebody can start a crowdfunding to get us a very good lawyer

I really don't understand why people have issues with GEO - especially in the USA. With all the bad "drone" press I'd think people would want to be responsible to the hobby. There's no real reason to complain unless this update has blocked a legit flying area you regularly use or if you're one of the idiots who post those videos on YouTube hovering over commercial flight approach intersections. This is about responsibility and safety.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
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CincyFPV Posted at 2016-7-6 20:39
I really don't understand why people have issues with GEO - especially in the USA. With all the ba ...

It doesnt matter it blocked or not.
Why someone else can unlawfully restrict your device what you already paid for?
And to the answer - yes - i got NFZ over the stiadium near park what i very like. DJI broke my product by this.
It have NOTHING to the responsiblity and safety. I am UAV commercial licence and i am responsible for myself.
Even people without licence are responsible for themselves.

Ignorantia legis non excusat

DJi should take a role of the menthor, the teacher and they should spread a knowledge about safety, law and overall avareness. They are the leader in UAV's...
Definately, they SHOULD NOT be a gatekeepers.

You can ride on bicycle on the street without anything, and you are greater danger to others on the road and still your bicykle, car, or whatever is TURNING ON (funny in a case of bike) if you want to use it.

And knifes. Knifes could be used to kill. Hm.... I have about 10 or more knifes in the kitchen, i can kill anyone by them, and STILL i do not need special certificate to have them and they are sharp everytime.

About unresponsible folks - they should taken by a police, they should get a fine or jail. THEY was unresponsible, not US, so why DJI is punishing us?

Even country air-law is not so stupid to require self-locking solutions in UAV or planes... or cars, bikes, whatever. Operator, driver is responsible. If he is breaking the law, then HE should get consequences.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2559222 ft
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After downgrading to FW 1.8 (due of the 1.9 problems) I don't have any NFZ at all anymore. All gone
Also the Advance Unlocking on the website does not work for me (tried in 3 browsers and can't use it. (Terms Accept button does not work (Javascript Error))
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
  • >>>

coyut.riot Posted at 2016-7-6 21:14
After downgrading to FW 1.8 (due of the 1.9 problems) I don't have any NFZ at all anymore. All gone

Good news, and very interesting.
Could You write more, how it happen, step by step?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2559222 ft
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Kyokushin Posted at 2016-7-7 03:26
Good news, and very interesting.
Could You write more, how it happen, step by step?

Just did the downgrade to the second newest firmware.
1.9 is recomended to downgrade to 1.8 till it is fixed.
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Kyokushin Posted at 2016-7-7 02:18
Your local government is managing of airspace, not DJI.
In local airspace there are zones like P, R ...

Stop the crying. Geo is good, DJI obviously thinks it's good and it's here to stay. Don't like it? Buy another drone. Sooner or later they're all going to have it.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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agilarmanuel Posted at 2016-7-6 23:29
well is time to unbox my typhoon H

Typhoon h? 900 ft range and a maximum altitude of 400 ft? No thanks.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
  • >>>

CincyFPV Posted at 2016-7-6 23:22
Instead of blaming DJI for enhancing GEO how about switching that to all the Phantom Menace owners t ...

I take it your voting for Hilary?
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

You can't fly in red zones even with geo, yellow zones need to be unlocked with geo, most of upstate New York is in a yellow zone because of fort drum so with geofencing I need to unlock every time I fly even though I have never seen a plane fly over. Unless it was at 35000 ft? Uhhh, no thank you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
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user91294d151b Posted at 2016-7-6 21:59
Stop the crying. Geo is good, DJI obviously thinks it's good and it's here to stay. Don't like it? ...

I am not crying, and i will not stop a diss to geo.

Why should i buy another drone?

I bought a good drone already, but DJI is broke that by NFZ stadium update last year.

Maybe i will hit your car, and then i say 'don't cry, just buy another', and this will be ok?
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-7-7 05:01
Typhoon h? 900 ft range and a maximum altitude of 400 ft? No thanks.

Lol mine is a little more than that range but true but is fun and no complains
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R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-7-6 17:03
I take it your voting for Hilary?

GEO is a good thing. Keeps stupid people from flying where they have no business flying. Still lost on why people think it's so bad. I have read the posts and have not seen a single reason it's bad. It's not bad just because you say it is...
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Kyokushin Posted at 2016-7-7 05:25
I am not crying, and i will not stop a diss to geo.

Why should i buy another drone?

Wow are you really that angry lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-7-6 14:03
I take it your voting for Hilary?

I take it you're voting for the bigoted supporter of fascists and dictators.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

And there is always the option to switch it off in the App'.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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flighttime1 Posted at 2016-7-7 06:02
I take it you're voting for the bigoted supporter of fascists and dictators.

No, I'm not voting for Hilary.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-7-6 14:01
Typhoon h? 900 ft range and a maximum altitude of 400 ft? No thanks.

Upstate NY must have gotten MUCH smaller since I was last there.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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flighttime1 Posted at 2016-7-7 06:14
Upstate NY must have gotten MUCH smaller since I was last there.

You have to actually be in upstate ny for the yellow to appear, I would have thought that you would have known that because it seems that you know everything else?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-7-6 15:19
You have to actually be in upstate ny for the yellow to appear, I would have thought that you woul ...

So not to doubt you but... Let's start with the fact that the GO app allows you to turn GEO off and revert to the NFZ system. At least that is the option I see when I switched over to an updated Android tablet which has GEO installed. Secondly, the yellow zone DOES appear in the image I posted, just slightly larger than the restricted zone. If Fort Drum were causing such a restriction, I would suspect the same would be true here in Los Angeles with all the different bases within 50 miles. Nope. No yellow zone here. Hmmmm.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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flighttime1 Posted at 2016-7-7 06:43
So not to doubt you but... Let's start with the fact that the GO app allows you to turn GEO off an ...

You always like getting in the last word, I've got all night.
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Turbo Guam

flighttime1 Posted at 2016-7-7 08:43
So not to doubt you but... Let's start with the fact that the GO app allows you to turn GEO off an ...

So you can turn GEO off? I live on a small island and i am very limited to where I can fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

Turbo Guam Posted at 2016-7-6 16:19
So you can turn GEO off? I live on a small island and i am very limited to where I can fly.

I just updated my iPad and yes, it's the same as the Android. You can turn it off and revert to NFZ. You also seem to have the option to just ignore individual zones but I doubt you can ignore a restricted zone. I'm not inside any zone at home here so I need to get out and see how restrictive is actually is but it seems you just have to unlock or ignore anything but the red zones.
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Flight distance : 3633799 ft
United States

A guy 4 1/2 miles from me has a little grass strip for his ultralight. That means I get the warnings. I know this isn't DJI's fault but why do I have to jump through the hoops? Why doesn't he have to call me to fly? What makes him higher priority than me?  I mean besides the fact that if we crash he could die and I won't get hurt.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

dirtdroner Posted at 2016-7-6 16:57
A guy 4 1/2 miles from me has a little grass strip for his ultralight. That means I get the warnings ...

dirtdroner... Please read this thread and let us all know exactly what hoops you are going to be forced to jump through.
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Flight Raptor
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3014675 ft
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United States

flighttime1 Posted at 2016-7-6 20:01
dirtdroner... Please read this thread and let us all know exactly what hoops you are going to be f ...

The hoop is now every time he wants to fly, he will need to UNLOCK his yellow location.  This may not seem like a big deal, but it seems all of you folks did NOT read the disclaimer that DJI put in their new version of the GO APP that you needed to accept before using it.  In there, they clearly state that any time you unlock a zone, you are giving them permission to distribute your personal information to anyone.  Unlock a zone, they record that and all of the personal information you signed up with (including your credit card used to validate who you are)...that seems like going a bit too far.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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dirtdroner Posted at 2016-7-7 07:57
A guy 4 1/2 miles from me has a little grass strip for his ultralight. That means I get the warnings ...

Well said....
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Flight distance : 3633799 ft
United States

I knew somebody would get it
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