Seems you are not the only one that have this problem, there is another tread in the Pro section where a user have this issue.
I have personally had the same problem but that was more then a year ago, if memory serves me correctly it was fixed by the next app update. Also try to delete and reinstall the app, then press the menu buttons repeatedly and see if that helps.
fdnyfish Posted at 2016-7-11 22:25
Someone helped me out on a facebook forum.
I had to re-select my controller as Master. Click on ...
Can you post the info on how you fixed the problem? I have the same issue and I tried just switching off Master and reselect but I didn't get the options back.
I had to re-select my controller as Master. Click on ...
Yup this is the fix, I was having the same issue after the update. I was reading to see you got this figured out, glad you did. It seems that the best way is to reboot the device first then you can change from master to off. Then reset this to master again and everything works normally. I believe I posted this awhile ago.