For some reason, our drone has a very unstable yaw. We are using the Naza V2, and the weight is evenly aligned on a line of symmetry parallel and perpendicular to the Naza. In the controls, we tried editing the yaw settings all the way from 30% to 200%, but it didn't seem to make a difference to the spinning or the drift, both of which you can see in this video where we only adjust throttle.
What RC are you using? Have you performed a RC calibration? Could you provide a screenshot of your RC settings in the Naza Assistant and the gains setting? Have you made sure your GPS mounting values are correct?
Have you checked your motor configuration and ensured that each motor is spinning in the appropriate direction? Is the unit balanced? What stick mode are your using, or is it a custom stick configuration?
DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-7-19 02:12
Have you checked your motor configuration and ensured that each motor is spinning in the appropria ...
Our propellers alternate color and don't fall off, and they spin in the correct direction. Our sticks mode is North American, and I believe that it's still the default on the remote which is 1.
Our drone looks fairly symmetrical, how can we check if it's balanced?
You would make sure that it's balanced by holding the unit up by 2 opposing axis and see if it does not tip over to one side. In regards to your Naza settings, I do not see any stick inputs from the RC, do you have the RC on? Could you provide a screenshot of the Basic > RC section?
Do you really mean +12 for the Z axis?
This would mean that the GPS/compass is 12cm *below* the COG.
If your GPS/compass is on top of your 550 the Z axis should be negative.
(Mine is set at -11, it's 11 cm above the COG and mounted on the top deck).
DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-7-26 05:43
Do you still need assistance?
Yes, we still need assistance. We edited the Z to -11 as the previous post suggested, and we moved the LiPo battery so that the Drone is balanced on all the axes. We redid the compass calibration exactly where we were flying it, but it still spins out of control.
user751e867ffe Posted at 2016-7-26 19:31
Yes, we still need assistance. We edited the Z to -11 as the previous post suggested, and we move ...
It turns out that we flipped clockwise and counterclockwise motors, and so that fixed the yaw problem. However, the Drone still drifts a bit when we fly it.