Which way does your Gimbal tilt? Answer after flying a test.
2546 25 2016-7-15
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Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

1) BE SURE to answer accurately since this could help DJI (possibly).  
2) If you manually adjust the gimbal horizon, you can't trust your own footage to tell you what the problem is.  You need to set your gimbal horizon adjustment to ZERO and go do a test flight to accurately tell how you are affected by this problem.
3) All of the gimbals tilt a bit while doing a quick spin, make sure you are answering for what the tilt is when the drone is hovering or flying straight.
4) I am allowing two answers because nearly every one of us will want to include Bacon... but please don't answer two of the tilt questions.

I haven't seen any question regarding which direction the gimbals tilt.  Our answers "Might" help DJI to isolate the problem.  I recently learned that the gimbal is so sensitive that it has a difficult time with an ND filter AND a lens hood (having both on can cause the camera to sag).  So I got to wondering if the cable strap (which only attaches to one side of the gimbal and has torque against that side) could even affect the gimbal enough to push a tilt.

Anyway, maybe I'm just barking up a tree, but ya never know.  Anything we can do to help is a win-win for us all.  If nothing else, it will be interesting to see the results.

And by the way, what's a guy got to do in this forum to finally move up from being a "Hobbiest"? :-)

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to your point of moving up from Hobbyist, you need 500 points to become student pilot, as for the tilt I cant answer cuz I havent taken the update, I learned from the drift, I am used to that, dont want camera issues... but this is very interesting n following
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United States

Heebus Posted at 2016-7-15 19:27
to your point of moving up from Hobbyist, you need 500 points to become student pilot, as for the ti ...

I believe in the DJI GO App, ( Camera ) you can adjust the Gimbal test. I changed mine the other day. I re started my Remote Control and the Gimbal is now faceing forward ,from where I had set it before looking down. I had to hoover up in the air  about 20 feet to take a single shot of me before I changed the setting.Good Luck- gosports1- Charlotte,North Carolina
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United Kingdom

I have "manually" adjust to approx -2.0 to lower the left several times (re-adjust to 0.0 again depending direction 180* from first adjustment) during flight that means I have to stop during a flight path adjust and start flying over and over.....aaarrrghhh
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United Kingdom

I have the same issue mine tilts to the right side being lower i thought it was the wind but i had to adjust mine to 2.2 to correct it but it just comes back and swings the other way its ruining all my videos i updated the firmware done a level cold imu then done the gimbal calibration and compass, at first it is fine but as soon as you start to turn 360 it just slops to one side really bad
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United Kingdom

mikrosoftuk@sky Posted at 2016-7-16 08:53
I have the same issue mine tilts to the right side being lower i thought it was the wind but i had t ...

Hi mikrosoftuk, I have written a post about a possible temporary fix for this I tried this afternoon. Please See it Here
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Flight distance : 5291158 ft
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I find the tilt levels out if I stay on station for a few minutes.  I have always suspected it was the P4 attitude change (pitch) that causes inconsistent (or too much) accelerometer data output. I find it worse in windy conditions (> 2 m/s).  I also shoot my video in greater than 1080, so that I have enough resolution for horizontal leveling.  About 50% of my stills and video are off by 4 to 7 degrees.  But again, it seems to be related to the weather conditions and how complex the P4 movements are. One trick I use to level for photos is: go altitude, do a quick yaw to the left and right, and the horizon appears to level.  It may very well be a superstitious procedure, but it seems to work.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6754350 ft

My tilt used to depend on yaw..   Usually, turning left would cause the horizon to tilt right.  Turning right would cause a left tilt.  

Other times the horizon tilt depended on the direction the camera was facing.  While hovering, if I did a slow 360 turn, the horizon would be level in two directions (say north. south for example) and tilted in the other directions (say east, west).  You could see the horizon tilt and straighten as the craft rotated.

The real time tilt adjustment was of little use to me.  I could straighten the horizon if I were facing in a fixed direction, but as soon as I turned the craft, the tilt would come back.

I seem to have gotten handle on the problem.   After the last firmware upgrade, I put the craft in the fridge for about 1/2 an hour and right after, I did a IMU calibration and gimbal calibration.  (I've posted this on a couple of other threads here). It seems to have fixed the tilt problem.  I've had three flights since then with about 20 minutes of video.  I've been watching the video carefully and the horizon has been pretty well smack on.
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Flight distance : 593120 ft

Mine is always lower on the right but it gradually creeps there.

See video

However mine has gone back to DJI to look into this problem as its so far out there is not point in using it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Ugh... Tian, let us know how it goes when you get your bird back.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

tiansimpson Posted at 2016-7-18 07:13
Mine is always lower on the right but it gradually creeps there.

See video https://youtu.be/RLjSN0B ...

I'm sure you'll be back up in the air soon.
Sorry you had to send it in.
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Flight distance : 593120 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-18 23:46
I'm sure you'll be back up in the air soon.
Sorry you had to send it in.

Thanks Ken. I hope so, UPS tracking says it should be at DJI by Wednesday end of day.
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Flight distance : 593120 ft

Mabou2 Posted at 2016-7-18 22:43
Ugh... Tian, let us know how it goes when you get your bird back.

I will don't worry.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

tiansimpson Posted at 2016-7-19 01:52
Thanks Ken. I hope so, UPS tracking says it should be at DJI by Wednesday end of day.

Sounds good.
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Flight distance : 506181 ft
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tiansimpson Posted at 2016-7-18 00:13
Mine is always lower on the right but it gradually creeps there.

See video https://youtu.be/RLjSN0B ...

Exact same as mine
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Flight distance : 593120 ft

I should have mine back this week as it was so bad I didn't see the point in using it. I will post  the results here.

Have you considered sending it back to DJI?
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Flight distance : 47549 ft

Haven't had mine for very long but alas, am having the same issues with gimbal wonkiness.

I haven't done exhaustive tests with it yet but I have recently captured an example.

I had manually adjusted the gimbal rotation as immediately after take off the gimbal is crooked. Flew around a bit, nothing too extreme, and the gimbal drifted a bit. I then completed a low fly by, climbed and went full right yaw. The gimbal totally lost it after that and practically ended up shooting sideways.

There's no hiding that there is a significant issue with the gimbal either through software or hardware.

Just so it's understood. I went through an IMU calibration on a plumb leveled platform, calibrated the compass and performed an auto calibration of the gimbal the day prior to this flight.

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Flight distance : 593120 ft

adrianglyons@gm Posted at 2016-7-25 02:30
Haven't had mine for very long but alas, am having the same issues with gimbal wonkiness.

I haven't ...

That's is pretty severe although I never spun the P4 round so quickly. When I owned a P3P I performed a IMU calibration only if there was a FW update and  always calibrated the compass before each flight. I never had any horizon  problems no matter how I flew it, and there should not be with the P4. It's either hardware related or firmware or a slight amount of both, or some sort of hardware calibration which was probably rushed to get them all out. I'm hopefully getting mine back this week and I'll post the results here on this thread.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6754350 ft

I think they all do it to some extent..  Just looking at the poll above it seems that 2 respondents report no tilt and 30 have the issue.

Mine tilts a bit either way depending on which way I'm yawing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Mine leans both directions based on yaw.  This was not the case until after one of the firmware updates.  Now when I hover, if I spin the bird I will watch the horizon tilt each direction during a 360.
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Flight distance : 47549 ft

Well I performed a bunch more testing on my own prior to sending it off. Running an IMU cal seemed to alleviate the issue but letting it sit for a week and going back out the same issues crop back up again. That's a major pain in the ass if we have to do an IMU cal before each flight. The issue that keeps coming back for me is the horizon will bob back and forth (very slowly). Just holding it in my hand and leveling the gimbal I could see the horizon tilt one way then back the other way. It just can't seem to hold it steady. With that behaviour it's a nightmare to try and fix in post not to mention ruining the crop of the shot.

I'll be watching the UPS tracking like a hawk over the next few days. ETA is the 30th to Carson CA.
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United States

jwt873@gmail.co Posted at 2016-7-24 13:54
I think they all do it to some extent..  Just looking at the poll above it seems that 2 respondents  ...

"Mine tilts a bit either way depending on which way I'm yawing."

I have to say it's the same for me.  Yaw one way tilts gimbal opposite way, rotate other direction it does the same in reverse.  Still don't understand since brushless gimbals have been around a few years now why it's even an issue.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

After a factory refresh, updating firmware, and CAREFULLY recalibrating the sensors, gimbal, etc with the latest DJI Assistant 2 software, my gimbal is the best it has ever been.  There is LITERALLY no tilt whatsoever, regardless of altitude, regardless of yaw, etc.  I can spin this thing like a top and the horizon stays level.  Its almost as if I got a completely new bird.  Strange and cool.  Previously, I had to manually adjust the gimbal a dozen times every flight and it still wouldn't be great.  Now I have had 31 flights since I did the factory refresh and calibrations and have not had to manually adjust the gimbal once.  REALLY AMAZING.  Not sure why, and I am savoring every flight where the problem does not occur.  
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United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2016-8-25 10:43
After a factory refresh, updating firmware, and CAREFULLY recalibrating the sensors, gimbal, etc wit ...

I plan on doing this tonight and posting my results. I have a pretty terrible horizon tilt and the bird has only had 1 flight.

I will restore to factory
UPDATE all firmwares again
calibrate imus
calibrate gimbal
calibrate compass
calibrate VPS

Then I will try again. Hoping for similar results to you
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Best of luck clickclick.  Let us know how it goes.  Be sure to update to the latest DJI Assistant 2, which only came out recently.  Otherwise you have no way to reset to factory settings.

Hang in there buddy,
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United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2016-8-25 17:27
Best of luck clickclick.  Let us know how it goes.  Be sure to update to the latest DJI Assistant 2, ...

So I did all of the above yesterday. Used a level to put on a level surface. Updated all firmwares with the DJI GO application. Calibrated IMUs and gimbal. I still have about 2 degrees of gimbal tilt. Not as bad as some other people with 10 degrees, but its still bothering me.

What I did as a temporary band aid was to turn on grid lines and I adjusted my gimbal roll in the settings to -2 degrees. It seems to be level at that point, but I'm just not satisfied with that, knowing there are other phantoms out there with perfect tilt.

I've gone ahead and emailed DJI asking if a firmware update is coming, and if not, I would like a BRAND NEW P4 (being that I got this one 5 days ago directly from them). I'll probably return it to them for a refund and go buy it at Best Buy, so I can return it as many times as possible to get a working bird.
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