Gain, Expo, etc.
7521 31 2016-7-19
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Flight distance : 74783 ft
United States

I have flown both my Inspire 1 PRO and the Phantom Advanced owned by others.  My Inspire is running the latest firmware with default settings for gain, expo, etc.  I notice the flight characteristics in hand flying the two aircraft are quite different as might be expected.  
I like the stabiliy, ease of making coordinated turns, or manual point of interest maneurvers better on the Phantom.  It seems quite difficult to fly these on the Inspire with my default settings.  So my questions are these:

Have any had similar feelings about flying these two platforms, and what Inspire 1 PRO settings for gain, expo, etc., with the current firmware, do you find most satisfying in staying connected to the aircraft and flying manual maneuvers?  For example how much expo, if any do you use?  Did you modify the gain settings to get a more responsive aircraft in manually flown maneuvers?

Perhaps a sheet with all of the variable parameters to fill in would be useful but in the end is it all about personal taste or is there a common issue?  For example, is the gain always too high out of the box for a particular axis?



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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

I personally leave the gain alone. Gain  ( the way I understand it ) is how the aircraft will respond with no Input from the pilot , it is the aircraft's reaction to wind and pressure  and how aggressively it will react to these forces . I left it alone on both my Inspire and Phantom 3 pro .

For Expo, I have it the Same on my Phantom Pro and Inspire .  The default settings are at 40, I move mine down on the rudder to 25 and my throttle at 35 and my Yaw at 30.  

Be sure to lower the cameras camera gimble wheel speed down as well, soewhaere between 25-35 is what works for me.
I fly in GPS most of the time, sometimes in Atti  ( Manual ) just to keep sharp.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-7-19 13:48
I personally leave the gain alone. Gain  ( the way I understand it ) is how the aircraft will respon ...

Please post a screen shot of your settings Donnie

I run everything at 100% except the gimbal

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-19 19:54
Please post a screen shot of your settings Donnie

I run everything at 100% except the gimbal

Here it is for expo, I leave the gains alone.

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Inspire1 with X3 and the Inspire Pro with X5 behaves differently I find, so my settings are different. Also like to ,point out that my flying is for precision photo/video so might be different then others.
Find my Pro very easy to fly and stable. (Default values is for the Pro version)


Throttle up/down                     0.40                      0.40                 
Rudder right/left                      0.35                       0.40               
Backward/right Backward/left 0.40                       0.40               

Sensitivity :
Attitude                                      90                        100               
Brake                                        85                         100               
Yaw Endpoint                          100                        150               

Gain Settings:
Pitch                                        100                        100
Roll                                          100                        100
Yaw                                         100                        100
Vertical                                    100                        100

Gimbal Wheel speed                30                        ?
Gimbal settings:

Gimbal Pitch EXP                    30                      100
Gimbal Yaw EXP                     30                      100
Gimbal Yaw smooth                15                        15        
Gimbal Pitch smooth               15                        15

Gimbal Yaw synchronous OFF

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-7-20 04:48
I personally leave the gain alone. Gain  ( the way I understand it ) is how the aircraft will respon ...

I like the aircraft to be really soft and mushy and not agile.
I have all the expo's set at .25 except I leave the throttle at .40
The gains I have all at 85 and vertical at 100.
I pretty much have it like this for all the aircraft from the Phantoms to the M600.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-7-20 05:59
Here it is for expo, I leave the gains alone.

You are correct, I messed up....  I have all of my settings at default .40

I will try some changes and see if I like them

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Flight distance : 21988 ft
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United Kingdom

What does gimbal yaw synchronous actually do?
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Flight distance : 74783 ft
United States

Thanks to all for sharing your settings.  Thanks Cougar1 for the complete list!  

In flying R/C for many years, I know the mechanical length of the control sticks also affects your "connection" to the aircraft and ability to maneuver.  This is a mechanical advantage, not an electronic one.  I did notice the stick length on the DJI controller is also adjustable.  They are split in two parts.  You can adjust the top part and then turn the bottom part up to it to lock it in place.

Has anyone experimented with different stick lengths?  My flying time is very limited right now with a busy work schedule but I plan to try different settings, both electronic and mechanical to find a comfortable and smoothly controllable combination.


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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

JerryLaurence Posted at 2016-7-20 11:55
What does gimbal yaw synchronous actually do?

It moves the camera ever so slightly when the aircraft begins yawing to the left or right .  Try enabling the setting and then pick up the aircraft just a touch off the ground and yaw aircraft to left or right  (With system on of course ) and you will see it move with the yawing of the aircraft.  It helps smooth the view on the go app screen.


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Flight distance : 21988 ft
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United Kingdom

Donnie Posted at 2016-7-20 19:22
It moves the camera ever so slightly when the aircraft begins yawing to the left or right .  Try e ...

Thanks Donnie. Do you think it may add to the drifting you get when it's windy? As in close proximity work we discussed elsewhere.I know I should try it on and off myself, but I can't right now. Just interested in your thoughts...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

JerryLaurence Posted at 2016-7-20 13:33
Thanks Donnie. Do you think it may add to the drifting you get when it's windy? As in close proxim ...

No, it has nothing to do with flight characteristics, just makes the video more fluid and more pleasing to the viewer on the screen .

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Flight distance : 21988 ft
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United Kingdom

Donnie Posted at 2016-7-21 11:47
No, it has nothing to do with flight characteristics, just makes the video more fluid and more ple ...

Thanks. I was referring to the gimbal drifting, rather than the aircraft itself.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

JerryLaurence Posted at 2016-7-21 10:11
Thanks. I was referring to the gimbal drifting, rather than the aircraft itself.

Oh, I am sorry , but it would not contribute to that either, If you have slight drifting ( Windy )  in hover increase your Gains  a little , go up in 5% increments until satisfied.

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Flight distance : 21988 ft
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United Kingdom

Donnie Posted at 2016-7-21 20:19
Oh, I am sorry , but it would not contribute to that either, If you have slight drifting ( Windy ) ...

What do you set your Gains at? Ok. Just read your earlier posts.
It would be interesting to hear how other users have set their gains though...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

MJones Posted at 2016-7-20 11:11
Thanks to all for sharing your settings.  Thanks Cougar1 for the complete list!  

In flying R/C for ...

The sticks can be adjusted to your liking. I have large hands and making the stick height longer will make this more comfortable. The longer the sticks will give you a softer feel and means you need to move the stick farther for the same control input as before. I have my sticks about 1/4" taller than stock.

Good luck with your settings.  I learned a long time ago just to fly the aircraft and not worry about the settings .... to many differences to overcome in my mind and it is better to learn each aircraft and just fly it for what it can do for you.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-7-20 20:59
Here it is for expo, I leave the gains alone.

Donnie, pardon my ignorance, but how do you publish the screen .PNG in your post? Can you guide me step-by-step?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

dobmatt Posted at 2016-7-21 23:52
Donnie, pardon my ignorance, but how do you publish the screen .PNG in your post? Can you guide me ...

Do you have an I pad ?    If so what I do is first take a screen shot with  I pad  , If you press the power button ( On very top right hand corner of I pad)  and the round  main screen button at the smae time it will take a screen shot , next post  text , ( IN the DJI forum )  then I go to edit and Picture  on thetop tabs  .   From here it is a simple process of finding the picture from my  pictures  and adding it to the post.
If you need more , send me a  reply e mail and I will send a short video to you via e mail.  

Also a great tool on my PC is the "Snipping Tool " , this helps eliminate any files that can be to large to post  , since it is already on the screen the data size is fine , I use this all the time to copy other members screen shots ,  or interesting other pictures. .  

Hope this helps

Most folks dont know they can take a screen shot on the I pad by pressing the round button and the power button simutaniously to get a shot of the screen  , it is then found in the Pictures folder by date.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-7-22 21:30
Do you have an I pad ?    If so what I do is first take a screen shot with  I pad  , If you press t ...

Thank you, Brother Donnie. As usual accurate and detailed guidance ...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

dobmatt Posted at 2016-7-22 15:32
Thank you, Brother Donnie. As usual accurate and detailed guidance ...

Cool, glad to help you out .....

Brother donnie
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In my opinion better is set expos for ruder and yaw at the same level - because of  better syncronized turn manouver, but just feel free and test various settings when flying over open spaces.
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Flight distance : 1076909 ft
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United Kingdom

I've just had my new (to me) Inspire 1 out in some quite windy conditions after changing some settings as per the recommendations in this thread and have some unusual behaviour that I'd like to ask about if that's ok.

The Inspire is a v1 that I have upgraded the vibration board on to take my X5 camera from my Osmo Pro.  The aircraft, RC and camera all have the latest firmware installed, and I'm running the latest update of DJI Go.  This was flying with the X5 on board, I'll test with the X3 to see if it exhibits the same behaviour this afternoon.

My settings in the advanced menu are as follows

0.40      0.30      0.30

Attitude 90      Brake 85      Yaw Movement Limit 100

Pitch 100      Roll 100      Yaw 100      Vertical 100

When I had the Inspire 1 facing into the wind it would hold its position no problem, when I turned so that it was side on into the wind however it would immediately drift by quite a distance until I either manually counteracted the drift at which point it would then hold position, or eventually it would seem to realise that it was drifting and slowly make its way back to where it was when I turned it.

Any ideas what's going on?  Is this one of these settings that I've changed?

Thanks in advance,

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Donnie *
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Advocate Posted at 2017-4-21 01:20
I've just had my new (to me) Inspire 1 out in some quite windy conditions after changing some settings as per the recommendations in this thread and have some unusual behaviour that I'd like to ask about if that's ok.

The Inspire is a v1 that I have upgraded the vibration board on to take my X5 camera from my Osmo Pro.  The aircraft, RC and camera all have the latest firmware installed, and I'm running the latest update of DJI Go.  This was flying with the X5 on board, I'll test with the X3 to see if it exhibits the same behaviour this afternoon.

After you updated did you calibrate the IMU and the Camera gimbal?  this should always be done after an update.  Also do a compass calibration as well.  Your settings look very similar to mine , so I dont think that is the cause .  

Keep in mind that windy conditions will produce some drift and the hover will not be rock solid .  Now when you go sideways with the AC  in the  wind  the AC is no longer aerodynamic  and will have a tendency to do that ,  the only setting that could effect this would be the gains , but I would not mess with them personally .

If you return to the previous settings that you had does the issue go away ?  I doubt it will .


So try the above and see if it gets better .  
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Flight distance : 1076909 ft
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United Kingdom

I did a "check IMU" and it came back saying it didn't need calibrating, should I calibrate anyway?

Also, when I'm swapping from the X3 to the X5 I take it I should completely close down DJI Go and restart once the new gimbal is on?
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Donnie *
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Advocate Posted at 2017-4-21 05:33
I did a "check IMU" and it came back saying it didn't need calibrating, should I calibrate anyway?

Also, when I'm swapping from the X3 to the X5 I take it I should completely close down DJI Go and restart once the new gimbal is on?

Yes , recalibrate regardless , make sure you are on a perfectly flat surface.  Do the IMU first then immediately follow  with Camera gimbal calibration , then go outside and do the compass calibration being sure to be away form any metal sources.  You need to do these calibrations after updates and the compass only needs to be done ONCE or if the AC starts not flying in straight line or drift badly - If you move more than say 200 miles from the site where you calibrated the compass you may need to do it then , the point is dont do it every time you fly like the manual says, just asking for trouble.

When you updated to  the latest FW did you update both  camera systems ?  If not you need to do so .

Yes always shut everything down when swapping cameras .

Fire up in this order as well

RC. then The Ac then the Go app , now the go app device can be powered on but open the App LAST .

Then when turning system off, do the AC first then the RC then close the GO app then the go app device itself .  If you dont do it in the correct order sometimes setting can get lost because many are stored on the AC itself  and Not on the Rc transmitter .

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Flight distance : 1076909 ft
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United Kingdom

When I try and do a gimbal calibration with the X5 the app says it is starting Gimbal Calibration, then after a short time the X5 gimbal turns until it is facing the rear of the AC then goes limp with the message "Gimbal reached end of roll" (or something like that), then the gimbal springs back to life, faces forward and I get the message "Gimbal Calibrated" - is that right?

[EDIT] The X3 Gimbal calibrates fine.   Oh, the IMU calibration seemed to work without a hitch too.  I'm on nights tonight so will try and test the Inspire on my way home in the morning. [/EDIT]

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Donnie *
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Advocate Posted at 2017-4-21 05:53
When I try and do a gimbal calibration with the X5 the app says it is starting Gimbal Calibration, then after a short time the X5 gimbal turns until it is facing the rear of the AC then goes limp with the message "Gimbal reached end of roll" (or something like that), then the gimbal springs back to life, faces forward and I get the message "Gimbal Calibrated" - is that right?

[EDIT] The X3 Gimbal calibrates fine.   Oh, the IMU calibration seemed to work without a hitch too.  I'm on nights tonight so will try and test the Inspire on my way home in the morning. [/EDIT]

Are you  on the latest FW ?  I have decided to stay put for a while ( I am on and staying at 1.8 )  and dont recall mine doing this but will double check if I get time later  today .  I would think as long as you did not get an error code it should be fine .

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Flight distance : 1076909 ft
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United Kingdom

Yes I'm on the latest FW.  I had the Inspire out again today and had to quit when the wind got too bad, but noticed before landing that I still have the problem of the Inspire drifting whenever I turn it side on to the wind.  Head on into the wind it compensates very quickly but turn it side on and it gets blown at least 12 feet before it starts to compensate for the wind.
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Flight distance : 502982 ft
United States

Would you please send me the same videos you sent the other person. My email address
Thanks man
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DJI Mindy

fans9f85da53 Posted at 2017-10-15 11:33
Would you please send me the same videos you sent the other person. My email address
Thanks man

Reply to Donnie directly, he will get the notification and reply your post.
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Donnie *
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

fans9f85da53 Posted at 2017-10-15 11:33
Would you please send me the same videos you sent the other person. My email address
Thanks man

Ok I am  assuming you want to know how post pics , here is an example : I sent a video to your e mail .  I hope this is the what directions you wre looking for .  I sent via mail drop  and regular e mail . You shold be able to open one of them . If any problems let me know and will resend .

32 update.PNG
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Flight distance : 502982 ft
United States

I really appreciate the information you give Donnie. It has helped me with getting all my settings correctly installed on my Inspire 2 even though you are using the Inspire 1 they transfer over well. DJI hasn’t given much information about the I2 as of now but I hope they will get their act together at some point.
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