Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States
So ive had my P3A for a few months now and have been flying almost entirely with my Galaxy note 5. yesterday my school hadnded out ipads, and i received one. so today i flew my phantom. i flew what the app would consider 2 flights. i had my ipad sync with the cloud, then my note, then the ipad again, and the note once more, that way theyd be up to date with each other.... but the records are different on each device. Ive also noticed there are now multiple screens with different names on top. So the first one on both devices is bilzc10 (thats me), and the info is mostly right but slightly different.on the note i have 88 flights, 199,414 ft travel distance, 6 hours and 26 minutes flight time, 17,441ft top distance, a top takeoff elevation of 192 ft, and a top speed of 62.3 mph. on the ipad its 82 flights, 199,364 ft total distance, 6hr 25min flight time, 17,436ft top distance, 268 top takeoff alt, and a top speed of 42mph. Except for the speed theyre very similar, but the problem is, one of them is wrong..
The next issue is the tabs. on my galaxy there are 3 tabs. the first one is bilzc10, we wnt over that, the next is called 'mike'. i dont know who mike is. mike has the same growth of value, 82 flights, 180,713ft travel distance, 6hr 1min total flight time, the same top distance,the same top takeoff alt, and top speed. that cant be the ipad. 'mike' has a picture of a p3a as the pic, unlike my standard silhouette of a human. the 3rd on my note is CSADT, has 26min flight time 18,701 total distance, 6 flights, 12.690ft top distance, 0 top alt, and a top speed of 54 mph. it has an icon of a screwdriver and wrench. CSADT might be my ipad, but i dont know what CSADT means, ive only startd the motors twice with it, ive only flown 13,018 ft with the ipad making the total distance wrong, and thr top takeoff alt cant be. also my top speed was only aabout 40 mph, not 54.
one the ipad i have 3, blizc10, weve visted that one, CSADT again with the same p3a pic as mike, 76 flights, 180,668ft, 6hr flight time, and the same top distance, max takeoff alt, and top speed as listed in my description of the ipad version of bilzc10. Then there is one more, also called CSADT with the same pic as CSADT from on my note, as well as the same amount of flights, but the total distance is 18,696ft, and 25 min flight time. the top distance is 12,687 ft, it lists a max takeoff alt of 51 ft, and a top speed of 37mph.
now one thing i noticed playing around with the flight settings on my ipad is that 'Device Name' is set to CSADT. i dont know what this means. ive never seen a menu like this on my note, and i didnt set any names to mike. Its kind of weird.
Sorry for such a big wall of text, but id like some help getting this sorted out. thanks.