Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States
Well, if I feel like I can get
In trouble flying so.ewhere, I take up to an hour and go through the laws of the town, park, county and state that I fly in, just so I know I shouldn't get in trouble. And even if it says I cant, I usually go anyway. I'm not a good example. But when it is legal and 99% percent of the time, 70% percent of the time, it's legal. And when it is legal I like to have a printed copy of the where is says I can or where I doesn't say I can't fly, always expecting a flight.
For example, I'm going to be flying in a public beach about a month from now, and I already got the company that owns it on board, so I'll get some paper work saying they approved the flight. Then I'll contact the town hall of where I'm flying and get permission from them, as well as a note saying so. That way, when the boardwalk police come up to me, and they will, I'll have something to show them that I'm authorized to fly. I've don't this multiple times. By now I know the drone laws in the state, town, and county and it's completely legal. I have permission from the owner of the property, the only law I'd be breaking is flying near people, and town hall usually gives me permission to fly. |