I was out flying yesterday, nice weather. When I was trying to land I notice that my drone was moving forward, even without any hands on the controller, weird! Then I realized that the right joystick was “hanging” –down in the remote controller, I had to pull it up to get it work as it should.
I thought that was weird, so last night I took it apart. Then I could see what was wrong, the plastic screw holders for the joystick’s was busted and nearly gone.
The thing is that when I bought it, over a year ago, I noticed that the right joystick was a little bit loose even then but I thought it should be like that, as for today I know better. The worst part is that I have a brand new one too, P3P. That one has been flying just once and is resting in the box. So I wonder if that one looks the same.
Funny part of this is that I have done nearly 200 flights without any bigger problems, and still have no cracks in the shell under the motors, that’s good. Looks like I got a bad controller instead. Bummer! So I bought poxi and started to glue it together again, not so funny.
Anyone else notice these problem ?