DJI Mavic Pro Shipping Vigil
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41823 211 2016-10-9
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Every great product launch has a shipping 'vigil' thread where everyone updates the group on the shipping and arrival of their precious!   

My Amazon order was placed on Sept 29th through Amazon/Drone World and is 'preparing for shipping' and has an arrival of Nov 1- 15th.    I'll be updating this thread with shipping status changes.   So light a candle and use this thread to update your status so we can get a feel for when everyone's orders will arrive!
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Similar thread on PhantomPilots, but why not

Update your first post with the table below ?

NameCountryOrder Time Vendor Status
Danny-B- Scotland UK2016-09-30 00:03:25 (UTC) DJI.COM Pending...

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Danny-B- Posted at 2016-10-9 19:29
Similar thread on PhantomPilots, but why not

Update your first post with the table below ?

I ordered mine from Amazon through Drone World apparently.   At the time I ordered Amazon didn't offer them first hand, just through vendors.  I knew I didn't want to wait until Amazon had them offered.

Oh..and I missed the fact that DJI didn't charge above the $999 in taxes, which is why I went with Amazon.  Had I noticed they worked the same way I would have ordered direct.   By the time I realized it I was behind the waiting list 8-ball and so I didn't change over to direct.
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United States

I ordered mine on october 1st from newegg which was in their marketplace, and coming from Dji. It says shipped from USA as well. It said shipping will be on October 18th. I called prior to ordering and the lady I talked to confirmed the shipment date to be October 18th. Earlier this week, I noticed the mavic pro disappeared from newegg, and later was back on their site as out of stock. Then the next day showing a shipment date of October 25th. I went through the live chat, they sent an email to Dji with my order number and information. I also called the next day and the guy I spoke with said it will be shipped on October 25th. Today i got an email from a Dji representative stating that it will be shipped on October 18th. I don't really know what I should expect for the shipping date for my mavic pro I ordered. Will it be shipped on the 25th or later, or take the Dji representatives email with the October 18th shipping date with a grain of salt.
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incogneito Posted at 2016-10-10 11:16
I ordered mine on october 1st from newegg which was in their marketplace, and coming from Dji. It sa ...

I'm expecting mine to arrive mid November lol.   ( should be sooner but mentally I'm setting mid to late NOV as my expectation )
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I ordered the night it came out (Sept 27th) order went through Sept 28th, and middle of that 2nd day order. I've been told that shipping won't arrive until Nov 1st. Due to Hanjin going bankrupt and causing shipping chaos at ports, this is going to cause delays for everyone. Not sure why they aren't shipping by air? Super bummed to hear about that. I was hoping like other products out there, it would arrive on the day the shipping for stores begins. (Oct 15th).
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United States

incogneito Posted at 2016-10-9 20:16
I ordered mine on october 1st from newegg which was in their marketplace, and coming from Dji. It sa ...

at least you got an update. ordered mine Aug 27th through DJI and still in pending. Contacting pre-sales wasnt any help neither. "delivery with start on the 15th"
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calvindo Posted at 2016-10-11 03:57
at least you got an update. ordered mine Aug 27th through DJI and still in pending. Contacting pre ...

If deliveries start to ship on the 15th, then see what happens on the 15th.
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Flight distance : 344738 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-10 13:08
If deliveries start to ship on the 15th, then see what happens on the 15th.

yes thats the plan. i ended up putting a deposit for another with a local dealer who says they'll get theirs no later than 24th. have to be sure all bases covered. ;)
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calvindo Posted at 2016-10-11 04:24
yes thats the plan. i ended up putting a deposit for another with a local dealer who says they'll  ...

Good to hear.
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R&L Aerial
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calvindo Posted at 2016-10-11 04:24
yes thats the plan. i ended up putting a deposit for another with a local dealer who says they'll  ...

he said the 24th, did he say the month?
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DJI team
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R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-10-11 04:35
he said the 24th, did he say the month?

I'm guessing he means Oct 24th, we'll have to wait and see if the dealers quoting delivery dates will indeed be correct.
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All I know is every time I get a notice from dji telling me my order has shipped it takes two days to arrive , and I have purchased more than 10 orders, I ordered Mavic on 29/09 if it doesn't come in October I still will want it in November and if it doesn't come in November then I will still want it in December Que sera sera..
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I was hoping to buy one from the amazing shop in Sydney Camzilla but like everyone else, they have a very slippery release date certainty constantly changing daily.  A nice holiday trip to Japan at the end of November would be fun to try it out on, but failing that time frame (I might have to resort to my backup drone .  Inspire one pro black,  and pretend that one of the extra batteries is a mavic.).  Missed directed emotional energy or frustration on absolutely proven to ridiculousness, DJI's delay culture  would be better spent by painting my inspire black; White- just to stay out of the DJI synchronicity,  and keep a smile on my face.  Hope it arrives quickly for people and is as awesome as hoped! 2.5 million metres from some of my inspires and They don't get old or  boring.
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Flight distance : 344738 ft
United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-10-10 13:35
he said the 24th, did he say the month?

yes October 24th
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Jorge D
Flight distance : 225827 ft

Minmim81 Posted at 2016-10-10 23:44
I was hoping to buy one from the amazing shop in Sydney Camzilla but like everyone else, they have  ...

You can't fly a drone in Japan,its almost impossible  the law is very restricted there, and the people enjoys a lot  with the silence, according to the reviews the MAVIC motors are less noisy than the P4 but still a little annoying...
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Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-11 02:21
You can't fly a drone in Japan,its almost impossible  the law is very restricted there, and the pe ...

Flying in Japan, It's really not much different than most EU countries (including Spain): no over heads, stay away from houses, you don't need a license for recreative use.
They have special rules in certain prefectures, like in Tokyo urban area: you are banned to fly anywhere (this obviously includes the Tokyo parks).
You're free to fly in open areas.. and there's many nice places to film... but this is true in every Country... If you plan to take a shoot of Arashiyama... forget it! ;)
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United States

hmm. says "Lieferung: 20.10 bis 21.10.2016". So I wonder if they are correct or not as well. I ordered from, so I assume that should be faster, but should I cancel and go with as it might be more likely to arrive sooner?
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KJUmuI3PzpcL Posted at 2016-10-11 20:36
hmm. says "Lieferung: 20.10 bis 21.10.2016". So I wonder if they are correct or not as wel ...

I received this response yesterday.

Thank you for contacting DJI online store and ordering the Mavic Pro.
We will start the shipping for the Mavic Pro around next week on a first-come-first-served basis.

For now, we still have not an exact shipping date can provided,since it still depends on the inventory we will received later on. But don't worry, you placed the order on September 28th, your order is included in the first batch shipment.
We will try our best to ship the order out as soon as possible and will let you know the tracking number.
After shipped it out, it will take about 3 to 5 days for you to get the package. Thank you for your kindly patience.

If there is anything we can assist you, please feel free to let us know.
Wishing you a wonderful day! smiley

Best Regards,
DJI online store Pre-sales team
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Flight distance : 144039 ft
United Kingdom

mahana1213@yaho Posted at 2016-10-11 13:59
I received this response yesterday.

Thank you for contacting DJI online store and ordering the Ma ...

Thats more positive than the response I  got!
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Jorge D
Flight distance : 225827 ft

npole Posted at 2016-10-11 12:00
Flying in Japan, It's really not much different than most EU countries (including Spain): no over  ...

The rules on the UE are thought , yes in Spain is very strict with fines from 6.000€ to 220.000€, but Japan has more inconveniences since the last" antidrone" law effective since may 2016, when a drone with small radioactive sand was found on the roof of the former prime minister . I've been there this summer and was an impossible mission. In the big cities like Tokyo is forbidden everywhere, in the Hiroshima and a Kyoto are illegal as well. The country is very populated as you can imagine, and everybody enjoys the silence so when you will start to run the motors you'll be in a problem...the police has much more power than Italy or Spain, in fact they could interrogate you as long as 28 Spain for example only 3 days ( 72h) additionally they have civic patrols ( with older men) normally saying you what you can do or you can't ... I'm talking about Honshu ( the biggest island) but maybe in Okinawa islands or in the mountainous area of  Hokkaido outside of the ski resort could be possible...Maybe this winter I could tell my Hokkaido experience :-)
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Flight distance : 68537 ft
United States

Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-11 23:18
The rules on the UE are thought , yes in Spain is very strict with fines from 6.000€ to 220.000€ ...

Possibly a silly question, but.. How would they catch you? If you start the flight in an obscure location a small distance from where your main route is planned, they'd have a tough time following the device back to you (unless you are an extremely slow lander and hover above your position for some ridiculous time period).

Not that I'm advocating breaking local laws or pissing people off, but I just don't see how authorities can really catch folks who are the least bit cautious.

That being said, back to the topic. I bought on Sept 28th direct from DJI and on the 8th DJI replied to a status inquiry with basically what mahana1213 said, minus the "don't worry, you placed the order on Sept 28th, your order is included in the first batch shipment" part.
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United States

Wow. Thank god I read this forum post before pulling the trigger on buying directly through DJI. Personally I don't think the mavic was quite ready for mass delivery which is why the confusion exists. Coincidence that the so-called release date is 8 days before the release of Karma? Anybody watch the Steve Jobesque release of Mavic on Sept. 27th? It was arranged a bit earlier to upstage GoPro. Karma will be in Apple stores as well alongside their GoPro 5 cameras, so the marketing ploy to be "first" is understandable if you are in DJI's shoes. More proof exists when you consider the DJI googles which pair with Mavic through occusync. No release date or price. Again, not ready for production or their are still bugs that need to be ironed out.

How would all those who purchased the Mavic feel when the true bundle of Mavic plus goggles comes out and it is cheaper...meaning those who pre-ordered won't get the benefit of bundle price. Taking all this into consideration, it might be wise  to look at the history of DJI and GoPro and why the marketing war to be "first", not only in the foldable drone market, but with the Apple customer...then you start to understand why.
For anyone who was reported that GoPro and DJI were in talks to develop a drone together...but things fell apart when GoPro demanded 2/3 the profits. Google the story..interesting read. Anyways, the Sept 27 announcement was intended to upstage the Karma announcement. What DJI forgot was that plenty of people thought they would get their drones by Oct. 19 as a sure thing. But in the world of business, not is a sure the end you can't blame them, even if it means you won't be getting you Mavic until mid November.
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Jorge D
Flight distance : 225827 ft

T_A_Rogers Posted at 2016-10-11 23:27
Possibly a silly question, but.. How would they catch you? If you start the flight in an obscure l ...

Well if obscure is on the night, in Europe is forbidden to fly after the sunset...If not , is forbidden to fly without VLOS...
They could catch you if somebody feels that is offended for the noise or the presence of the aircraft  ( here the MAVIC is better than the Phantoms again) and simply call the police, and believe me an aircraft is easy to follow...
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United States

I got a fairly cryptic reply to my email question (I ordered on the 6th Oct originally). It does not really help to know what I should do, it might be a generic auto reply... I still don't know if either DJI or conrad would be better...

my question:
"My order number is xxxxxx. Can you advise if I made the first batch of orders? Otherwise does it make sense to order from a third party ( who say they can deliver by the 21-25 October. I will be travelling soon after this date."

"Dear Customer, Good day!

Sorry that we can not indicate the shipping date for you yet at this moment, we will send you the tracking link once your order ships. Please focus on you email box. Also, you are free to cancel your order and get a full refund before it is shipped. Please confirm if you want to cancel your order XXXXXX?

Your kind patience would be much appreciated. Have a great day!"
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United States

haha now I went back to to possibly ask them and the website now says delivery in 5 weeks . So either just ran out of stock or the 21st-25th Oct date was always wrong.
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Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-11 19:25
Well if obscure is on the night, in Europe is forbidden to fly after the sunset...If not , is forb ...

I'm surprised you've ever flown.
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Flight distance : 2064587 ft

Danny-B- Posted at 2016-10-10 08:29
Similar thread on PhantomPilots, but why not

Update your first post with the table below ?

you and I in the DJI online store have it pending from what I am getting is that they would launch it on the 15 of this week, major shipment world wide, so we will be getting either our mavic on the following week
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Flight distance : 73514 ft
United Kingdom

Would be nice to know what the cut-off date for the first batch is. I ordered on the 30th from DJI.
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Revs Posted at 2016-10-12 17:24
Would be nice to know what the cut-off date for the first batch is. I ordered on the 30th from DJI.

On the Chinese forums they're saying if you ordered in the first 5 days after launch your in the first batch and can expect delivery before the end of October. Up to 10 days after launch your in the second batch with delivery before the 15th of November and after that delivery before the end of November.
Not from an official DJI representative, so like everything take it with a pinch of salt.
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Flight distance : 73514 ft
United Kingdom

ecarpo@hotmail. Posted at 2016-10-12 10:44
On the Chinese forums they're saying if you ordered in the first 5 days after launch your in the f ...

That's promising, cheers buddy
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Flight distance : 300302 ft
United Kingdom

ordered mine on the 28th Sept. still says pending shipping so will see what happens !
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Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-11 17:18
The rules on the UE are thought , yes in Spain is very strict with fines from 6.000€ to 220.000€ ...

Not much different, and in certain cases less restrictive than Spain.
If you follow the "usual" rules you are fine: don't fly in the cities (neither you can in Europe), don't fly over people (neither you can in Europe), don't fly in the forbidden areas (airports or other designated places where it's strictly forbidden to use flying models, drones, whatever).
So yes, like in Europe, you can fly in open spaces (mountains, remote beaches, etc.) and in designated areas. Can't you fly in Tokyo or Kyoto..? Indeed! Neither you can fly in Madrid or Barcelona!
The phrase is "impossible to fly in [Random Country]" can be applied to any other country in the world, what you can't do in Spain, you can't do in Japan and vice-versa, or as I said.. it's exactly the same even for the remote areas, in example in Japan you cannot fly in Tottori over the dunes, despite the facts that there's no houses or people, and it's the same in Spain in example you cannot fly over the dunes in Maspalomas in the Canary... etc. etc.
Unfortunately the law nowadays restricts the drone usage everywhere in the world (with only few exceptions) and the Japan is no different.
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Khan SW
Flight distance : 32956 ft
United States

incogneito Posted at 2016-10-9 22:16
I ordered mine on october 1st from newegg which was in their marketplace, and coming from Dji. It sa ...

I'm in the same boat as you. Ordered  from Newegg while they were still showing ship date of Oct. 18 with first 50 orders receiving free expedited shipping. The day after ordering I noticed the website now stated a ship date of Oct. 25, needless to say I was a little concerned so I contacted Newegg.

They got in touch with DJI and asked for clarification on the ship dates, this is what DJI sent to me in an email:
Sammy Liu <>
To Oct 9 at 5:06 AM
Dear customer,

Your order will ship out on 10/18.
If you have further question, feel free to ask me.


发件人: []
发送时间: 2016年10月9日 1:19
收件人: Sammy Liu <>;
主题: Order Inquiry- Newegg Marketplace SO # XXXXXXXXX

Hello Marketplace Seller,

We have a customer requesting an order status update. I have included the customer in this email notification and their order details are listed below.

Sales order#XXXXXXXXX

Customer has some concerns involving this order. Customer had it set up as a preorder that stated they item will ship out on 10/18, however, they see now that the order is updated to 10/25. May I ask that you please provide clarification to the customer if the item is shipping out on 10/18 or 10/25, thank you!

Please reply directly to the customer with updates as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Newegg Customer Service

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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

Every time DJI releases a new product it turns into a train wreck.( with the exception of the phantom 4)
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Jorge D
Flight distance : 225827 ft

npole Posted at 2016-10-13 11:45
Not much different, and in certain cases less restrictive than Spain.
If you follow the "usual" ru ...

I'm not agree, here you can see nice videos from English people flying in Mallorca area, and Barcelona  as well, in Japan in some prefectures is forbidden to fly above all the territory, not only on the cities, in the countryside as well,.. As you can imagine the law as in Japan are much restrictive for everything than in EU, just only think on the example that I've tell you about the Police rights to question you during 28 days if they want, or the civic patrols instructing if you can stay on that side or the other of the bus stop... I've been in Japan three times, is a wonderful country to visit, and to enjoy, but seriously not to fly drones, starting from the simple concept of respect to the others and the silence concept, that is very different than Italy or Spain...
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Flight distance : 241371 ft
United Kingdom

Here's my conversation that I've just had online with pre-sale support about my order:


Hi Alex

How may i help you?

I know you get tons of similar requests... but I was wondering if you have any update on the shipping date of my order #XXXXXXX (ordered on DJI on the 29th). I would love to know if I'm in the first batch shipping on the 15th or any later. I'm leaving for a trip on the 25th and I'd like to know if I will get it on time or I should cancel the order...

Please wait a moment. I will check for you.

Awesome! Thanks!

Oh, the shipment of your order will have to wait at the end of this month

Oh... no...
Are u 100% sure?

Since the great demand of this product, i am afraid only the customer ordered on the release date will be able to get the shipment at the Mid Oct

Ok, I see... thank you! I thought I was quick enough
How can I cancel the order then?

You could let us cancel your order

Can you do it or do I have to send an email?

If you confirm to cancel the order, i can cancel it right now

Umh... If it's this easy, I'm going to wait until the 15th... and hope in some miracle


I will get in touch here again on the 15th if I don't see the shipment date still pending
thank you very much... even if you gave me a very bad news

We also hope that we can process the shipment as much as we can, thank you for your kindly understanding

Oh... sorry... one last question. Will any shop get them before those ordered directly on your website?
I was just wondering if I could find it in any store here in UK before the 25th

I am afraid the dealers will get in stock at the Mid November

Ok, thanks!
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United States

Jorge D Posted at 2016-10-13 12:26
I'm not agree, here you can see nice videos from English people flying in Mallorca area, and Barce ...

Like so many things by DJI, I placed my order, they cashed my check (took money from my account) so all is good. I would be happy to see a working Mavic by 12-1-16. Anything earlier would also be great. In the mean time, it's back to the Phantom. When people start getting theirs, it will be interesting to see the after market items appear.
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Flight distance : 1231280 ft

I ordered on the 28th Sep, all the reps said, well we dont even know when the first batch is going to be sent.
Some say that they will be sent out on the 18th Oct , some Mid November.

Just know on the phone they said the first orders will arrive Mid or later November.

So who know, sadly Apple is only selling the drone without the combo.
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Flight distance : 2064587 ft

this is what I got from DJI and if all goes well we will be having the first wave of shipment from DJI online store on the 15 if all goes well so following next week we would have our mavic pro in our hands
Screen Shot 2016-10-14 at 3.54.30 AM.png
Screen Shot 2016-10-14 at 4.02.44 AM.png
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