For ALL users who were bricked by 3.10 (READ HERE)
3726 9 2015-2-3
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United States

Was your phantom bricked by the MC 3.10 update? So was mine! Luckily, I found a way to fix the ERROR 25 without sending it in for repair! Follow this guide and you'll be flying your bird in no time.

Go ahead and completely uninstall Phantom 2 Assistant v. 3.8. After you have done this, go to this link and download the older version, Phantom 2 Assistant 3.6.

Plug in your Phantom 2, and install the older MC update, 3.08. This version has no bugs and is a stable build. After this, you may downgrade any other softwares you want to.

Power cycle your phantom, and you're ready to fly!

TIP: Do NOT upgrade to new firmwares until you see that they are 100% stable. Remember, we are the beta testers.

Happy flying!
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Hong Kong

A way to downgrade the firmware to 3.06 .
Thanks for sharing.
Waiting for the new firmware.................
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United Kingdom

Confirmed in an email from DJI this morning :

"Our R&Ds is fixing the problem on firmware 3.10.
And yes, downgrade the firmware could kill the problem.
Please upgrade the firmware again when firmware 3.10 is renewed. "

But why is F/W 3,10 still available for download ???

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Flight distance : 772959 ft
United States

"TIP: Do NOT upgrade to new firmwares until you see that they are 100% stable. Remember, we are the beta testers."

Thanks for the post.

Question: How can one truly determine that a firmware update is 100% stable when nothing will change with the update in question?  DJI will release future updates (as they always have) and with each one there are postings by people who are claiming to have problems.

Isn't it really just a download, install, and hope for the best?
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United States

If your shit works, DO NOT, NEVER, hook your Phantom to the internet
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-4 22:29
If your shit works, DO NOT, NEVER, hook your Phantom to the internet

Amen! Although, switching to Naza mode kinda forced my hand.  I did all the forced upgrades a few months ago, had complete success with the RC Assistant, switched to Naza, and decided right then that I wouldn't be doing anymore "upgrades." I don't trust upgrades anyway.  I mean, who the hell knows WHAT they might be doing to your Phantom...
Sprint pulls that junk with my flip-phone constantly---I'll grab it to make a call, but it won't let me.  It wants to "upgrade" something.  I'll select "NO"---and then it tells me to wait while it sends a "status report" back to Sprint.  Phone is unusable until report is completed.  What if I was having a heart attack and needed to dial 911?  Sorry, phone is busy sending a status report.  Oh you died? Gee, I guess no one will ever know you tried to call.... (and eventually you have to select "yes" or else the "upgrade" will just keep on coming every day until you die.
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Flight distance : 1854908 ft
United States

Thanks for the news and word of caution.

Man I'm so very sick and tired of DJI's bricking firmware updates. From Phantoms to H3-3D to Inspire 1's imu mishaps... thier quality control department is none existent. Had to return a brand new H3-3D gimbal a month ago after DJI's latest firmware rendered it useless. Even tried the now well known "reset to factor settings with tweezers" a total of eleven times with no luck.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139698 ft
  • >>>

peter.peterfren Posted at 2015-2-4 14:49
Confirmed in an email from DJI this morning :

"Our R&Ds is fixing the problem on firmware 3.10.

"Confirmed in an email from DJI this morning :

"Our R&Ds is fixing the problem on firmware 3.10.
And yes, downgrade the firmware could kill the problem.
Please upgrade the firmware again when firmware 3.10 is renewed. "

I really hope they do not do that. "renew" its confusing enough already without them reissuing an update at the same revison number.

How would you ever know which 3.10 you had?

I really hope this is a gramatical english translation error rather than the process they will use. But given the history, who knows.

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United Kingdom
Offline Posted at 2015-2-4 22:29
If your shit works, DO NOT, NEVER, hook your Phantom to the internet

Good advice.
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