First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Dallasfreak - Ok , the best way to check for a major malfunction is to load the SD card with the latest 1.9 update, then place back in the AirCraft. since it already had 1.9 loaded it will only take a minute or two to give the D-DD finish tone. Now install the SD card back into a PC and look at the Hidden file . If lines 0800 and 1500 say" device not detected " then you have an unreapirable item, the Video module is corrupted and the camera MUST be sent in for repair.
I would start with this , If you dont have this code then we know it is more than likely repairable . This eliminates all the guesswork.
****So just to confirm everything else works normally , takes pics and video , does the normal start up dance etc.....Just NO VIDEO TRANSMISSION
Follow this link if any questions, Not my first rodeo on this question .
let me know
Thread with similar problem :
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE" DEVICE NOT DETECTED " ON 0800 AND 1500 let me know and I will give other suggestions on how to fix it . If it is is then we have saved a lot of diagnostic time .
Question : Did this happen directly after an update ? If YES was the RC transmitter on when updating the Aircraft ?
Below is what the file would look like if corrupted I realize it is the 1.3 update , it gives you the general idea of what file I am referring to and its location , etc. :